Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

<~> Chapter 167

The Orange rays of the setting sun lit the front of the Ruby Vixen in a warm glow. The 'Closed tonight for a private event' sign was still up when we returned. As we were coming back in I pointed it out to Raya. "That's not suggesting that we're going to have another orgy tonight is it?"

"Hm? Oh, only if you want to. A lot of the girls need some time to get used to their new bodies and abilities, Oceane included. The only 'customers' we're entertaining right now is your group and Theo. From what I hear he hasn't been charged the last few days and he kind of knows what's going on. He became 'friends' with too many of the girls to not hear about it."

"I hope that him not showing any signs of ditching us shows that he isn't letting it bother him then," Silva said.

Raya laughed. "Yeah, I do worry he's not getting enough sleep though. Some of the girls that have been entertaining him were hungry before and now after the transformation, they're ravenous instead."

Grace was at the counter as we came inside and waved us over. She had always been pretty in a kind of stern way but now she was gorgeous. Her bright eyes and youthful looks contrasted well with her slightly formal clothes and meticulous but friendly demeanor.

"Hey Grace," I said. "What are you doing up at the counter?"

"I was waiting for you actually," she replied with a smile. "I normally sleep in the evening but I am not tired today. I also did not want to miss you when you returned."

I could see where this was going. "Did you want to come up to our room with us?" I asked.

Grace grinned with a slightly uncharacteristic blush. "I would like that, yes."

Silva wrapped an arm around Torien's waist and pulled her close. "I think we'll stay here for a while then, we need to eat some dinner. We'll sneak into our room later if you're still busy."

Morrigan waved. "I'll eat later on, I'm not hungry yet. I'm a bit more interested in what's about to happen upstairs..." she said with a blush.

"Can I eat with you guys?" Mimi asked. "I... think it would be better if I sat this one out," she said glancing at the four of us.

"Sure shiny, you can eat with us." Silva ruffled Mimi's hair.

Raya gave me a quick hug. "We'll see you tomorrow! I still have a few people to say goodbye to, tomorrow we need to work on getting all the supplies we'll need for the trip. See you in the morning?"

"Sure Raya," I replied with a smile.

"Grace, come here real quick!" Raya pulled Grace to the side and whispered something into her floppy ear. The two of them had clamped down on their bonds and Grace grinned at whatever Raya had told her. Grace nodded and whispered something back before returning. Raya waved and raced into the other room while pulling a shy Sibyl along.

Bella held my hand and leaned onto my arm as we headed up the stairs. Unlike usual for her, Bella was still holding onto a mixture of stormy emotions but I could tell she was looking forward to having a more relaxed night compared to the last few. She's been stressed out and I really do feel bad that she's been feeling so neglected lately.

Grace pushed our door open and held it for us before quietly closing it once all of us were inside.

"Lilith." Grace pushed herself against the wall and cupped my chin. "You do not mind if I take control tonight, do you?" Her breathy voice turned me on but I wasn't sure. I glanced over at Bella and Morrigan but Grace turned my head back to face her with my chin. "Trust me, I will make sure everyone gets what they need tonight."

I gulped and gave Bella another quick glance. From the way she was watching I could tell the scene was turning Bella on as well. That filled me with a bit of confidence. When I turned back to Grace she had a smirk and her eyes were squinted, a facsimile of her old stern expression.

"O-okay," I said with a shudder.

"Good. Take your two girlfriends and sit on the couch. I want all of you to strip." Her commanding tone left no room for argument and I could tell I wasn't the only one affected by it. All three of us were quick to strip naked and sit on the couch. Grace however took her time undressing.

She confidently slipped off her blouse to reveal her Doberman patterned fur and her bare breasts that were held in place by a tight black harness. Her large chocolate-colored breasts were capped with erect black nipples that betrayed how excited she was despite her calm and steady demeanor. Rather than leaving anything to the imagination the harness lifted and separated her breasts, highlighting her assets and showing them off. She slipped off her slacks and revealed the black sheer stockings and garter belt underneath, they framed her lacy crotchless panties and drew attention to her wet puffy labia. It was the kinkiest clothing I had seen since coming here and that was saying something after spending so much time in a brothel.

