Leveling with the Gods

Chapter 605

[Level Up with the Gods Side Story Episode 81]

* * *

“When did this become like this?…”

Lee Rang-jin sighed as he clutched the scimitar.

Several heavenly rankers were gathered around him.

“I left the Jade Emperor’s position empty for too long. “I think I’m leaving it there.”

A middle-aged man with blue eyes walked over, stepping on the wet floor.

I think it’s time to make a decision, General.”

A middle-aged man with blue eyes and black hair.

Lee Rangjin’s expression distorted when he saw his face.


It was a face and name that had been long forgotten.

A high ranker who once lived in heaven, but was kicked out for coveting a virgin and causing a village to flood. The

fact that he had returned to heaven made Lee Rang-jin feel even more displeased.

“Why are you here?”

“Why hasn’t a new era begun?”

“You are not welcome in any era. I would have warned you, right? Stick to the bottom of the sea and not crawl out.”

Lee Rangjin aimed his scimitar at Habaek, saying,

“Your perverted tastes have tarnished the name of heaven.”

“Look at the current state of the heavenly world, so noble. The Jade Emperor, Prince Nata, and Taktap Heavenly King. Aren’t they all dead?”

All the high rankers who supported the heavens disappeared.

This all happened during the fight with Son Goku.

“Nevertheless, you are afraid of Jecheon Daeseong and do not want to fight. If it were me! I wouldn’t do such a cowardly thing.”

After a short speech, the generals surrounding Lee Rang-jin bow down and respond.

Hundreds of generals dug a trap to catch Lee Rang-jin.

Here, Lee Rang-jin was alone.


“It’s strange.”

Instead of being scared, Lee Rang-jin stroked his chin and looked at Habaek,

“I know you are not this brave.”


He was a coward who cared for his life more than anyone else.

On the other hand, he was greedy for power and often made mistakes. It was also strange

that he

gathered generals here and planned to target him. .


“Is it them again?”



Murderousness spread around Lee Rang-jin.

His anger was directed at something other than Habaek in front of him.

The administrator.

Those damn bastards who ruined the Great War and dragged the Taesangno army to their side.

They were once again disrupting the heavens, this time using Habaek.

“Once this is over, we’ll have to start again from the bottom.”

With this, the fall of the heavenly world became self-evident.

Also, something became more certain through this incident.

“-As a general.”

He is not suitable as a leader.

The person he is suited for is a general who uses swords and spears.

I forgot about that for a moment.

Buung Buuung.

The tip of Lee Rangjin’s spear became a brush and drew a line in the air.

“Heavenly sphere.”

The image of a dog drawn in the air revealed its true nature.

Army Lee Rang-jin, riding on a dog as big as a wolf and covered in white fur, raised his scimitar high.

“Let’s go.”

In order to punish the traitors of the heavenly world,

he became a general again.

* * *

“Wasn’t it only the daeva that was the problem?”

Zeus, dressed in his clothes, checked the texts delivered to the kit.

The Demon King and the Sky. The Heavenly World and the Nibelungen….”

Civil wars broke out simultaneously in several guilds.

“The same goes for mid-sized guilds like Moorim or Round Table. Even small and medium-sized guilds joined forces.”

“We’re going to open a new era? “Good words.”

Zeus sneered at Hermes’ report.

New era.

The words were good.

But in the end, it was just a statement that they were going to move up and take power.

of course.

‘I can’t give this place to minnows.’

Zeus had no intention of handing over his place to them.

“What about us? “Are there any suspicious movements?”

Hermes had numerous eyes and ears throughout the tower.

For a long time, Zeus had been receiving information through him.

“Olympus is quiet. “It’s so strange.”

“It’s definitely contrived.”

“Is it contrived?”

“There was no sign. “If there are so many traitors, there must be some kind of sign.”

The eyes of Hermes were everywhere in this tower.

For a long time, Zeus’ goal was to use Hermes to spread the eyes of the ranking bureau.

In reality, it wasn’t that much, but thanks to this, Olympus’ information power was able to compete for the best in the tower.

Nevertheless, I could understand why he did not notice the betrayal.

However, it was strange that no signs were found even after the betrayal was revealed.

“It’s contrived. It’s also very…”

“You mean it’s artificial?”

“Something intervened. And relatively recently.”

Hermes waved his hand at Zeus’ confident words.

“Oh, no way. Is there anyone in the world who can intervene in so many guilds without our eyes?”

Hermes laughed, saying it was nonsense.

But Zeus raised his head and looked up at the open sky as an answer.

“Haven’t you seen them too?”


At that moment, Hermes also looked at the sky.

Although it has now regained its blue color.

Ten years ago, I was terrified when the sky turned purple.

If the beings of the future had not come here, Olympus and everything else in the tower would have been reduced to rubble by now.

“There’s no way there would be someone similar among managers.”

This was a fight that the managers started first.

They are just responding to it.

It wasn’t a situation I liked very much.

