Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 542: Stubborness

Chapter 542: Stubborness

Ivan tried to calm her down but she continued sniffling, "If Mom hadn't held the knife, I can't even imagine what would have happened to Brother Nemo. And I ran over to him crying my eyes out but Bro pushed me away and held Mom.

I again got angry for being pushed and Dad almost hit me. I shrunk in extreme fear but the next second all I knew was I was in Mom's embrace. I was so afraid they would hit me or scold me that I started crying while she patiently explained I should never use sharp objects.

She had to coax me all day while Dad took care of Mom's bleeding hand and Bro looked more hurt than Mom. I am that selfish."

Ivan shook his head with a faint sigh in resignation. She was little at that time and she wanted the attention of her dad, mom, and brother. She used to love how they were pampering her so it was hard for her to suddenly see them get angry at her.

But she had changed. She had changed so much that a small hiss of her family members was enough to make her run over to them and ask hundreds of questions until she could make sure there was no problem. 

Ivan still remembers how happy the Morgan family used to be in every get-together of families and friends. Now they could easily find a small part of their heart always empty without having Arna around.

Ivan knocked on her head, "I meant to say accept your mistake first, apologize to them. Let your father get angry, let your mother coax you. Everything will be fine. They miss you too."

Shaking her head, Arna buried her face between her knees. She ran so far that walking back felt the most difficult thing and slapping her own face. So she always kept on moving, holding herself strong.

Every time Ivan tried his best but always saw her still urging to run away. It was late, so he stood up to let her rest, "Think wise. Now rest."

Anyway, before he could take a step, she tugged his sleeves and made puppy eyes pleading for him to stay until she falls asleep.

"Alright, sleep. I will sit here." He pulled the duvet over her and sat on the edge of the bed controlling his yawn.

After a minute, she peeked open her lids and tried to make him jealous, "I am dating actor Chris Reynolds, he is so handsome, humorous..."

Nevertheless, there was no change in his expression as he leaned his head on his knuckles, "Stop dating crappy men, Snow."

Snorting with a big pout, she flipped aside and muttered angrily, "Didn't you reject me? Why do you care if they are crappy? Let me die with a trashy man."

Ivan's lips arced to a sexy curve which he quickly concealed and heard her continue to mutter bitching every rumored and useless boyfriend of hers who needed nothing but her body.

Arna learned about a love growing up with Aria and Alan, Rian and Roxy, Amelia and Rowan, for sixteen years. She was very well aware of the difference between Love and physical attraction.

Even though she had seen many physical relationships turn into love and live happily, she wanted to fall in love, get mentally and emotionally close because one day they won't have the same looks but those emotions will keep them close.

She liked Ivan from school days but never confessed. When he moved to country S for studies quite closer to her place, she probed him to date after confirming she was really in love with Ivan.

However, he turned her down every time without a reason yet he always took care of her. So she couldn't understand what was going on in his head and started to date others to make him jealous but he was nonchalant as ever and she couldn't move on even if she tried.

Planting a soft kiss on her forehead, Ivan returned to his room and messaged to his friend, [Stubborness is in Morgans' blood.]


In Morgan mansion.

Arsh glanced at his smartwatch which displayed Ivan's message, he closed his eyes to relax while his mother continued to massage his head ignoring his father's stare.

The times seemed to be frozen for the couple, they seemed to be getting younger every day. Arsh knew the secret of their looks, healthy food habits, and exercise, a lot of it.

His father being fitness-oriented, Alan didn't let his wife drop her routine at any age or difficulty. His father had the body which captures a teenager to the old ladies including his mother.

More than the male celebrities, his father gets the proposal request for the advertisements. It was all his Mom's fault, why did she have to upload a picture of his father getting out of the swimming pool to wish him on his birthday?

It was a first half-naked picture of Alan and it went viral than any intriguing post. His father often hears a question like, 'What is the secret behind the look of 22 at the age of 52?'

Initially, Alan ignored and when the questions never stopped, Alan pulled his wife. 'I need to keep up with my wife's beauty.'

Caring was his mother's nature, as she always took care of his father, she never missed taking care of herself. A good anti-aging cream and being hydrated was all her secret to flawless skin. Yeah, she was still a goddess.

Her hair had shortened to slightly below shoulder length yet the grace and elegance never left her side. 

Both had to color their hair and his father was forced to use the glasses when he reads or uses the computer. Prevention is better than cure was her mother's motto.

Alan continued to scroll through the tab reading fashion blogger news about his daughter and Arsh was relaxed and started to feel sleepy which was the indication he has to leave to his room.

Then the trio heard a knock and Rooney peeked inside, "Big Mom"

Aria smiled at him and waved her hand, "Come in Roo.."

Instead of Alan, Arsh had the gaze of 'Disturbing little brat.'

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