Longevity Begins with Marrying a Wife

Chapter 509: Break into the valley

Chapter 509 Breaking into the Valley

Seventy years have passed in the blink of an eye.

As expected, the plants and flowers in the valley changed and began to wither and decay. In less than half a month, a large number of flowers and plants decayed. After another half month, the entire valley became bare.

When Anji, Qi, Yu and other immortals saw this, they couldn't help but look happy.

 Sure enough.

 This formation has a period of decline.

“Everyone, the weak period only lasts for one year. Should we wait for the next weak period, or should we enter the valley now and look for that glimmer of hope?”

Antarctic Immortal Lord looked around and asked.

The Ice Immortal Lord hesitated and said: "I think it's better to wait a little longer and test the power of the valley poison first. Once we know the specific power, we can respond in time if there is an emergency."

Yue Xianzun nodded, "Yes, it would be unwise to rush in now. Once we encounter danger, we will easily fall."

 The other immortals thought about it and agreed with this statement. After all, the valley was different from the dangers they encountered before. There was a powerful Tao formation inside. Even if the emperor came, he would be in danger of death, let alone them.

  Although no one is timid and cowardly if they live to the level of Immortal Lord, no one wants to die without value.

 See this.

The Antarctic Immortal Lord then said: "Okay, in that case, let's first detect the power of the toxins in the valley's weakening stage to see if we can enter it, and then come out in time."

  When testing the human race, dragon tribe, and wind tribe.

The alien Immortal Lord was not idle either. Although the Monster Clan, Spirit Clan and other ethnic groups did not know what the valley was, the Realm Clan and Stone Clan and other special ethnic groups knew it, so they quickly learned from the Emperor that the valley was Wanhe expands the Heavenly Dao Formation, and there will be a period of weakness every hundred years.


 They also learned from a special group of people that the owner of the wooden house in this valley was a powerful being that surpassed the Emperor.

 This made the foreign immortals very excited.

Emperor Zun is already at the pinnacle of the realm of immortality. What a stalwart and powerful person they are who surpasses Emperor Zun. Once they get the opportunity, the entire realm of immortality will crawl at their feet.

So compared to the human race, the alien immortals made more noise in the investigation.

Shen Ping couldn't help but express doubts, "Senior Antarctic, judging from the actions of the aliens, they seem to know about the period of decline."

 He can know because he has the weapon spirit of Jie Haifeng.

Even Emperor Tianhong doesn’t know the specific information about the Wanhe Yantian Dao Formation.

The Antarctic Immortal Lord pondered, "It should be special ethnic groups such as the Realm Clan and the Stone Clan. Their understanding of the sea of ​​realms and the Immortal Dao territory far exceeds that of our human race and other ethnic groups. Special ethnic groups have existed since ancient times and have continued to Now, it is the oldest, and they probably know even the origins of the Gate of Strange Beasts and the Jiehai Peak.”

As he spoke, he looked at Shen Ping, "Last time in the Ascension Passage, the Stone Clan and other emperors attacked you. They must have felt that you threatened their tribe, so you have to be careful. Special tribes are not easy to mess with. Although they I rarely come to the Immortal Realm, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have strength in the Immortal Realm.”

Shen Ping felt a chill in his heart. He secretly thought that the special group might be taking action because of Jie Haifeng's authority. Only this kind of thing could cause Emperor Zun to take action.

"By the way, recently I saw that Yao and Luan Xianzun from the Feng Clan were close to you, and judging from their expressions, they didn't seem to have good intentions. Tell me what's going on. If there is any grudge, I can Make some adjustments."

Nanji Immortal smiled and said, "Yao Immortal is the fastest among our human immortals to understand the great ways of heaven and earth. If anyone can become the next emperor, it must be her. Don't hide it, if it is true If you offend her, apologize quickly, otherwise even if Emperor Zun comes forward, he may not be able to help you. "

Shen Ping smiled helplessly. How should he say this? He couldn't tell Nanji Immortal Lord that I was in the palace world and let Yao Immortal Lord and Luan Immortal Lord play with the dragon beads. If he really said it, that would be Completely **** off Yao Xianzun.

“Senior Antarctica, it’s a long story, but it’s not a big deal. I can solve it myself.”

 “Okay, as long as you are sure.”

Antarctic Immortal Lord no longer pays attention to this matter.

 Ten days later.

Luan Xianzun came to Shen Ping and said, "Shen Ping, what happened in the Jiehaifeng Palace World, whether you remember it or not, has really happened. I hope you can admit frankly that this is very important to me and Yao Xianzun."

