Lord of the Truth

Chapter 521 Soul World

Chapter 521 Soul World

'What the...?!' Robin looked around like a madman, observing the changes that were still occurring in his Soul Domain

Then finally he raised his tiny hands and began to turn it over as if he was seeing it for the first time, 'This is my primal soul. All the soul force that I had collected since I was born was transformed to form this world within my Soul Domain and left the primal soul to be completely naked, but... Why do I feel that my bare primal soul is now much stronger than my full soul force before the incident? What exactly happened?!'

After an unknown period of time, Robin forced himself to move and finally landed on the newly found ground of his Soul Domain that took shape Shortly after his spiritual body exploded... A few moments ago the Soul Domain was a completely featureless milky white sphere with no ceiling or ground in sight, but now the situation is different.

Then he extended his hand towards the ground and took a handful of dirt and began to examine it. After a few minutes, he furrowed his eyebrows slightly, 'This is pure Soul Force..'

Then he walked towards the lake and examined the water, and towards the forest and examined its fruits, and every time he found the same expected result... Everything in this bizarre soul world was made of pure Soul Force!

'Theoretically, I can absorb everything here to cover my primal soul with soul force once more. Doesn't this mean that I will gain the same Soul Force as before and my Soul Domain will return to its original state? What was the point of all this then?' Robin looked around in wonder

'...There is no need to absorb that energy again for now. For some reason, I feel that my soul force is much stronger than before. I will leave it like this until I need it one day. As long as it is in my soul Domain, it will not go anywhere any way.'

Robin showed a big smile as he looked around, this unique world in his view now became a reserve of soul domain ready to be consumed in case he needed urgent treatment.

At least that's all this new world represents now until he finds a real use later, it is unreasonable that such a magnificent soul world would only be useful in treating soul wounds, there has to be some kind of usage he doesn't know yet.

Then he finally turned his gaze to the only thing that stayed the same within his soul domain, the dark thundercloud containing the power of Hoffenheim, and began to advance towards it again...

The cloud was now approximately 20% of its main size, but nevertheless, it still covered a significant portion of the Soul Domain, and it seemed as if it was ready to destroy this newly found soul world at any moment.

Why would he absorb his own soul force again if this intruding dark thundercloud was still there? He managed to absorb 80% during the years of his seclusion. He will probably need more than a year of complete seclusion to absorb the rest, and when he is finished with it, his soul body will return to being gigantic again, and even if it does not reach its previous height, it will not be very far!

Robin raised his hands slightly and gave the order, many mini vortexes began to emerge from the cloud again and connect with his chuppy soul body, ready to transform the power of that dark thundercloud to be his own once more, but something strange happened this time., '...Hah?'


The dark cloud began to diminish at a tremendous speed

20%... 15%... 10%... 5%..!!

This wasn't a precise long-term absorption method anymore, it looked like a whale opening its mouth to swallow a small bucket of water!

In the blink of an eye, the massive dark thundercloud disappeared from sight.

Even after the dark cloud thundercloud, Robin continued to look at where is was with his mouth open. Everything happened so quickly that he did not have enough time to stop the process even if he wanted to.

Once again, he started turning his hands and feet around and looked at them to find the changes that had occurred to his soul body, but there was no significant change. The same chuppy silver soul body was still there, or perhaps it had increased in length by a few millimeters this time...

It is worth noting that the trees in Soul Domain became taller, the lake became wider, and even the mountains soared in height!

Robin continued to look around him as if he were a stranger in a foreign land. Everything that was happening was abnormal to him. No one on any planet he went to had ever experienced anything like this. At least nothing like this was mentioned in any manuscript.

Of course, the existence of the Soul Domain itself was unknown to him until he clashed with Hoffenheim, but he had entered the Hoffenheim Soul Dmoan before and found nothing close to that!

'...One more thing to investigate.' Robin finally sighed and shook his head, the burden had become too heavy.

Although he had not kept tracking of time and had completely surrendered to the Soul Filling Technique since he entered the Soul Domain, it had certainly been several months since he fainted. Every passing day brought him closer and closer to the Nihari War, the fateful war in which he would fulfill his promise, the war in which he had to save his son, the war for which he prepared nothing worthy yet!

If he made a list of things that he had to spend time researching in order to increase the power of the True Begining Empire as quickly as possible, this list would not end, so he would have to choose a few things from it and leave the rest aside until he had some free time. of course he has to survive the war and had free time in the first place...

After one last look around, Robin gave a long sigh then closed his eyes and decided to leave the Soul Domain. The mystery here would have to continue until fate allowed it.

Immediately after Robin's consciousness left the Soul Domain, he returned to control of his body and tried to move. The difference was that this time he finally succeeded.


"Dad, You are awake?!"


Zara helped her adoptive father sit down and finally brought him some real food and drink and began feeding him, which aroused the curiosity of the guards outside.

When they confirmed from Zara that His Excellency had finally awakened, news began to spread quickly that His Excellency had finally opened his eyes, spreading a wave of celebration and anticipation at the same time throughout Planet Greenland.

As for Robin, he spent the first few hours looking like he was trying to get used to his body again, and even he himself was surprised and asked Zara, "Arghh... Why do I feel like I've been sleeping for years?"

"Because that's exactly what happened. You have been in this state for two years now." Zara shook her head gently and answered, but her features could not hide some concern

"Two years?! What happened to the war?!"

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