Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 40: 9 3/4 Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 40: 9 3/4 Chamber of Secrets

"Lord Lord, you are here."

When he got closer, he saw the old half-elf patriarch Chuan Gu, with a wrinkled face, showing a look of fear and happiness, pointing not far away and said: "Fortunately, the warehouses in the clan are all built outside the village. , was not affected by the fire.

Otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable. "

With one hand blocking the slightly dazzling sunlight overhead, looking in the direction of Kawagu's finger, Lei Xiao found out.

In the middle of a large expanse of vigorous farmland and the fenced farm, there is a row of wooden square buildings.

It seems that there is the location of the warehouse of the half-elf family.

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao narrowed his eyes and continued to look around. After the flames were extinguished, the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated, and the original appearance of the barrier had completely returned to normal.

I saw that under the sun, one big and one small, the mountains and rivers and trees in the distance were lush and lush, and the farmland and rivers nearby were gurgling.

Everything is almost the same as the outside world, except that there are no traces of monsters.

This had to make Lei Xiao start to wonder how vast this barrier would be.

Immediately, he casually threw this question to Kawagu.

"Lord Lord, the area of this barrier is about 10 square kilometers. Even the alternation of day and night is completely synchronized with the outside world."

With a slight smile, Chuan Gu's folded old face showed a hint of pride, and replied: "As for the mountains and rivers in the distance, it is not an illusion, but a real mirror image of the outside world.

Back then, in order to open up this enchantment space, he lived in seclusion.

The ancestor of our clan spent almost his entire life to finally complete this initiative. "

"My dear, there are 10 square kilometers? That's close to the size of 1,400 standard football fields."

While amazed in his heart, Lei Xiao lifted his spirits, seemingly inadvertently, he asked some questions about crops again, and was delighted to find out.

It turned out that the planting techniques of crops were all learned hundreds of years ago by the half-elves of the Yuebai clan from another elf clan.

These crops are not only high-yield, but also have a short maturity period and taste very good.

Just as Lei Xiao planned, if it is planted on a large scale and used as a food supply for the troops, it would be perfect.

However, after pondering for a while, Lei Xiao did not immediately put this idea into action to let Kawagu and others know.

There is no doubt that everything here is currently in vain. It is obviously out of time to issue such an order now, and it is likely to reduce the degree of surrender of the half-elf.

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, he saw another mysterious expression on Chuan Gu's old face, and said flatteringly, "Lord Lord, if there are no other instructions for the time being, then please move. Step, old man, I will give you the sacred relic of my Yuebai clan."

Seeing that Chuan Gu was so active, Lei Xiao nodded in admiration, this old half-elf is very good at doing things.

In this way, following in the footsteps of Kawagu, in the village that has almost been set on fire, all the way forward.

After a while, the group returned to the arched stone house in the central area.

The second time he walked into this huge stone house, Lei Xiao noticed.

At this time, the half-orc's body had been completely cleaned up, only the blood on the ground was a little shocking.

On the other side, with the help of the half-elf girl Bai Zhi, the trembling Chuan Gu went straight to a stone wall, then turned around and said, "Lord Lord, please come with me."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao's face couldn't help showing a slightly puzzled look.

This place belongs to the same wall as the hole punched by the knotweed just now, and the other side is the outside. Obviously, there can be no hidden space like a secret room.

However, before he could continue to think about it, he saw two half-elves, one old and one young, without hesitation, slammed into the stone wall head-on.

In the next second, he immediately disappeared in place.

Lei Xiao was stunned for a moment, but Lei Xiao immediately reacted.

"My dear, this should be a secret room in a space, right?

Looking at the action of entering the door, I'm afraid it's called the nine and three-quarters secret room? "

Reluctantly smiled, Lei Xiao followed the way Chuangu had just entered, with his knotweed, Nanxing Nanyue, and Chaoyan, who looked like a curious baby along the way, also bumped in one after another.

Stepping into the space, Lei Xiao found out.

As expected, this place really belongs to a special space.

"If the orc shaman was still alive and knew what he was looking for, it was right under his nose, and he would probably be so angry that he would use his staff as a molar stick."

Lei Xiao pouted and looked around.

The inside of this secret room is the same as the outside, it is also an all-stone structure, and the area is quite spacious.

Because there are no windows, the surrounding light is very dim, UU reading www.uukanshu. There are only a few oil lamps embedded in the wall, which are burning on and off, and it seems that they may go out at any time.

"I have to say, this environment is a bit like a martial arts TV series."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao stepped on some loose stone bricks, and led the four subordinates to the location where Chuan Gu and Bai Zhi were not far away.

I saw that in front of the two of them, there was a half-human-high bright and clean bluestone platform on which was placed a richly decorated golden box.

Roughly estimated, this box is at least one meter long and half a meter wide. It is very similar to the high-level treasure box obtained after defeating the boss in the game.

"Golden legend! This huge volume, this huge capacity, I don't know what kind of treasure is inside?"

Seeing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Report to the lord, the sacred relics of my Yuebai clan are among them."

On the other side, Chuan Gu, the old half-elf on the side, bowed respectfully and said, "However, this sacred object was left by the ancestors of our clan, and many restrictions were set on the box. Only the half-elf clansmen with the same bloodline can open it. Traps are not triggered.

Therefore, Lord Lord, please allow the old man to open it on your behalf. "

"It's hard work." Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao took a step back.

At the same time, except for the still-faced knotweed.

Nan Xing and Nan Yue also joined the ranks of curious babies. Together with Chao Yan, they showed a curious look, and they all watched from the side.

Next, there was a solemn look on Chuan Gu's old face, and he gestured to Bai Zhi who was beside him, and also leaned to the side.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, stretched out a pair of old hands, and slowly opened the golden box in front of him.

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