Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1194: An unexpected crisis

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On the **** and dark battlefield, looking at the slowly moving behemoths, Hui Lao, Yoniel, Hong Ye and other strong men who understood the characteristics of devouring slimes slowed down their movements.

As an ancient monster that should have been extinct in the blank era, swallowing slimes is an extremely special and dangerous kind.

Although its attack power is weak and its movement is slow, it is difficult to pose a direct threat to experienced warriors, but as its name suggests, it has the characteristic of being a glutton for eating whatever it sees.

As it swallows more and more things, its body will become larger and more durable.

Moreover, once the critical point of devouring is reached, a shocking explosion will occur. Its power is comparable to the full force of a fifth-level peak or even a half-step sixth-level expert, which is enough to instantly level a small town to the ground.

At that time, it was precisely because a devouring slime was secretly put into the underground wine cellar of Blue Cold Castle by the strong men of the Black Abyss Brotherhood that it almost reduced the Rose Marquis and the entire city lord's palace to ashes, until Lei Xiao and his party The appearance of people.

"Compared with the devouring slime in the Blue Cold Castle wine cellar, these bodies are obviously larger, and they are only one step away from the critical point of explosion."

The flames on Hong Ye's slender fingertips extinguished, and her eyebrows were furrowed as she observed every move of her new enemy.

At that time, although she finally reduced the terrifying monster that had not yet reached its critical point to ashes, facing these larger devouring slimes, even she could not destroy them.

The most important thing is that if we blindly carry out concentrated fire attacks, even if we can destroy the opponent, we will not be able to

It will also detonate the opponent in advance, and the result will naturally be self-evident.

"There are dozens of these devouring slimes. If they are detonated in such a narrow space, not only our strong men will be wiped out, but even the sixth-level strong men may not be able to escape."

Hong Ye thought about this in her heart, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her fair forehead.

This undoubtedly means that we are only one step away from destruction.

At the front of the team, Hui Lao and Yoniel naturally thought of this immediately.

With their strength, although they can easily kill these devouring slimes, they cannot prevent them from self-destructing. Once the explosion causes a chain reaction, they will be in an extremely dangerous situation.

"No wonder that mysterious existence deployed such a monster trap. It turns out that the real danger comes from these devouring slimes!"

Looking at the squirming giants in front of him, Hui Lao was astonished and at the same time, a look of solemnity suddenly appeared on his face.

If he had been too carried away when he killed other monsters just now and injured these devouring slimes, then the situation would be extremely bad, and it would not be impossible to even die here directly.

The most important thing is that once we all die here, the entire precarious human world will be turned into nutrients for that mysterious existence.

On the other side of the gray old man, Yoniel's wrinkled face had the same awe-inspiring expression.

His wind blade just now almost penetrated a Devouring Slime in the shadows. If it weren't for the fact that as a great wind mage who had entered the sixth level of the palace, he could already retract and release spells freely.

It will cause a catastrophe.

While feeling frightened in their hearts, Hong Ye, Hui Lao and Yoniel almost immediately shouted to the people around them: "Don't attack those giant slimes. At the same time, the fire magicians must be on the front line." Instantly burn the corpse of the dead monster into nothingness!"

After saying that, the vast magic power around Hong Ye surged and he began to cast a fire storm.

As the rotating flames swept across the sky and the earth, and the scorching air waves rose, the slain monsters, including the neatly broken pieces, quickly turned into black smoke after another, until they completely disappeared.

The reason why Hong Ye did this was naturally to prevent the Devouring Slime from devouring the corpses of these monsters.

Once one of the slimes reaches the critical point and causes a shocking explosion, we will be equally doomed.

After hearing the urgent shouts of Hong Ye and others, most of the other strong men on our side immediately adjusted their formations and began to execute according to the new goals, although they did not know the specific reasons.

Not long after, with the tacit cooperation of our strong men, all the mutated monsters except for the Devouring Slime were completely evaporated, leaving only the slowly crawling behemoths still in the **** space. Wandering around.

Under the protection of our sixth-level powerhouses and many fifth-level powerhouses, these weak devouring slimes, although they did not take the initiative to attack us, were still eager to attack us, obviously following the instinct of gluttony. Next, trying to find our loopholes.

Upon seeing this, Hui Lao, Yoniel and others frowned, thinking in their hearts how to deal with these behemoths.

At this time, Lei Xiao's tall figure, Bing Lao and Lorenz had reappeared in front of everyone.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. I already know everything. The exit is over there. Don't worry about these behemoths for now."

Lei Xiao waved his hand, nodded to the powerful men and said, "Everyone, please follow me."

Under Lei Xiao's guidance, everyone calmed down and shot towards the depths of the underground square.

In the blink of an eye, a giant city gate appeared in front of everyone.

I saw that this place was also covered with ashes and ice slag, and was filled with the smell of blood and the strong body odor of monsters. It seemed that Lei Xiao and the others had a fierce battle here not long ago.

Time goes back some time ago, when Lei Xiao and the others first came here, the giant city gate here was originally hidden by illusion.

Fortunately, Xiao Huan stayed by Lei Xiao's side, and finally cracked the hidden illusion and revealed the door to everyone.

"This gate can be opened even if you are old, but given the lessons learned just now, please be careful when dealing with it."

Lorenz nodded to everyone and quickly came to the giant door.

The old bishop first took a deep breath, then swirled a wave of sacred and warm energy, which surged out from his skinny body.

As the dazzling golden light completely enveloped the facade, the closed door slowly opened.

This time, the door just opened a gap, and a huge, squirming creature appeared in front of everyone.

It was a swallowing slime that blocked the passage tightly.

This is not over yet, through its translucent body, you can also

to see.