“Are you going to help?”

Currently, Olympus was the strongest guild at the top.

A position that must be at the forefront of battles with managers.

In the end, the more the managers won this battle, the more dangerous Olympus became.

of course.

“There is no need to join in on their pranks.”

Zeus had no intention of being swayed by the plans laid out by the managers.

I don’t know when they started drawing this situation, but if they follow that drawing, the results are obvious.

“I’ll leave that to someone else. “I have the right person.”

“What about your father?”

“I threw down a challenge from over there-.”


Zeus in his own space.

“I guess I should also show something unconventional.”

I walked towards where the well was.

Holding in my hand the lightning that was always thrown towards the sky.

* * *

Administrator on the 51st floor.

He looked like a scrawny beggar and grumbled as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

“It won’t be long before this happens.”

This move to hide what was revealed on the outside was not far away.

He always dreamed.

One day, they will be able to escape from this situation and walk around the tower.

Guild. player.

The day when you can put them under your feet and become the real owner of the tower.

“Congratulations, Manager.”

A confidant of the 51st floor manager.

An errand boy named ‘Jeokson’ applauded him.

Although he was about the height of a child, he was quite tall among the errand boys.

“It’s still too early. “To be celebrated.”

“Isn’t it almost like we’re already there?”

Most of the large guilds entered a state of civil war.

以夷制夷 (以夷制夷).

This was the method chosen by the managers to ensure that they won this battle.

“What are you so anxious about?”

“That guy named Kim Yu-hoon.”

A player who recently made a name for himself in the Celestial Wars.

The manager caught him inside as he continued to do so.

“I feel somewhat uneasy.”

“It will be rain.”

“I guess so.”

It didn’t matter how many administrators died in the Great War.

There were still a lot more managers left, and more than anything, the players’ power was considerably weakened.

The odds of victory were already tilted.

Among other things.

“As long as that guy is with us, there won’t be any issues unless Sotos comes in person.”

Manager on the 100th floor.

The manager who remembered him nodded.

The reason this fight was able to start was because of his presence.

A fight where victory is guaranteed from the start.

There was nothing to worry about as long as Yog-Sothoth, the king of the Outers, did not return.

‘But why do I keep feeling this sense of anxiety…’

Prediction of the future.

It was he who had the relevant abilities.

Even if it wasn’t a clear future, he had a transcendent intuition that was close to precognition, so he couldn’t treat his current feelings as if they were in vain.

“And and… Manager.”

The errand boy next to me stutters.

He continued talking while looking out the window.

“Out there…”

“What do you mean?”

The manager, who had been preoccupied with thoughts about Kim Yu-hoon, turned his head to follow the messenger.

The sky outside the window.

Above it, a golden wave was seen.

“Isn’t that a thunderbolt?”


Why is Zeus’ thunderbolt here?

The moment that thought came to mind.

A sparkling golden spear fell down.


* * *

100th floor.

The highest point of the tower and only rankers can reach. The world.

That place had a special meaning, both

for the players and

the administrators.

And above the management station on the 100th floor.

Chiji Chijiji-.

Thunderbolts were gathered together and were targeting the management station.

“Is this Zeus’s doing?”

“It wouldn’t be easy to throw lightning beyond this distance.”

“It’s just a waste of magical power. There’s plenty of time to avoid it.”

It was a foolish thing to do.

The stronger the power of the thunderbolt and the farther the distance, the more magic it consumes. Above all, the

startup time it takes for the thunderbolt to strike also increases, so it is not difficult to avoid it.

Nevertheless, it is not difficult for Zeus to do something like this . There is only one reason:

“Are you provoking me?”

An interception aimed at destroying the management bureaus of each floor. All

this action meant was a provocation to the managers.

“Some people might respond to the provocation.”

“Shouldn’t we be careful?”

“If we make a team, there’s nothing we can’t catch, even if it’s Zeus. If we waste magic like this, it might actually be an opportunity.”

“You shouldn’t underestimate that guy. He has an extraordinary mind.”

Among the administrators, there was no one who was not wary of Zeus.

He was the greatest player in this tower.

Since they owned the ranking management bureau, the administrators were more aware of Zeus’ danger than anyone else.

Of course.

“It doesn’t matter anyway, right?”


One manager’s eyes turned to the manager who was looking out the window and turned around.

“It’s not like Zeus knows about the great dreamer.”

“that’s right. “There is Cthul■ over here.”

Managers looking up at the lightning in the sky and laughing as if it were funny.

Cthul■, the manager of the 100th floor.

Thanks to his presence along with Azathoth, whose name is even taboo to mention, they were confident of victory in this fight.

“Unless Yog-Sothoth or Azathoth returns.”

The moment those words fell.


As if it wasn’t there from the beginning.

The manager of the 100th floor disappeared.

Great dreamer.

A name given to the manager of the 100th floor.

One of the great names derived from outerwear.

Even at this moment, Toph was dreaming a dream he had created.

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