Leveling Up Through Eating

Chapter 1038

Chapter 1038

Chapter 1038

Guardian God Obren, one of the Absolute Gods, was smiling when he heard the notification about Minhyuk offering a bet to the other Absolute Gods. The moment the notifications ended, Obren immediately acknowledged Minhyuk.

‘Because you’re the only man I have and will ever acknowledge.’

Obren smiled. But the smile was short-lived. His face turned ugly as pain surged all over his body. He was leaning against a rock with his now tattered and injured body.

His master, Beradon, told him.

Obren, you have already surpassed me. I don’t know of a way to make you even stronger than that.

Beradon was not an absolute being. He did not know how to help others grow, especially in Obren’s case, whose power had already surpassed Beradon’s. But even though Beradon was not necessarily strong, he could find answers to what they wanted to know.

If you want to protect him, then shouldn’t you protect him together?

At first, Obren did not understand what Beradon meant. But after being pushed to his limits by becoming an Absolute God as one of the Eight Pillars, he could still understand it.

“Certainly, it would be tough for us to handle even if we’re standing side by side.”

Obren looked at the Colossal Brothers, beings that came from the myths, in front of him. Both the Colossal Brothers possessed powers that could rival the gods. But when the two came together, they could reduce Obren to this state.

What did the words “came together” mean? It meant “fusion.” The two brothers fused until they became a single body. Of course, just because the two Colossal Brothers fused and became one did not mean their level suddenly reached Level 1,600. But their fusion gave them the power to overpower Guardian God Obren.

‘I won’t let it end this easily.’

Obren was already covered with blood and gasping for breath. But Obren still had a hidden card up his sleeve. Obren hurriedly triggered his hidden card as the Colossal Brothers slowly approached him.


Lightning fell from the sky, its bright light temporarily blinding the fused Colossal Brothers.


And when the light disappeared, Obren had already run away.

‘I won’t give up, Minhyuk.’

Once he recovered, he would come back to rechallenge the Colossal Brothers. He would continue to do so until he won, even if it meant trying hundreds or even thousands of times.


“I freaking love this!” Minhyuk shouted, a smile of delight settling on his face at the free and easy level-up he got from Guardian God Obren’s acknowledgement.

He was now at Level 680. If he received the acknowledgement and recognition of all of the Absolute Gods, he could achieve Level 690. It could become an opportunity for him to achieve explosive growth quickly.

‘Obren, thank you,’ Minhyuk thanked Obren, his gaze focused on the sky above him. But he did not hear any answer from the god. ‘Is he busy?’

The fact that Obren did not respond to him meant that Obren was busy. Minhyuk was aware that Obren had been very busy lately. He hadn’t heard much of his nagging voice and little life lessons. But perhaps it was only natural. After all, he was the Guardian God.

Once he’s free, he would appear while calling him ‘Idiot.’ right? Minhyuk smiled at the thought.

As for the reason why he set it so he could get one level up with every acknowledgement and recognition he obtained from the Absolute Gods?

‘Because I also have to think about what would happen if I lose the bet with the Absolute Gods.’

In other words, since he dared to offer a bet, he should also be willing to take on the penalty. He would get one level up if he received recognition. But what if he did not get any recognition?

‘Then, my level will drop by one.’

To put it simply, the situation could turn around for him.

‘My chances of winning are not that high.’

Indeed. Minhyuk did not expect that he would win against the God of Cooking. But since he dared to offer this bet, then he would do the best that he could.

[You will be warped to the Land of the Gods.]

Not long after, he was covered in light and disappeared.


Minhyuk might have suggested the bet and set it as a cooking competition with the God of Cooking. However, the ones who would set the rules and the details of the competition were the Absolute Gods who received the offer.

‘It would be better if I were the one to set the details, but…’

But it seemed like he had faced restrictions and could only set it this way. After all, he was the one who offered the bet first and the one who decided the form of the bet. Yet he’s also the one who would receive the rewards? That was impossible. Since he was going to receive something from them, then he should also give them a say in this matter.

Minhyuk was pondering over how they would settle the details. But in the end, there was no answer. In the end, there was no way to restrict this ridiculous competition.

‘Usually, the winner should be determined by the one who made the better dish, right?’ Minhyuk thought this before he got warped to the Land of the Gods.