Shen Ping shook his head, "Senior Luan, I really don't know what you're talking about. Besides, even if I know, it's an honest mistake."

Luan Xianzun stared at Shen Ping closely, and seeing that she really didn't seem to be lying, he sighed, "You're right, it's just that Yao Xianzun is a little obsessed with this matter. After all, she is still pure and pure. If she encounters something like this suddenly, she will inevitably get into trouble, but don’t worry, I will advise her.”

Shen Ping hurriedly said, "Thank you, Senior Luan."

 After she left.

Lian Xuejin said, "Disciple, it seems that these two immortals are not giving up. Immortal Luan seems to be caring and protecting you, but in fact he is using this method to test whether you know your memory, so you must Be cautious."

 “Disciple understands.”

the other side.

Luan Xianzun expressed his judgment, "Sister Yao, I think this Shen Ping really doesn't know. Before the palace world, he had not even ascended. How could he have memories? Now the top priority is that we should follow Antarctica as soon as possible. , seniors like them should explore the valley together instead of getting hung up on such trivial matters."

"I know you are angry, but sometimes things have to be viewed from both sides. Shen Ping is indeed of low cultivation now, but you said that he has an extraordinary understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth, and he is walking on the top avenue of heaven and earth. In the future, Once you achieve something, you will be better than you and me.”


Luan Xianzun’s voice became lowered, “So it’s not unacceptable to commit yourself to him.”

She is different from Yao Xianzun. As Luanfeng, she has the concept that the strong have the power to reproduce. Even if she becomes an Xianzun, Shen Ping is weak now, but that may not be the case in the future.

Yao Xianzun was speechless. She didn't expect Luan Xianzun to think so, but she was also thinking about whether she was going too far in this matter.

"Sister Luan, you are right. I really shouldn't waste my energy on such trivial matters. It won't be too late to resolve this matter after we have safely passed the valley."

“Besides, the valley is so dangerous, and we don’t know if we can escape smoothly. We may stay here forever.”

Luan Xianzun said hurriedly, "Bah, bah, bah, sister Yao, please don't say such depressing words."

Yao Xianzun sighed, "It's not that I'm being discouraged, but it's a fact. The period of weakness is only one year. Within this year, if you want to unlock the unfamiliar Tao formation, you can think about it with your brain." It’s slim, and among us immortals, there are not many immortals who are good at formations.”

 Listen to this.

Luan Xianzun sighed, why didn't she know this? She didn't know what the human race thought, but the dragon and phoenix clans had secretly quarreled over this matter for a long time. Some people thought that they should not obey the human race's orders and should act on their own. Some people think that it is better to just rush through and die as soon as possible than to stay here and wait to die.

 In short, they don’t have any confidence in breaking through the valley.

 After all, the strange beasts on the fourth level alone made them feel palpitated, and some immortals regretted coming to the Magic Mountain.

 Although the opportunity is good, you must have a life to enjoy it.


 Time passes little by little.

 The period of weakness passes quickly.

Plants and flowers grew again in the valley, and it became prosperous in just a few days. It looked lush and green. However, whether it was human race, alien race or other immortals, their faces were a bit ugly. After the weakening period, the toxins recovered too quickly. , in such a short period of time, if they reach the middle area, it is impossible to return.

That is to say.

During the period of decline, as long as you fail to successfully reach the wooden house, you will fall.

This made many immortals retreat in their hearts. Many immortals felt that they should first continue to study the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Sea Peak of the Gate of Strange Beasts, and in addition, thoroughly refine and absorb the low-grade Dao treasures. Wait until you are fully prepared, and then look for that glimmer of hope during the period of weakness.

In the human race Feng Longyu and other ethnic groups, some people suggested that Shen Ping should bring out a middle-grade Dao Zhibao, which would make him more confident.

“The middle-grade treasure was obtained by Shen Ping from the palace at his own risk. It is his treasure. Why should I share it with you?”

Qixianzun said coldly.

An Immortal from the Dragon Clan laughed a few times, "I am also thinking about everyone's safety. If there are middle-grade Dao treasures that can be refined by Yao, Anji and other powerful Immortals, your chances of survival will be greater!"

These words are really very vicious.

 Use Nanji, Yao and other powerful immortals as cover to win over some greedy immortals.

 Sure enough.

As soon as this statement came out.

 Many immortals showed their intentions.

They have explored the weak period, and the low-level avenue treasure can last for a long time. Therefore, if there is a middle-grade avenue treasure, it is likely to go to the wooden house. There are only a few of them in Antarctica, Yao, and their numbers are relatively large. If there are more, as long as you can get two or three pieces, your chances of survival will be very high.

