Leveling with the Gods

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Side Story 63

Chun Mujin's gaze faltered at YuWon's response.


What kind of senseless answer is this?

Chun Mujin didn't know YuWon. Not just his name, not even his face seemed familiar. It's true that he felt like he had seen him somewhere before. But that was just a sensation; in Chun Mujin's memory, YuWon was a complete stranger.

"What a cheeky response."

"But it's the truth."

"This is the first time I've seen you."

"For me, it's not the first time. You simply don't remember me."

Chun Mujin's expression distorted even more.

From his point of view, who had lost his memory, YuWon's words were utterly nonsensical. However, despite that, Chun Mujin couldn't simply dismiss them as lies.

'What a strange feeling.'

It didn't seem like the other was lying. Chun Mujin, who had lived for countless years, prided himself on being able to discern between truth and lies.

It was an undeniable fact that YuWon possessed the Heavenly Demon Spirit.

And in this Tower, only he had mastered the Heavenly Demon Spirit, and only he had the authority to pass it on.

Moreover, there was that sensation. That strange déjà vu feeling was why Chun Mujin considered YuWon's words might be true.


'Still, it's not something I can let pass just because of a feeling.'

The Heavenly Demon Spirit was a symbol of the Heavenly Demon Cult. It wasn't something he could let pass just because the sensation was strange.

"Can you prove it?"

"I have no way to do that. I wish I did."

Chun Mujin's eyebrows furrowed.

No way? Then Chun Mujin had no reason to believe YuWon's words either.


"First of all, I didn't come here with the intention of proving anything. I have my own matters to attend to."

"Wasn't it your intention to come see me?"

"Yes. So step aside. I need to pass through here."

He thought Chun Mujin's reaction to seeing the Heavenly Demon Spirit might make things easier or more difficult.

If he acknowledged the existence of YuWon, who also possessed the Heavenly Demon Spirit, things would be easier. Otherwise, they would become a bit more complicated.

What was clear was that there was no way to convince Chun Mujin or recover his memories just based on a feeling.

"... How audacious."

"It's because I have the capability."

['Deputy Chief of the Heavenly Demon Cult' faces off against 'Chief of the Heavenly Demon Cult,' Chun Mujin]

Chun Mujin's pupils shone brightly.

Deputy Chief of the Heavenly Demon Cult.

Upon revealing that title, he couldn't help but feel confused once again.

"Isn't this enough as proof?"

"The Heavenly Demon Spirit, and deputy chief..."

He was perplexed...

Both the Heavenly Demon Spirit and the position of deputy chief of the Heavenly Demon Cult were things he could bestow himself. Although he didn't remember, YuWon's claims seemed convincing.

'Certainly intriguing.'

Chun Mujin looked at YuWon again. He thought that if YuWon had spent even a single day in the Heavenly Demon Cult, he could indeed have given him the position of deputy chief.

Regardless of the reason he had lost his memory, the evidence that he was second in command of the Heavenly Demon Cult was overwhelming.

'Maybe it's true...'

Just as Chun Mujin's mind wavered.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Boom, boom.

A presence that shook Heavenly Mountain.

The red sky stretched over the lofty Heavenly Mountain, while crimson energy spiraled upward.

"Won't we know unless we cut him enough that he won't die?"

Diablo, with his eyes gleaming, stared at YuWon. Meeting his gaze, YuWon felt annoyed.

'So, it was that guy after all.'

A tremendous Demonic Energy could be felt from the top of Heavenly Mountain.

The Demon King and Chun Mujin's disciple in the art of the sword had rapidly risen in rank.

Sixth in the Rankings.

The Demon King, Diablo.

He was the current leader of the Demon Kings and Chun Mujin's disciple.

"Wait a moment. Maybe what this guy says is true."

"Sorry, Master, but this time, I have some matters to attend to as well."


Diablo's broadsword headed towards YuWon.

"Are you a demon?"


Chun Mujin had a perplexed expression at his words.

A demon?

It was a strange question coming from someone who had a normal human in front of him.

A demon should have horns or possess Demonic Energy, but no trace of that could be felt in YuWon.


"I can't deceive my eyes. You're hiding your Demonic Energy, aren't you?"


YuWon sighed deeply at Diablo's words, who knew everything.

'I thought I had hidden it well. That guy can't be fooled.'

Demonic Energy.

It was one of the stats YuWon possessed. A stat that only Demons could have, something impossible for a normal human.

It was one of the few stats that could substitute for Arcane Power. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that he was mistaken for a demon for possessing it.


A sphere of crimson energy formed over YuWon's palm.


It wasn't a sphere made of Arcane Power.

"Is this what you mean?"

Diablo's eyes narrowed upon discovering the Demonic Energy sphere.

"So, you are..."

[The title "Twelfth Demon King" encounters the title "First Demon King."]

[The Twelfth Demon King has a lower rank.]

[The Twelfth Demon King resists the First Demon King.]

[The Twelfth Demon King overcomes his fear of the First Demon King.]


Diablo's lips curved into a wild smile.

"You're a Demon King. Like me."

