Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 69 - 68: Run!!!

Chapter 69: Chapter 68: Run!!!

Translator: 549690339 |


We must take action!

Bi Fang looked out over the clearing with deep concern.

When wolves chase their prey, they can cover dozens of kilometers, only attacking when the prey is exhausted. Such open terrain undoubtedly favors their pursuit.

Moreover, the eighty-kilometer hunting range he mentioned before is just an average. Sometimes this hunting corridor can be up to a hundred kilometers long.

“Normally, a person’s average walking speed is five kilometers per hour, but clearly, that speed is not feasible for us,” Bi Fang said, scanning the area before and after him and taking a breath.

“Because not only do we have the wounded with us, we are also walking on snow, which is more exhausting and makes it easy to lose direction. We often have to stop and reassess our direction, so managing to walk two or three kilometers in an hour is already quite an achievement. After half a day like this, we’ve probably covered just over ten kilometers, which isn’t even outside their hunting grounds!”

Upon hearing these words, the four people behind Bi Fang were all stunned. They had walked for the better part of the day, drained to their core. They had presumed they had covered a good distance, yet now they realized they had only traveled around ten kilometers?

When could they possibly get out of the wolves’ hunting grounds?

Or is there even a chance?

Wu Mingtao felt a hint of despair, the nightmare of just a while ago flashing before his eyes again. It seemed as if, at any moment within the vast expanse of white snow, wolves might burst forth and bite through his throat.

That was what Bi Fang had told him after seeing him wake up and feel his thigh and arm. Wolves, like all predators, prefer attacking vital areas and only turn to the limbs if there’s no other opportunity.

He even got it wrong in his dream…

“The wind has died down a lot, which might not be good news for us. Although the smaller the wind, the more likely helicopters are to be deployed, and the more likely they are to find us, it also means the wolves’ sense of smell will be more reliable. We must mask our scent!”

What was puzzling,

was that right after saying this, Bi Fang threw himself into the snow, rolling back and forth, coating his entire body with snowflakes, becoming like a snowman.

Creak! Creak!

Due to the frigid temperatures of the blizzard, a thin layer of ice crystals had formed over the snow. As his full body weight pressed down, the ice crystals shattered, emitting a muffled sound similar to that of a foam board breaking.

In the live stream, viewers slowly typed out a question mark. What was this behavior?

Has he given up and resorted to throwing a tantrum?


[What’s gotten into Old Fang? Has he had a mental breakdown?]

[Is the pressure too great?]

[Being stuck with pig teammates and facing godlike adversaries, Old Fang is struggling to hold up alone!]

[Don’t stop, Captain!]

Many viewers were worried, thinking that Bi Fang was under too much pressure and was mentally disturbed, which was normal given the harsh environment, the need to rescue people, and the need to guard against wolves, all while being completely isolated.

Even Lin Chang was taken aback, worried that something unexpected might happen, and hastily sent a hundred more spaceships, hoping Bi Fang would revive his spirits.

As the spaceships flew by, the Shuiyou (online friends/audience) looked up in unison, pretending to gaze upward.

Even Lord Mu felt moved as he seldom encountered a richer tycoon than himself, but he also had no interest in competing for the top spot.

For one, the other’s donations were for the sake of saving lives, with a much more serious purpose than his own, and secondly, Shenhua Group was indeed formidable; even his own father’s company couldn’t match in scale.

After rolling in the snow, Bi Fang sat up from the snow and looked at the bullet screen feeling somewhat embarrassed: “I’m not having a mental breakdown, I’m using the snowflakes to eliminate the scent from my body.”

“The snowflakes themselves are loose and porous, similar to activated charcoal, which functions well in absorbing odors and particulate matter. Moreover, Mohe’s snow is dry, similar to a powder, and doesn’t melt easily upon brief contact, making it suitable for eliminating scent and reducing the likelihood of being tracked by the wolves!”

After finishing speaking, Bi Fang also had the remaining people roll around in the snow just like he did, in order to eliminate their scent.

Upon hearing this explanation, Zheng Tianfang and the others had no objections, and were even eager to get away from the wolf pack, so they imitated Bi Fang, rolling around on the ground.

In the following period of time, Bi Fang and his companions would stop to remove their scent after traveling every stretch of the way, trying to minimize the chance of being tracked by the wolves.

Quickly, several hours passed.

It’s like chasing the mountains to find them further, like longing for the deep sea that’s beyond reach.

It was the same with the forest; when the dense snow forest actually appeared before their eyes, it was also nearing nightfall.

Seeing the snow forest not far away, everyone became excited, since according to Bi Fang, once they reached the dense snow forest, it would be difficult for the wolf pack to launch a large-scale charge, and with the trees for cover, the danger would be much reduced.

[Damn, finally there, it took a whole day just to see us hurrying! Who would believe that?]

[Only a bigshot like Master Fang could make people want to watch a live broadcast of traveling…]

[It really feels like watching a movie, even though the movie is a bit boring]

[Indeed, others use special effects for snowstorms, but this is all real, even the wounds are real!]

[Bald Uncle: I feel offended (funny)]

[I get tired enough walking for a few hours on flat ground, let alone in the snow. Didn’t Master Fang say before that traveling in the snow is many times more difficult?]

“That’s right, the forest looks close, but it’s actually much further than I estimated. I thought we would arrive by this afternoon, but now it’s almost evening,” Bi Fang said, propping himself up on his thigh with some difficulty. Although his physical fitness had reached the average adult standard, and even stood out a bit in terms of stamina, it didn’t make up for the day’s journey, and he also had to take care of the injured Wu Mingtao, occasionally carrying him on his back, which was very taxing.

After glancing at the few people who had kept up, he continued to explain, “Now we’re in an open area; we must hurry, otherwise, if the wolf pack starts to encircle us, we may be completely wiped out!”

After calling everyone together, they all quickened their steps, straining their heavy legs to move forward.

The sky was dim, and with the falling snowflakes, the visibility became very short; beyond a hundred meters, it all became hazy.

“What’s that?”

Lin Xue, who had been mostly quiet, suddenly asked.

Upon hearing this, the group halted.

Bi Fang strained his eyes to see more clearly amidst the undulating landscape.

Under the impending night, the mountains were dark and the rolling snow slopes took on a gray hue; on this thick gray, however, one could faintly perceive black spots moving swiftly. They charged forward, as fast as a streak of black lightning, the high-pitched and even shrill howling of wolves piercing the night sky, echoing endlessly!


A roar like thunder exploded as though in their very souls.

Bi Fang suddenly shouted, startling the audience in front of the screens to cover their ears.

Without explanation or hesitation, he grabbed the hands of Wu Mingtao and Lin Xue and sprinted towards the snow forest!

It was the wolf pack!

The attacking wolf pack!

The audience, who had relaxed as they neared the snow forest, had their hearts lifted high once again, as no one expected the wolves to launch their assault at this moment!

Without standoff, without warning, unguarded!

The snowshoes tied to their feet broke and shattered from the frantic running, but no one dared to stop; everyone tapped into the fastest speed of their lives!

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