Lord of the Truth

Chapter 523 Lucky to have you

Chapter 523 Lucky to have you

"Brother Jabba... He..." Zara furrowed her brows and looked down

Robin's heart pounded when he saw that reaction and then he asked with an emotionless face, "Zara, just say it... Is Jabba dead?"

In fact, as soon as he remembered Jabba's appearance that day and asked about him, he was prepared to hear that he had died from his wounds

At that time, all of his blood vessels were destroyed, his bones diminished, and his flesh almost disappeared, turning him into a bile of bones in a bag of skin... Jabba's appearance at that time resembled someone who had been subjected to severe torture for thousands of years, and not someone who had been fighting for half an hour!

"No, of course not! why would you say something so ominous? Brother Jabba is alive, but... I don't know what to say..." Zara waved her hand quickly, then looked back at the ground, then began to eat one of her nails, as if she were thinking seriously.

As for Robin, he closed his eyes for a moment and let out a long sigh when he heard that Jabba was still alive. Even though his relationship with Jabba was not as strong as his relationship with Caesar, for example, he still held an extremely high place in his heart.

"As long as he is alive, nothing else matters. Just tell me what you know and I will arrange events my way." Robin reassured his adopted daughter

"Mmm, okay, I will try. Even though I was not there that day, I will tell you what I heard from the rest... After the battle that day, everyone was busy trying to treat the injured, especially you and Jabba. Your situation was actually much easier, They just carried you and brought you to this tent, and then they started pumping life energy inside your body and treating your external wounds until I arrived the next day, however, Brother Jabba's situation was a little strange..."

"...Brother Jabba remained on his knees, with his eyes and mouth wide open as he looked at the sky with a wandering mind. Everyone thought that this was one of the symptoms of the technique he used and they tried to pick him up and bring him to this tent with you. However, whenever anyone approached to lift Brother Jappa up, He would slightly wave his hand in a wau indicating rejection, or send some energy to sting the hand that was approaching him. Although he did not move a step or change his features, he clearly refused to move from his place, so the youth retreated at that time based on his desire and began sending life energy to his body from afar to support him."

She paused for a few seconds and then added,"...At this point, They thought that he was doing something to treat himself and that it wouldn't be long before brother Jabbe began to cooperate, as he was conscious of his surroundings in the end, but that did not happen. After several days, the first brother Caesar arrived and saw what was happening, even though Brother Jabba was still covered in blood and dirt and his body looked like it was as if he was about to collapse, he was undoubtedly still conscious and didn't want to be moved, so Brother Caesar ordered that a tent be built around Jabba and not be disturbed again until he decided to move, and three Sages from the Life Corps were appointed to accompany Jabba in the tent and supervise his physical needs from afar without disturbing him."

Robin nodded a few times, "If I were Caesar, I would do the same. Jabba is not dumb to know what is good for him. As long as he does not want to move, his will must be respected. So, What happened next?"

"Brother Jabba remained in this strange state for an additional two months, then one day he suddenly got up and went out and took a bath, then ate a large feast with the officers of the Sixth Legion, and came to check on you."

Robin raised his eyebrows and spoke with a smile, "That's perfect! Why were you hesitating to tell me then?" Robin was very happy right now, after Zara's introduction at first he was ready to hear that his disciple had died or completely lost his mind.

"Um, I was hesitant for two reasons. The first is that after he visited you that day, he returned to his tent and did not leave after that."

"...He hasn't left his tent in about 20 months?" Robin narrowed his eyebrows slightly, this was indeed a cause for concern

"Indeed, he asked the Sages of the Life Corps to leave so that he could be completely alone, and currently we only know that he is still in the tent through the dishes that come out of his tent empty after they enter full." Zara nodded. General Jabba's condition was a cause for confusion and concern among everyone, especially among the Sixth Legion. Some even resembled what he did to what their Emperor did sometimes!

"What is the second reason?" Robin tapped his chin and asked

"The second reason... His appearance when he came out that day was..." Zara seemed like she was trying to choose her words very carefully

"What was it?" Robin frowed his eyebrows, was he still red like a demon or something?!

"...Maybe you should see it for yourself. Explaining won't help." Zara shook her head, "Should I summon him for you? When he knows you are up he will definitely leave his seclosion"

"There's no need, He might be something important in there. I'll go visit him." Robin spoke, then stood up with difficulty and leaned on Zara

Robin paused for a moment a step before the door of the tent, "I know that showing gratitude between family members is unnecessary, but thank you... I know that the past two years have not been easy for you."

"What are you saying, Dad? You are always in seclusion or traveling, and I rarely see you. Staying by your side for two full years was a dream come true and not a burden at all, hehe." Zara's face warmed slightly and she hugged Robin's arm that was holding him tighter

When Robin heard Zara's words, he let out a long sigh and kissed Zara's forehead gently, "...Fate has not been kind to me since I decided to take this path, but it compensated me with all my luck in one fell swoop when it chose you to be my daughter."

Zara did not say anything else after Robin's words, she just raised her head and looked at me with eyes filled with a layer of tears and a satisfied smile... What would two years of effort be in exchange for hearing that one sentence?

Right after Robin left the tent, he found a few sages in full golden armor bowing before him, grinning. Then he saw a sea of men and women of the Sixth Legion cheering towards him. The rumor of their Emperor's rise had already spread throughout the camp, but seeing him walking among them had another weight. This was the person who saved their lives with a few waves of his legendary black spear!

Robin continued on his way, leaning on Zara with one hand and waving to the members of the Sixth Legion with the other hand until he reached another tent that was not far away, a tent that was set up in the same spot where General Jabba had the Warlord almost crushed.

Robin stood for a few more seconds in front of the tent, preparing himself psychologically for what he was about to see, then finally he raised his hand from Zara and patted her to wait for him outside, then took a step forward...

As soon as Robin entered, his eyes fell on a human young man who appeared to be in his twenties. The young man had long hair braided in the middle of his head and had shaved hair on both sides. His skin was not too dark or too white, and there was a tattoo extending along his neck, He was tall for a human male, but if he stood among the Sixth Legion, he wouldn't stand out among them

His body was not too thin or muscular, but rather he looked well-balanced and pleasing to the eye. The young man was sitting on the ground in a meditative position and looking with eyes glowing green at his palm, which was dripping with blood on the floor of the tent.

"...Jabba is that you?"

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