His eyes and expression turned fierce.

A massive aura enveloped Heavenly Mountain. A weight that could have overturned the entire mountain pressed down, if not for Chun Mujin standing in the way.

Once Diablo transformed like this, it was impossible to stop him.

"What are you? A Successor of the Heavenly Demon Spirit, the Deputy Chief of the Heavenly Demon Cult, possessor of Demonic Energy, and the Twelfth Demon King."

Like Chun Mujin, he too had forgotten the time he spent with YuWon.

"Why is someone like you not known? Why?"

"This is really annoying."

YuWon scratched his head in irritation. He had wanted to convince him with words, but Diablo had to be here at this very moment.

'It's impossible to persuade that guy with words, and Heavenly Demon knows it too.'

Diablo was a being who originally didn't mingle with anyone. The fact that he was standing next to Chun Mujin was only to become stronger, not out of any special camaraderie. His instinctive nature only craved getting stronger, fighting against more powerful opponents, and shedding blood.

"...Cult Leader."

Having finished pondering, YuWon first sought permission from Chun Mujin.

"Can I fight here?"

Faced with YuWon's determination to fight Diablo, Chun Mujin was surprised for a moment before nodding.

'How many times have I been surprised already?'

It seemed like it was time to start getting used to this man in front of him.

"If possible, move to another place."

If Diablo fought with his full power here, even for a minute, it would be a problem.

The mountains would probably turn into a wasteland in no time.

And that wasn't what Chun Mujin wanted.

"I don't mind. Anyway, it's difficult to fight properly here because of the others."

Although excited, Diablo wasn't in a hurry.

Anyway, he couldn't fight properly on Heavenly Mountain full of people due to the penalty for affecting the Players.

He wanted to properly fight against YuWon, who despite having an unknown origin, boasted the title of the Twelfth Demon King.

"Let's move. As far away as possible."


The four descended from Heavenly Mountain and headed to a distant desert.

A vast and desolate desert located between Murim and Heavenly Mountain.

A desert without a single visible tree was the perfect place for an unrestricted battle.

"Isn't this enough?"

As expected, Diablo was the most impatient. Unable to contain himself, he signaled YuWon to stop when Heavenly Mountain was barely distinguishable in the distance.

YuWon, who was in the lead, turned around.

Diablo, whose energy was already at its maximum, hadn't diminished his aura throughout the journey from Heavenly Mountain.

"Is this enough?"

YuWon, observing his surroundings, nodded.

The distance was quite considerable.

Unless they continued moving while fighting, prolonging the battle, it didn't seem like the damage would reach Heavenly Mountain, at least not unless he used Nir.

"Then, what...? Let's do it."

"Wait a moment."

Chun Mujin stopped YuWon, who was turning to look at Diablo.

"Perhaps it's a bit too late to ask, but I just want to ask one thing."

"What is it?"

"What are you looking for on Heavenly Mountain?"

While traveling, Chun Mujin had only thought about YuWon's murky identity, paying no attention to his goal. In addition to being the Deputy Chief of the Heavenly Demon Cult, he also held the title of the Twelfth Demon King.

What reason did he have for coming here now?

"There's something I'm looking for."

"What is it?"



Chun Mujin had a perplexed expression.

"Isn't that something you can only see in autumn?" (Note: Chun Mujin is confusing Danpung with autumn leaves, which literally means the same thing)

"No, it's not that Danpung."

"Of course not. There's no one crazy enough to climb to the top of Heavenly Mountain just to look for that."

"You're right."

YuWon smiled bitterly.

In reality, he wasn't sure if he would find that person here. It was just a step to find clues.

'This is where it all begins.'

This was the place where he obtained the first clue about the Outers.

The place where the Flame of Tulzscha was.

And the existence of Danpung would be easier to discover the stronger the trail of power and the name of the Outers.

'Although it disappeared back then...'

Danpung was a being born from Azathoth, the source of the Outers. A small child sitting on the throne symbolizing Azathoth. That was Danpung.

Even though the name Azathoth has completely disappeared from this world.

'I gave that kid his name.'

YuWon had a faint hope.


That that childish name becomes the essence of that being.

'In fact, I still have my doubts. Whether it's right to look for that kid.'

Azathoth was just a vanished Name. Only the same Name, Azathoth, could erase that Name.


That Name was dangerous. Not just because it possessed great power, but because of its own nature. In a way, the current struggle with the Administrators could also be said to have started with him.

'...But still, I think we should find him.'

It wasn't just for fighting against them. Danpung was the Name he had given. That kid wasn't just a fragment of Azathoth but a being reborn with that Name. YuWon wasn't willing to stop searching for that kid out of fear of the Name Azathoth.

It's been 10 years, enough time to think about it.

The fight waged by the Administrators was nothing more than adding a light spoonful to a balance that didn't tip either way.

"It seems like you're looking for something important."


Step by step~

YuWon walked on the desert sand, nodding.

Getting one step closer to Diablo.

The balance, which had once started to tip, now completely tilted to one side.

"That's why I don't think this fight will last much longer."


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