Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 32 - 32 Daily Settlement Dishwasher

Chapter 32: Chapter 32 Daily Settlement Dishwasher

Translator: 549690339

On the road through the forest.

The portly uncle stared at Bi Fang in utter shock, his driving speed involuntarily slowing down.

Yet, Bi Fang nodded and said in all seriousness, “I’m a travel streamer, who got lost in Qinling. It took me four days to finally find my way out, then 1 ran into you, brother.”

Got lost in Qinling? And hunted a rabbit?

The portly uncle’s brain buzzed as he heard this, initially horrified, but then he felt something was off. He glanced at the calm-faced Bi Fang with disdain.

This kid is really boasting without blushing. Lying through his teeth.

He was a local, having hauled wood on this road for several years. While driving at night, almost every month he heard the howling of wolves, and sometimes, if he was lucky, he could see a blind bear casually passing by on the road.

These were things visible to the naked eye, not to mention the venomous insects and snakes in the forest. Even professional exploration teams, when they came, had to hire locals as guides and make thorough preparations.

And here was this greenhorn daring to just carry a bag and go in? The most outrageous part was that he came out alive?

Do you think this is some novel or movie? Or perhaps the kind of protagonist who can’t die no matter what?

Despite his scorn, the driver doubted the veracity of the story, as it was simply too incredible.

[Hahaha, uncle doesn’t believe it, eh?]

[That’s normal, with all this talk of fighting bears and venomous snakes. If it hadn’t happened before my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it either.]

[Can’t blame the uncle, it’s just that the streamer is too impressive! ]

[ Master Fang yyds! ]

[yyds? Forever single?]

Seeing that the portly uncle didn’t believe him, Bi Fang took down the drone in front, spoke a few words to the audience, and then started looking for the clips he filmed in the forest.

“Who were you just talking to?”

“Oh, I’m still live streaming. There are a few thousand people watching right now, through this drone.”

Bi Fang shook the drone in his hand and pulled up the video of his struggle with the bear to show the uncle.

Upon hearing that there were really thousands of people watching him, the uncle beside him got nervous subconsciously, his expression somewhat awkward. After watching the video on the drone, his awkwardness reached its peak.

“My dear mother! That bear! This person! This! This! This!”

The portly uncle’s face turned red as he looked back and forth between Bi Fang and the video, finally sputtering out, “This isn’t a movie, is it?”

“Of course not, now do you believe me, brother?” Bi Fang said with a smile as he took the drone back from the driver to avoid distracting him while driving.

The uncle nodded vigorously: “I can’t tell, you young man are quite remarkable, daring to mess with a black bear and also, damn, you survived!”

Utterly convinced, the uncle’s demeanor instantly warmed, and he handed Bi Fang a bag from the side, containing two super-sized steamed buns and a bag of pickled vegetables.

“You must be starving after all that running. This is my lunch take it and fill your stomach a bit.”

“Ah, well, I couldn’t possibly accept…”

Bi Fang scratched his head, wanting to decline, but the aroma of the steamed buns had already found its way to his nose, making his mouth water uncontrollably.

The uncle chuckled heartily, “No worries, go ahead and eat. It’s just two buns, I can go buy more later.”

With the conversation turning in this direction, Bi Fang no longer declined. He took the bag with eyes shining green, tore into a bun, and started to eat.

At the first bite, the richness of the flavor, the salty-savory taste, exploded on his tongue, almost moving enough to bring tears to his eyes.

“Mm, this is… the best steamed bun… I’ve ever had.”

With his mouth full, Bi Fang’s cheeks puffed out, making his words barely intelligible.

The uncle next to him, seeing Bi Fang gobble with the ferocity of a starving ghost, couldn’t help but laugh out, handing him a bottle of water, “Hahaha, take it easy, slow down, there’s no bear to fight you for it this time!”

“Mm, yeah!”

Bi Fang stuffed his mouth while responding, as if he knew he was in the wrong but had no intention of correcting it.

[Master Fang finally gets to eat a proper meal!)

[Those buns smell so good, I’m getting hungry just watching.]

[Master Fang: No more worms for me.]

[1 want some too QAQ]

[Master Fang’s mukbang, showcasing the allure of buns!]

In less than two minutes, Bi Fang had finished off two plate-sized buns along with a package of pickled vegetables. He took a sip of water, burped contentedly, and praised again, “That was really delicious!”

Although after a long period without food, one’s stomach and spleen become weak and one shouldn’t overeat, Bi Fang had after all eaten two rabbits, so he felt pretty good about himself.

On the way, Bi Fang chatted and shot the breeze with the driver, sharing his survival experiences and earning more astonished looks from the uncle, until Bi Fang started to feel embarrassed.

Moyo arrived at a small town around two or three in the afternoon. After giving the driver uncle a rabbit fur hat, Bi Fang got off the truck and said his final goodbyes.

Watching the truck grow distant, Bi Fang entered the town, and at the same time gave his final summary to the drone: “It’s time to say goodbye to everyone again, but this time, it’s for real.”

“This trip, 1 did a lot of crazy things and had an adventure exciting enough to satisfy me, but all of it was essentially for the sake of surviving better.”

“In fact, the Primeval Forest is not a dead end, nor is it as terrifying as we imagine. As long as we stay calm and devise a comprehensive survival plan with the right skills, there’s always hope of survival!”

“Lastly, if you encounter a road, there’s only one thing to do: tidy yourself up, and then give a thumbs up.”

“Friends, please remember me, I am Bi Fang, a professional explorer, looking forward to our next encounter!”

After Bi Fang finished speaking, he saluted with two fingers, and the entire live stream room erupted in a barrage of comments, filled with reluctant and pleading words, and the wave of gifts brought a climax.

Numerous fish balls fell like rain, and several dozen or hundreds of Shark Fin Planes were common sights.


[Sigh, although 1 knew this day would come eventually, 1 still feel reluctant to let go.]

[Exactly, isn’t this drone rented or what?]

[Petition for another broadcast, else I’ll unfollow as a threat!]

[It’s not enough, when will Master Fang live stream again, I must watch! ]

[Right, right, when will the next live stream be, still with sharks?]

Glancing at the comments, Bi Fang scratched his head. He didn’t know when he would live stream next either, it depended on when the System issued a mission. So he could only prevaricate, “If nothing goes wrong, I will always be on SharkTV. As for the next live stream, I can only say it should happen within a month, and I will definitely notify everyone in advance.”

In the end, without saying much more, he simply turned off the drone.

Yet even so, many viewers remained in the live stream room, chatting with each other.

[How can this work, Master Fang didn’t leave anything behind, no QQ, no Weibo…]

[Don’t know, 1 guess we ll just have to wait, following is all we can do.]

[Does Lord Mu know?]

[Not sure about that either…]

Seeing someone ask, Lord Mu spread his hands to show that he didn’t know anything either.

With no other choice, everyone reluctantly began to disperse in small groups.

Meanwhile, Bi Fang was lost in thought, standing still, not sure what to do next because he suddenly realized he had neither a phone nor any cash on him…

Just as Bi Fang was considering whether to find a day job washing dishes in town, the familiar electronic tone sounded again.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the novice reward, now proceeding to reward settlement..]

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