Even several immortals on the human side looked thoughtful.

Yu Xianzun smiled coldly, "Not to mention whether the middle-grade Dao treasure can protect us, even if it can, it's not your turn to say."

“If anyone else wants to sink a middle-grade treasure, please ask me if I agree.”

Qi Xianzun hummed, "And me."

 Suddenly, the Dragon Clan Immortal became silent.

 The Immortal Lords such as Yao, Nanji, Qi, and Yu among the human race are all top-notch Immortal Lords, far beyond what ordinary Immortal Lords like them can match.

Nanji Immortal Lord smiled and said: "Don't let this hurt your harmony. The valley is dangerous. As we all know, the more this happens, the more we should take care of each other and work together. Shen Ping is also one of us, and everyone should respect it." Every member, if there is a high-grade Dao treasure in the valley, and you are lucky enough to get it, if other immortals come out and ask you to contribute, will you be willing?"

 The expressions of the other immortals changed.

 Are you kidding me, of course they don’t want to.

So no one mentioned it anymore.

  After separation.

Qixianzun sneered, "It's okay if these guys can't help, but they still want to attack Shen Ping. I think they are bewitched by the demon race and the spirit race."

Antarctic Immortal Master frowned, "Previously I saw the Dragon Phoenix and the Immortal Master from the Yu Clan talking to the Immortal Master from the Demon Clan and the Spirit Clan. It should be the Demon Clan asking them to test their voices."

The Ice Immortal Lord said, "Normally, the Dragon and Phoenix clans originally belong to the demon clan, but most of the Dragon and Phoenix clansmen are friends with our human clan. However, the valley is too dangerous now, and it will inevitably cause panic. I think the next period of weakness will We must act."

Other Immortal Masters knew what the Ice Immortal Master meant, and if they continued to delay, panic would only spread and eventually get out of control.




  The human race immortals all approved this suggestion.

Shen Ping was hurriedly grateful. Although he had broken through to the Xuanxian, among the many immortals, he was completely inferior. In this case, the human immortals could stand up and support him, which really touched him.

“Shen Ping, you don’t have to be polite, this is what we should do.”

“Yeah, besides you have made so many contributions to the ethnic group, we haven’t done much.”

 Other immortals all smiled.

The human race will basically work together when facing external enemies. Even if they have other ideas, they will follow the overall situation. Only when fighting among themselves, will they go their separate ways.

 Soon another hundred years passed.

 The period of weakness has arrived.

Antarctic Immortal Lord stepped into the valley first without hesitation.

 The other human immortals followed closely behind.

When the immortals from the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Yu Clan and other ethnic groups saw this, their expressions changed. They did not expect that the human race would be so reckless, and they entered the second period of weakness.

"what to do!"

 “Would you like to follow?”

“The valley is too dangerous, so impulsive, there is no value in dying!”

“Let’s follow the demon clan and the spirit clan. It is said that they have obtained detailed information from special ethnic groups and have a greater chance of passing through the valley!”

  Many immortals were communicating with each other.

However, there were also immortals from the dragon and phoenix clans who followed immediately, like Luan Xianzun, who did not hesitate at all.


 Inside the valley.

As soon as he stepped in, bursts of toxin power eroded from all directions.

Shen Ping, Nanji Immortal and other immortals gathered around and were alert. Although they had sent puppets before, they were puppets after all and could not detect the specific situation.

“Don’t get separated, fellow Taoist Qi, I have to ask you to use the Supreme Treasure of the Great Dao to maintain everyone’s breath to prevent them from getting separated!”

Antarctic Immortal Lord is responsible for the command without hesitation.

 The other immortals all obeyed, and at this time they must unite their opinions.


At this moment, a demonic insect suddenly jumped out of the ground. Compared with other demonic insects, this demonic insect was covered in venom and looked more ferocious.

 The vigilant immortals immediately resisted.

 Bang bang bang.

The demonic insects collided with the defense formed by the immortals. Each impact was equivalent to the attack of ordinary emperors, but the power continued to increase.

“Go to the left, this is the avenue of earth, heaven and earth, and magic insects contain earth.”

An immortal who has a deep understanding of the earth, heaven and earth, shouted.

Immediately, Nanji Immortal Master controlled the formation and quickly stepped out to the left.

As soon as he stepped out, the attacking demonic insects around him disappeared in an instant, which made all the immortals heave a sigh of relief.

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