She sat on the couch across from us and crossed her legs, hiding her aroused folds. "First thing first, your safe word is rattlesnake. If for any reason any of you want to stop, say the safe word and ALL of us will stop. Do you understand?"

All of us nodded to the question.

"Great. All of you have been naughty girls and I think a little bit of punishment is in order. Two of you in particular need to be punished, much more than the last. Morrigan, please come kneel in front of me."

Morrigan gulped and glanced at me before getting up and sitting on the ground in front of her.

Grace ran her fingers through Morrigan's hair and smiled. "Good girl. You have only been a little naughty so your punishment will be a bit lighter. Still, do say your safe word if you get overwhelmed. However, if you make it all the way to the end, I will make sure you get a reward. Is that clear?

"Yes Mistress," Morrigan replied in an all too practiced tone.

Grace frowned. "Do not call me Mistress. Hmm... call me teacher for this session. Understand?"

Morrigan's ears went back. "Y-yes teacher..."

"Good." She patted Morrigan on the head. "Your job for a while will be to provide oral to whoever I tell you to sit in front of until I command you to stop, right now that means me. Is that clear?"

Morrigan bit her lip and nodded. "Yes M—Yes teacher."

Grace pulled her legs apart and gently pushed Morrigan's face between them while she looked at us. "You two however have been very naughty and will need to be punished."

Bella and I looked at each other, I wasn't quite sure where this was going and Bella seemed to be just as confused.

The doberman woman huffed as Morrigan affected her more than she wanted to let on. After a moment of enjoying the catgirl's efforts she gently pulled her away. "That is enough for now dear, go sit down in front of Bella." Grace turned to face me. "You, come sit over here."

I stood up and walked over to sit next to Grace as Morrigan got situated in front of Bella. Her cock was already hard from the situation and a bead of pre had formed on its tip, threatening to drip off her length. Morrigan looked at the cock, unsure of herself, and it just occurred to me that she hadn't ever taken one in her mouth before now.

"I can shift it away if you prefer," Bella whispered.

"No," Grace said firmly. "No shifting tonight. You are going to accept your girlfriend's true form... unless you want to use your safe word?"

Morrigan's brows furrowed. "N-no. It's okay. It's fine, I'm just... inexperienced. It'll be okay..."

She timidly leaned forward and licked the tip of Bella's cock eliciting an eager moan from Bella. Encouraged, she licked again before gingerly taking the cock into her mouth. She slowly slid forward before suddenly gagging and pulling back.

"Take it easy Morrigan. No rush," Grace warmly said. "But Bella. I want you to keep your eyes on us for this next part. No touching yourself, do not stop Morrigan, and do not thrust into her mouth. You will watch Lilith receive her punishment as your other girlfriend pleasures you, the only pleasure you are allowed is what Morrigan is able to give. Do you understand?"

Bella bit her lip and nodded.

"Good." Grace turned to me. "Now, you, lie across my lap. It is time for your punishment."

I admit I was quite embarrassed that her words had such a strong effect on me. I felt my passage clench as I shuffled onto the dominant woman's lap. I still don't remember my previous life but I really didn't think I've ever had an experience like this in either of my lives.

Grace's fingers slipped between my legs and firmly pushed into my entrance, catching me off guard. She began to work her fingers in and out of my pussy as she spoke, "After each spanking you will say 'I am sorry for neglecting my girlfriend' and then count the spanking. Do you understand? Say it out loud."

"Ye—" Before I could finish an uncharacteristically strong hand slapped my ass causing me to yelp. As if it never happened Grace's hand was back between my legs replacing the pain with pleasure.

"Well?" she asked.

I took a breath. "I'm sorry for neglecting my girlfriend. On—" Again, before I could finish another painful open-hand slap, then right back to the masturbation. I glanced over at Bella who was wiggling in place as I took my punishment.

"I'm sorry for neglecting my girlfriend. T-two..." I tensed for the slap but it didn't come, it was only after I relaxed when the next slap came. It caught me off guard yet again and I yelped, much to my embarrassment. I couldn't keep looking at Bella for this so I focused on a point ahead of me.