Behind this Devouring Slime, there are other Devouring Slimes crowded together, like roadblocks, completely blocking our way.

Looking up at these behemoths that were ten stories high, our strong men couldn't help but frowned.

These guys can't be beaten, and they are so heavy that they can't be easily moved. Doesn't this put us in a dilemma?

The most important thing is that behind us, there are a large number of the same behemoths staring covetously.

Just when everyone was frowning, the Devouring Slime in front of them seemed to be frightened, and suddenly burst out with a shrill scream.

Then, a breathtaking scene happened.

I saw the Devouring Slimes in the rear who had not launched an offensive against us, as if they had been stimulated by some kind of stimulus. While howling in the same way, they crazily approached us together, causing the surroundings to be instantly killed. The meaning is permeated.

For a moment, these behemoths with a height of ten stories were like giant moving peaks, and they began to squirm towards us at a very fast speed, leaving behind a layer of sizzling and smoking mucus.

Looking at the sudden scene in front of them, although most of the powerful people present heard Slime's cry for the first time, now was obviously not the time to be surprised.

The terrifying aura of dozens of giant peaks crushing down on her made even a newly promoted fifth-level powerhouse like Cecilia feel a little weak in her legs.

The most important thing is that these devouring slimes have erupted with strong killing intent, even if

The attack power is weak and can easily crush us.

But we can't attack

Attacking these guys will undoubtedly put us in a desperate situation from a dilemma.

"Oops, the one stuck in the tunnel is just the leader of the slimes!"

Hong Ye reacted first and blurted out: "The leader thought he was threatened, so he summoned other slimes to come for support!"

After hearing Hong Ye's words, everyone took further notice.

The surface of the giant slime in front of me does have a touch of blue more than other ordinary slimes of its kind, and it looks quite special.

"What a vicious arrangement."

Hui Lao quickly understood the current situation and frowned: "This is forcing us to have a head-on confrontation with Devouring Slime."

"But once an explosion occurs, it will be difficult even for us to stop it."

Yoniel froze his gray eyebrows and agreed.

If he was forced to do so, with his strength, it would not be a big problem to use an energy barrier to wrap around a slime-devouring explosion. At most, it would consume a lot of magic power.

But there were at least dozens of slimes in front of him. With such a huge number, even if he, Hui Lao and Bing Lao exhausted their magic power, they could not prevent all the devouring slimes from exploding.

As for the other fifth-level powerhouses, including Louise and Diana, two half-step sixth-level powerhouses, I am afraid that not even one can be completely stopped. Once the explosion affects other slimes, the situation will be irreversible. .

After all, a single explosion that swallows a slime is easily comparable to a full-strength strike from a peak fifth-level or even half-step sixth-level expert who exhausts his energy. This shows how ordinary it is.

What's more, if they, the main strong ones, exhaust their strength here

, how to deal with that mysterious existence with unknown strength in a while?

Looking at the devouring slimes that were rapidly approaching, not only Hui Lao and Yoniel, but even Bing Lao had a solemn expression on his face for a moment, trying his best to find countermeasures in his mind.

"Old sir, how about using those giant ice gates to block them?"

Catherine's starry eyes lit up and she blurted out to Bing Lao.

"Devouring slimes can also devour magical creations. Casting this spell will not only fail to stop them, but will be swallowed up by them and will only accelerate their expansion."

Bing Lao shook his head helplessly and denied Catherine's words.

Hearing the sound, Yoniel and Hui Lao also nodded. If obstacles could be used to stop these guys from moving forward, everything would undoubtedly be much easier. "

"Sir, if this little girl tries her best, she can use the confinement barrier to stop at least two, no, three giant slimes from exploding!"

Xiaojie bit her red lips, and her nervous voice also sounded: "It's a pity that the time is too short. If you give the little girl half a day, you can deploy a special confinement barrier that can supply energy to all our members."

Facing the giant slime group that was getting closer and closer, they noticed that the main strong men were at their wits' end. The other strong men on our side couldn't help but clenched their weapons, preparing to fight to the death.

At this moment, Lei Xiao first touched Xiaojie's head with a smile, and then said seriously: "Don't panic, I have a way to keep these devouring slimes away."

After that, Lei Xiao waved his hand, and another group of huge figures emerged, forming a semicircular square array.

, protecting everyone on our side.

Seeing Lei Xiao's sudden big move, everyone in the bookstore looked attentively in surprise.

These huge figures protecting us in the center are almost as tall as those giant slimes. They are covered with thick, frosted black scales and look extremely difficult to shake.

Coupled with the thick and powerful limbs, the huge wings that converge behind the back, and the rich metallic luster shining all over their bodies, the true identity of these huge figures is self-evident. It is Lei Xiao who came from the Wing Human Tribe boundary area. The black all-metal dragon alchemy puppet obtained!


At that time, a total of 20 fifth-level metal dragons were as powerful as a rainbow. The strong men on our side who had never seen such momentum were dumbfounded.

After all, as the villains that often appear in various legends, dragons are notorious in the human world. This is also the case in history. From time to time, evil dragons will burn everything.

This is true for one dragon, let alone 20 metal dragons when Lei Xiao takes action? This seems to be beyond the understanding of most of our strong men!

Among the shocked crowd, even Yoniel and Gray Lao could not help but widen their eyes, unable to believe their own eyes.

They are well-informed and naturally know the gold content of alchemy puppets of this scale. Just one of them is enough to control a country, let alone 20 of them?

It is no exaggeration to say that not even the Mercenary Guild and the Alchemist Guild combined can come up with such a shockingly large sum!

"I have to say, this young man from another world can always surprise people."

Just two

The top human race expert was shocked at the same time.

The besieging giant slimes were so powerful that they were already screaming and pounced on the metal dragons that had been formed.

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