Lord of the Truth

Chapter 456 World History - 4

"The energy density and the percentage of the laws were different within the domination circle?!" Robin furrowed his eyebrows tightly 

Regardless of the fact that it is illogical to differ in the density of energy in the atmosphere because even if something happens to disturb the energy balance, the lesser density area always draws energy from the higher density areas so that the balance is automatically restored...

The more significant question is how can laws differ within the same planet!?

Fugon nodded, "The Winter Snakes tribe were very shocked by what they found, but they were trained warriors in the end, they didn't let these bizarre phenomena stop them, they continued their mission and indeed managed to conquer a large piece of land from that ancient treant's domination circle, but they were not spared after their victory as the ancient Treant creature was raining attacks on them daily and their numbers shrank rapidly, their happiness with the short victory vanished until they almost fleed back to where they came from, feeling that it was impossible to take a piece of land from a domination circle!"

Then he added, "But gladly that didn't happen, in the last desperate attempt the chief of the Winter Snakes tribe ordered to dig trenches hundreds of meters deep and cut out all the roots of the ancient trent creature from that area, something strange happened... The energy intensity began to return to its former nature and the attacks of the ancient Trent creature that were striking from all sides and sides stopped, the place finally regained its calm! ...The only sad thing is the percentage of the new heavenly laws in that region remained the same even after thousands of years had passed."

Robin opened his eyes wide and started tapping his thigh with his index finger without saying anything...

"...After the Winter Snakes tribe spread the news about what happened to the rest of the human tribes, we all began to anticipate the occurrence of a great battle between two ancient Trent creatures, and then raid the nearest piece of land and dig deep trenches in it, from here the counterattack of humanity began! This process was repeated in the 4th and 5th millennia after the beginning of the Energy Cultivation Era, in this way we were able to regain control of a large part of the world, and the scattered tribes began to merge again when they accidentally met during the cleansing operations." Fugon was proud as he recounted this part, "At the end of the sixth millennium of the Energy Cultivation Era, we humans managed to re-establish control over nearly a third of our world, although there were still many scattered human tribes that could never meet due to the existence of the domination circle us and between them, but we were still communicating with each other in one way or another and coordinating with each other, and with this, we succeeded in killing several ancient Trent creatures until there were only seven of them left!"

"Only seven ancient treant creatures and they ruled two-thirds of the planet at that time? Those must be…" Robin stopped tapping his finger and asked.

"Yeah... They are the Tree Fathers you know." Fugon nodded several times

"They themselves?! You said a while ago that there were more than 40 domination circles, during the first six thousand years, most of them died, whether from killing each other or being killed by humans, that is more than 33 ancient treants killed in just 6000 years, but those seven are still alive today after around 200,000 years!?" Robin asked hurriedly

"Yes, one of the reasons for that is because those were the strongest seven among all the ancient Trent creatures, but the main reason was that they realized at that time that the increasing power of humans would affect even them, so they communicated among themselves and decided to stop fighting between each other until they completely annihilated all the humans, and they called themselves the Tree Fathers!  They even shared their unique techniques among themselves, for example, Tree Father Hoffenheim is the creator of the buds but the rest of the Trees Father can now use it and produce buds as well, of course not as powerful or as numerous as Tree Father Hoffenheim, but it is still an extra weapon in their hands..." 

Fugon spoke with apparent desperation," They also support each other when one of them is about to die. In the tenth millennium of the Energy Cultivation Era, several human tribes allied to attack one of the Tree Fathers and eliminate him to reduce the enemies to only six. And indeed, they succeeded in eating up his domination circle until they approached the Tree Father's main body and were about to kill him, they were so close! ...Except that two Tree Fathers sent reinforcements at the last minute and killed the human warriors, then wiped out the remnants of their tribe and took their land."

"It must have been... a big blow...has the war stopped... since then?" Jabba asked with difficulty

"Yes and no~ Listen carefully, Brother Robin, because the following will answer one of your questions… That battle was a strong warning to both sides, So it stopped for a full twenty thousand years, none of us harassed the other, we are not moving forward and the Tree Fathers also stopped advancing!  That was until Tree Father *Donis* attacked a human tribe and annihilated them... At that point, ten human tribes combined to launch a deterrent attack against that Tree Father, Millions of our youth entered his domination circle of the tree father Denis expecting a fierce war, but suddenly the air disappeared from the domination circle of the tree father Denis for a full five minutes ."

*tac tac tac*

The speed of Robin tapping his thigh increased much more...

"The air… Disappeared?! The air itself?!" Alexander exclaimed in shock, he who practices The Perfect Major Heavenly Law Cultivation Technique of the Wind, can't think of any case where Air Disappeared, How is that even possible? it is one of the most fundamental laws for survival!

Fugon nodded, "The air itself has disappeared, or to be more precise, the ability to breathe no longer exists, our young men fell from suffocation one by one, some died where they stood and some fainted, even those who remained awake were unable to move for the lack of air in their lungs, Then Father Tree Denis sent his buds and his own branches to wipe out the human army, not one person left alive that day… Sigh~ Since then, we have completely stopped attacking and focused on defense no matter what."

"Unfortunately, this did not prevent the Tree Fathers from continuing their attack... Since that day, several battles took place on the border between us and the Seven Tree Fathers. Whenever we entered the control circle of one of them in large numbers, even if for a short distance to push the Tree Father's army back, a strange natural phenomenon occurs and annihilate most or all of the army, Tree Father Kolsay made the ground open and swallowed up most of our men, and Tree Father Hoffenheim sent lightning bolts to strike all flying creatures in the air, things like that~ so we completely stopped at our borders and contented ourselves with deterring attacks, not advancing a single step to the other side of the trenches, even after we were able to use some third-grade minor and major laws!"

"And what happened after that? Does the human race still hold a third of the world's land?" Robin asked

Fugon shook his head disappointedly, "wouldn't that be wonderful?"

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