"I'm- I'm sorry for neglecting my girlfriend. Thre—" I cried out again when her hand hit. She seemed to have perfect timing, hitting me when I least expected it each time.

This went on and on, each slap hurt more than the last, my ass felt swollen after only six slaps. The noise between my legs got louder as soaked fingers squelched into me. Other than the brief pause for each slap, Grace kept pushing my arousal further, giving me a very confusing mix of pleasure and pain as my arousal leaked and flowed down my legs.

"I'm sorry for neglecting my girlfriend. S-seven."

Another painful slap and then back to the pleasure. As I approached my peak Grace slowed down, excruciatingly keeping me near the edge but never letting me over as each spanking came. I could feel her bond, open just a crack, enough to monitor my pain and pleasure but not enough for me to glimpse her feelings.

I had begun to cry at some point. "I'm s-sorry for neglecting my g-girlfriend... Th-thirteen..." SLAP.

I glanced over to Bella just as she was cumming into Morrigan's mouth. Her fingers dug into the couch, working hard to keep her hands off herself as the black-haired catgirl swallowed down her cum with minor difficulty. A pang of jealousy went through me as I continued to teeter on the edge of orgasm despite all of the pain spread out over my warm ass.

"I'm ssorry ffor negl- neglecting my girlffriend... tw-twenty." I couldn't stop sobbing by this point. My entire ass felt bruised and painful... but I was soooooo close to orgasm.

I was expecting to be held at the edge for even longer but this time Grace's merciful hands didn't stop. Quickly I was pushed past the point of no return and for an agonizingly long moment I was in purgatory, I was already going to cum but I wasn't there yet. Blessedly Grace didn't falter and kept going even as I barreled towards climax. When it finally hit I froze, my entire body locked up. If I could look at myself I'd bet my eyes were rolling back in their sockets. I had never been denied for that long or had my pleasure so mixed with pain. When my peak finally hit it was like I was hit by a truck. I cried out louder than I ever had before as my entire body shook in the cathartic endorphin-filled orgasm.

"Shhhh, it's okay." I could hear Grace whispering to me but my brain, addled as it was, couldn't piece together her words as I came down from the high. She gently rubbed my back as I caught my breath between my shallow sobs. My ass felt red hot and my pussy throbbed, almost more abused than my ass was, but there was a kind of peace I felt as I slumped down on Grace's lap with all of my weight.

When I finally caught my breath and steadied my breathing Grace gently helped me up. She led me to the other couch where she had me lay slumped forward with my ass held in the air and my head turned to face the other couch.

I looked back at Morrigan who looked breathless herself, sitting between my legs behind me. She was basically panting in cloudy arousal. My brain was still shell-shocked, I couldn't process what that look could have meant before Grace gently pushed Morrigan's face forward and between my legs, to eat me out while I watched Bella receive her punishment.

"Lilith, same rules for you. Do not touch yourself, do not push Morrigan away, and do not thrust against her."

I sluggishly nodded, my brain not working enough to form any words.

"Good, come here, Bella."

Bella looked anxious, even scared after watching my performance but she sheepishly followed and laid over Grace's lap. I saw the slight activation of magic as Grace used a cleaning ritual right on Bella's star. Grace had a bottle of oil in one hand. Where she had gotten it from I didn't have any clue but after a liberal application over her fingers, Grace was carefully easing them deep into Bella's ass.

Bella didn't mind the teasing and even leaned into her fingers as they explored under her tail. We haven't done a lot of anal together but the time I did, she really did seem to enjoy it. This show reinforced that she probably liked it quite a lot if her reactions were anything to go by. Suddenly her body went stiff and jerked as Grace finally found what she was looking for.

A loud groan escaped Bella's lips as Grace's fingers gently continued to enter and exit her. Before Bella's arousal could build any further Grace slowed as she spoke. "Bella, after each spanking, you will say 'I am sorry for not being honest about my feelings' and then count the spanking. Do not heal yourself, this is supposed to be a punishment. Understand?"

Bella took a deep steadying breath. Unlike me, she knew what to expect from what was to come.

