Lord of the Truth

Chapter 459 Inner Thoughts

After about a full minute passed Fugon loosened his fist slightly and spoke in a serious tone, "...I ordered what I saw fit, I saw an unfamiliar army and dealt with it as such, so excuse me, I see no reason to apologize to anyone."

"You may be right…" Robin nodded his head a few times and then started to chuckle suddenly, "But I still want a decent apology."

"Or what..?" Fugon furrowed his eyebrows tightly

Robin leaned his back forward slightly and winked his left eye at Fugon, "Let's leave this as a surprise..."


'Father, what are you doing? A while ago you were trying to convince them that we are family, what happened all of a sudden? Don't we need their help to take over the planet? Or did you just want information?' Caesar ignored the bone-crunching sounds of Fugon's fist and quickly sent a message to Robin through his Thoughts Conveying Technique.

'Hehe, And do we need help? You said it yourself, the Golden Battalion alone can destroy this local human army, and I also saw the Space Gate before I came here, work on it will be finished in 7 days at most, after the main body of the army arrives we won't have to worry about anyone in this world! Also, I don't need their information, I could have just captured some of them and done a soul search on them' Robin replies with telepathy too, but this time he sent for Alexander and Jabba too because he knows he's troubled too, 'Can any of you guess what's going on right now?'

'...Do you want to tell them who the boss is, so they can follow you later without asking questions? This way we will have strong allies on this planet.' Jabba replied in an unsure manner

'No no no, Allies? why would I need them to follow me this way? They would only hate me and wait for a chance to regain their proclaimed freedom even if they were living like shit before us, we simply do not need them, so why would I try to get close to them and strengthen them and consider them allies? I am tired of giving face to trash, I am tired of empowering and enriching people only to have them stab me in the back on the first chance, I've been foolish enough to elevate people and make them equal to me when they are actually worthless, but that is enough... Whoever wants to be my ally must be my equal first!'

Robin's message reached the minds of Jabba, Caesar, and Alexander at the same time, they began to look at each other with weird looks and sunken eyebrows.

Robin's words were full of pride and power and at the same time full of great sadness and pain...

' ...Ahem, How about you, Alexander, do you have an explanation for my actions?' Robin continued when he found that his small lecture had suddenly stopped

Alexander raised his eyebrows slightly upon hearing Robin's question specially addressed to him, then looked at Fugon and his daughter who was still silent but clearly raging, just a wrong word from Fugon now could cause a big fight to break out in an instant... 'His Excellency is taking advantage of such a time. to teach us the arts of leadership?'

Alexander focused for a few seconds and then sent through the Thoughts Conveying Technique, '...You just want them to recognize us as a new human tribe'

'haha right! Your years ruling the Wind Empire were not wasted, Alexander.' Robin's smile was clear as he said this.

Alexander shook his head with a half smile, to be praised in such a way by someone who was not even a quarter of his age gave off a very strange impression...

'But I don't understand... If you do not need their power or their information, what can their recognition benefit you with, father?!' Caesar asked quickly

'You'll know soon...' Robin spoke confidently

Caesar or the rest didn't add another word, they just raised their eyes to watch Fugon's movements again, ready to move at any moment if he tried to attack, but this time their gazes turned from confusion to absolute confidence, Robin knew what he was doing and that was enough for them.

3 full minutes later --

"What kind of apology do you mean…" Fugon finally closed his eyes and asked in a low voice

"Father!!" Ellis exclaimed in shock and took two steps forward, but she quickly gripped her spear firmly and returned to her place.

It isn't like she doesn't understand her father, they have seen how strong the Golden Battalion really is with their own eyes, and their leader is now talking about destroying the Tree Father's soul Hoffenheim himself? And that's just what they saw and heard, the strength of this new tribe is still unknown, and it's also clear that they don't care about kinship and these absurdities that their leader Robin said in the beginning

These guys weren't searching for their kin as Robin claimed! They found themselves strong enough to impose their rule wherever they were tough, and they started doing it.

But even knowing this... How can one risk gaining a new powerful enemy when the Tree Father Hoffenheim himself is still on their borders, wanting to destroy their day and night?

The best possible outcome that can be drawn from this conversation is that the demands of the leader of the new tribe are not too exaggerated and that he leaves them be and submit them entirely to his rule.

Until this morning they were pushing back the new tribe's army with great zeal and doing as they pleased, but now they are being threatened in their very own home.

Ellis suddenly felt suffocated... Would this have happened if they had treated Robin's army well from the start and hadn't preferred taking more territory than being hostile to them? Or would this Robin going to try to subdue them anyway? This would never be known now...

"Good, it seems your isolation from the rest of the human tribes hasn't completely lost your common sense." Robin nodded with a smile, "No need to worry, I am not asking for anything big, I just want a public apology from you in front of your tribe that you have wronged us and that we are an allied tribe that you have never heard of, and um.. give my soldiers a few gifts as compensation for the psychological damage you caused them, Maybe a few different weapons, gems, and herbs, or even rocks, anything will do~ It doesn't have to be all very precious, the only condition you need to mind in picking those items is that I DON'T want more than ten copies of the same item, This means that I will be waiting for at least four thousand different kinds of gifts. It's easy, What do you think?"

*Deep Inhale*

"...Alright, we can arrange that," Fugon spoke heavily, but something within him automatically relaxed

"Good!" Robin slapped his thigh, "Now that we are done with this I have a little request."

"...What is it?" Fugon asked in a heavy tone

"No need to take it seriously, it's a simple thing and you probably already figured it out," Robin waved his right hand and then continued, "It's just that you'll stop at this point, you can dig all the trenches you want here and swallow all those lands you already took due to my army's effort, but that's it for you... From this point on it will be the territory of my tribe."

"Wha-!? You… you want to swallow Tree Father Hoffenheim's domination circle all by yourself?!" Ellis shouted

Robin looked at Ellis and spoke with a smile, eyes wide open, "And what's the problem with that, little Miss? Are you delusional enough to think that helped us with anything in this conquest? It was we who ravaged Father Tree Hoffenheim domination circle, killed millions of his buds, endured the power of the lightning attack, and destroyed A large part of the Tree Father's soul itself, and on top of all this we have built a headquarters for us near here, even the battles you got you nose in, my army helped you win... All the land you captured is mine, but I will give it to you as a gift for a new neighbor, and I will take nothing from you for it, but be careful... Every new inch you take from my land will have a heavy price."

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