Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 27: The broken magic barrier

Chapter 27: The broken magic barrier

Not far away, I saw the orc shaman holding a high staff, gesturing something in the air, and his voice gradually changed from low to high, speaking some obscure words that people could not understand at all.

At first glance, it looks like the annual winner of the Human Confusion Award.

After a long while, Lei Xiao reacted.

Good guy, it turns out that the other party is chanting a spell.

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, the orc shaman's staff suddenly emitted a short and dazzling bright light, just like the flashing light of a mobile phone, which was extremely dazzling in the dark night.

Being caught off guard, Lei Xiao's brain was buzzing, and he could not wait to pull out a 40-meter long sword and shoot the opponent directly in the head.

After a while, when the light dissipated, Lei Xiao, who still had some eyes of gold stars, could clearly feel it.

In the air, an extremely violent new energy appeared, and it was colliding violently with the wonderful energy at the beginning, causing waves of looming energy waves.

Undoubtedly, an invisible magic contest began like this.

"Lord Lord, that half-orc shaman has found the entrance to the mysterious enchantment, and is trying to find a way to break through the magic barrier sealed at the entrance." Seeing this, the knotweed explained in a low voice.

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao lowered his voice and said, "Huzhang, do you think the other party can successfully open the entrance to the barrier?"

"Go back to the lord, the subordinates don't think it's a big problem."

Huzhang pondered for a moment, and whispered to Lei Xiao: "When the opponent cast a spell just now, his subordinates have noticed that this commander is not an ordinary third-order powerhouse, but is in a third-order peak state.

His own strength is far higher than that of ordinary third-order powerhouses. This is evident from his lightning method of quickly finding the entrance to the enchantment.

In addition, this enchantment is already very old, and its magic power is not as good as before, which increases the possibility of being broken.

The most important thing is that since the other party can lead thousands of people to come here late at night, it means that he must have a solid foundation in his heart, otherwise, it would be impossible to mobilize the crowd like this. "

"The analysis is very thorough, Huzhang, you definitely have the potential to become a general."

Standing on tiptoe, he patted the other party's broad shoulder, Lei Xiao smiled and said, "When we develop in the future, I will definitely entrust you to lead an army larger than this."

"Lord Xie!" Hearing this, Hu Zhang's expression was overjoyed, and he lowered his body and prepared to give a big gift, but was quickly stopped by Lei Xiao.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but from the beginning, Lei Xiao felt that the tree trunk under his feet was a little wobbly.

On the other side, just as the knotweed had guessed, it didn't take long for that extremely violent energy to completely suppress the wonderful energy.

Suddenly, with a crisp shattering sound like glass falling to the ground, Lei Xiao was surprised to find out.

Under the cold moon, in the center of the forest clearing, a space crack that was several meters long was forcibly torn open, and it was still expanding outwards.

In an instant, at the same time as the wind was blowing, a large chaotic vortex like a giant movie screen quickly formed, causing the surrounding scenery to be distorted.

"Lord Lord, the magical barrier of the enchantment has been completely broken!" Seeing this scene, the knotweed, whose hair was swept up by the turbulent current, whispered again.

At the same time, he firmly grasped the tree trunk beside him to stabilize his body. Lei Xiao could clearly feel that the protective energy of the knotweed started to grow thicker, and even his own body was covered with a thick layer.

At this moment, without warning, a mutation occurred.

I saw that in the chaotic space crack, a strong light suddenly appeared, and hundreds of golden lights flashed out, roaring and blasting towards the orc shaman.

Obviously, the creature in the enchantment, or some kind of defense mechanism, attacked first.

Clang clang clang!

However, the tall guards around the shaman were already prepared, and they had formed an airtight shield formation, blocking most of the attacks.

However, there was still a part of the bright light, but it went straight through the shaman and guards in front, and rushed towards the ordinary first-order soldiers in the back row.

In an instant, a bright light entered the body, pierced through, and burst out a cloud of blood.

Along with howling and screaming, the half-orc soldiers in the back row fell one after another, and even the heavily armored shield soldiers in the front were not spared.

For a while, the **** aura spread out in all directions, and Lei Xiao on the tree was shocking. He felt that the meat skewers just now seemed to be a little too much...

On the other side, the scene suddenly became a little chaotic.

Above the open space, the orc shaman roared, and the gap opened in the back row immediately returned to its original state.



Immediately afterwards, under the orders of the Orc Shaman, the archers in the outermost circle drew their bows and arrows together, and a large number of arrows fell from the sky and shot into the cracks at high speed.

After a moment of dead silence, crimson liquid began to flow out of the crack, and it seemed that the counterattack had worked.

In the next second, the wooden staff in the hands of the orc shaman was full of green light, as if he was holding an oversized laser pen, and shot out a dazzling ray that was so green that people panicked. dry.

Immediately, under the protection of the second-order personal guards, UU Kanshu bore the brunt, leading the army to swarm up, rushing in, all rushing into the barrier.

Since all of this happened between lightning and flint, by the time Lei Xiao reacted, the entire forest had already returned to silence.

Even the entrance to the barrier that was broken has completely disappeared.

If it weren't for the dozens of corpses scattered all over the ground and the scorch marks from the forgiveness ray, it would be hard for anyone to believe that a deadly space-to-air duel had just happened here.

"Lord Lord, the breath of these half-orcs has completely disappeared. It is confirmed that they have all entered the barrier." Just as Lei Xiao was still reminiscing about the scenes just now, the tiger stick on the side spoke first.

At the same time, two phantoms fell one after another, and the periphery, Nanxing and Nanyue also reappeared in front of Lei Xiao.

Under the darkness of the night, they were both dressed in black outfits and with short hair, almost blending into the surroundings.

"Reporting to the lord, the corpse below has not been found alive." Nan Xing took a step forward and clasped his fist sassily.

"Everyone has worked hard." Wei Wei calmed down, feeling the tree trunk under his feet, Lei Xiao, who was already crumbling, first motioned Nanxing Nanyue to stand on the other branches, and then said.

Obediently stood on the side, the twin sisters were stunned for a while, only then did the lord realize that he seemed to dislike their weight.

"Lord Lord, it seems that the entrance to the barrier has been closed again, what should we do next?" On the other side, the knotweed, who obviously did not notice this detail, asked again.

Hearing this, Lei Xiaolue pondered, thinking about the next step in his heart.

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