I moaned and closed my eyes as Morrigan found an especially sensitive spot so I missed the first spanking, but I heard it. A loud yelp came from Bella, however ready she thought she was, clearly wasn't enough.

My deer girl's ears were bright red and I swore I could see her blushing through the fur on her face. "I'm sorry for not being honest about my f-feelings. One."

Just like me, she tensed up as soon as she finished, expecting a quick spank but she only received it once her muscles slacked. Another loud yelp and she shakily repeated her line. "I-I'm sorry for not being honest about my f-feelings. Tw—" Another yelp and then an immediate moan of pleasure as Grace fingered Bella's ass. Her cock throbbed, untouched in the space between Grace's thighs, perfectly positioned so that she couldn't get any more pleasure than what the dog-woman gave her.

By ten spankings Bella was already bawling, she clearly wasn't holding up nearly as well as I did. Mmmmmm, I balled my hands into fists as I reached my second orgasm to Morrigan's tongue. I didn't watch enough to see how Morrigan fared with Bella but she didn't show any lack of enthusiasm while pleasuring me.

"I'm-I'm s-sorry for not being hon-honest about my fee-feelings... el-eleve— Eep! Oooohhhh." Bella was ineffectually humping between Grace's legs to no avail, the dominant woman's hand was placed against the small of her back and kept her from shifting into a more advantageous position even as her other hand continued to toy with Bella's ass.

"P=please... no more... let me cum..." Bella begged.

"One more, Bella, count it." SMACK

Bella cried out and sobbed. "I'm- I'm sorry for not b-being honest about m-my feelings... Twelveeee—" Her count had shifted into a moan as Grace doubled her ministrations on the poor deer girl's ass while reaching forward to stroke Bella's dripping cock.

A thick trail of cum leaked from the tip of her cock even as Grace jerked it. It came in a steady stream rather than the spurts you would normally expect. Bella's entire body was shaking as Grace milked out her orgasm, one hand tweaking the hidden button in her ass and the other working the shaft with an expert technique. Bella let out one long extended moan that almost became gravelly as she trembled in relief. Her hips humped as her long continuous orgasm drooled out of her cock into a puddle on the floor.

Grace didn't stop until Bella's breathing had evened out and the impressive trail of cum had finally dried up. The dominant dog woman had milked out every drop and wrung her dry.

"Shhh, that's a good girl, you did really well, Bella." She comforted the deer girl as she slumped down much like I did. Her other hand slid free from Bella's ass and found a nearby towel to clean herself with. Grace must have activated some kind of skill because a moment later her fingers looked pristine and clean again, as if they hadn't just been knuckle deep in deer ass.

I moaned as Morrigan pushed me over the edge one last time while we waited for Bella to recover. The cat girl was amazing with her tongue but I was starting to worry that her jaw must be aching by now.

Grace helped Bella up and shakily walked her over to our bed. "Lilith, Morrigan, that's enough. Come lie on the bed with us."

I climbed up on my own shaky legs. My ass still felt like it was on fire, I could feel the heat coming off the sure to bruise flesh. But almost a match to the heat on my ass was the heat between my legs. After the three back-to-back orgasms that followed the one during my punishment, my labia felt warm and puffy from all the attention. Each orgasm almost made me crave even more.

"Morrigan, lie down in the middle," Grace commanded.

The cat girl didn't look much better than we did at this point. Servicing us nonstop during that marathon of punishment couldn't have been easy. Her face was covered from nose to collarbone in our cum and I could smell the tangy scent sticking to her. The thought aroused me in a different, more primal way. She was marked, by both me and Bella.

"You two, lie down on your stomachs next to her. All of you did very well tonight, it is time to relax and come down from the experience while Morrigan gets her reward for such good behavior."

Grace slid down the foot of the bed between us, gently pulled Morrigan's legs apart, and leaned forward to kiss her there. I scooted closer to Morrigan and wrapped an arm around her waist. I took comfort in her excited breathing as I rested my head against her shoulder. She let out a gasp and a small moan as Grace dug in between her legs but I was too exhausted to continue watching the show. I passed out before Morrigan had her first orgasm.

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