But the gods were brilliant and scheming. Minhyuk had overlooked one thing. Even though he had changed it to “treating” them to a meal, the word “bet” had already been said. And this word stimulated the proud and arrogant gods.

As the Absolute Gods who ruled over all of the gods, they have come up with a way where they would never lose.

[The Absolute Gods have decided how the bet will be done.]

[You will participate in a cooking competition with the God of Cooking in the Land of Swift Passage of Time for one month.]

[The God of Cooking will only be given one day to compete.]

[The God of Cooking has to present the best dish she has ever cooked after one day.]

[In exchange for the limitation of cooking only for a day, the God of Cooking will be able to obtain the help of the other Absolute Gods as long as it is within reasonable limits.]

[You will be given an entire month to cook your dish.]

[You must present the best dish you have ever cooked after one month.]

[You must make your best and most excellent dish purely with your abilities.]


Minhyuk was left confused when he saw the details of the bet presented to him.

‘If I’m given a month, then wouldn’t it be more advantageous?’

Of course, the God of Cooking would receive the help of the other Absolute Gods. But the thing that mattered the most was that it must be within a reasonable limit. So, why did Minhyuk think that it would be advantageous for him? This was because Minhyuk would be able to make almost thirty more dishes than the God of Cooking during the span of the competition.

When Minhyuk appeared, Arlene was already standing before him, with a smirk curling at the corners of her mouth.

The truth was, Arlene was not really in a good mood right now. Why? One, it was because someone dared to offer a cooking bet to her, the one who was hailed as the best in cooking. Two, because Minhyuk, who had already grown well in cooking, had realised that it was not necessarily impossible for him to win a bet against her.

‘I have lost a bet with this brat before.’

Back then, the God of Cooking had offered a bet that he would make ten legendary dishes in a row. Considering the level of the God of Cooking back then, she thought that she would win even if she lied down. And the Minhyuk of back then? It would be close to impossible for him to win the bet. But Minhyuk overcame his limits and won the bet.

This was one of the reasons why the God of Cooking was filled with motivation and determination to win. And when she looked at Minhyuk, who proposed the bet this time, he bowed politely to her in greeting.

‘Even so, I still can’t hate him.’

That was right. She just had this burning desire to win. She did not harbour any resentment or hate towards Minhyuk.

Immediately after that, Arlene, Minhyuk and the other Absolute Gods warped elsewhere. When Minhyuk opened his eyes again, he was now inside a coliseum.

Countless gods were sitting in the audience. It was only natural. Just as Minhyuk was greedy to get high rewards from them, they were also looking forward to giving the next generation Battle God a blow and elevating their status.

[Land of Swift Passage of Time. Even if you stay inside this place for a month, only a day will pass in reality.]

[Everything inside the Land of Swift Passage of Time, except for the people, the gods and the races, is similar to the ordinary world of Athenae.]

[You can obtain the ingredients you need to cook for an entire month.]

Arlene had already started to cook the moment the notifications began to ring.


Flames shot out from her fingertips and settled underneath the bottom of the cauldron in front of her.

There was something that Minhyuk had to remember. The Absolute Gods stood at the pinnacle of the gods. Because of that, their powers stood at their peak and were far superior to the power of ordinary gods and humans. The power of the nine Absolute Gods was particularly outstanding, just like what they would display now.

[Judge’s Authority.]

[With the power of the Judge’s Authority, they can ignore the laws and rules set in place.]

[The rule about the God of Cooking only being able to cook for a day has been removed.]

[The God of Cooking can now cook for two days.]

[The God of Judgment can no longer influence and interfere with this bet.]

‘They– They’re going to twist it just like this?’

Minhyuk was left in astonishment. At this moment, he realised the one-day cooking restriction was a ruse. And…

[Authority for Excellent Cooking.]

[Any power, skill or authority that has a penalty can be used without receiving its penalties.]

This was the power of the God of Cooking herself.

‘I made the bet without knowing the powers of the Absolute Gods.’

Perhaps Minhyuk had been far too arrogant. There were many gods, even among the Absolute Gods, who were weaker than Minhyuk. But the essence of the power that they possessed could easily surpass the standard that determined what was weak and what was strong.

[Will for the One Who Pours their Entire Being into it.]

[The God of Will’s power gives strength in response to the will of the one doing something.]

[The God of Will can no longer influence and interfere with this bet.]

The notifications that continuously rang in Minhyuk’s ears made him breathless. As for the God of Cooking? She was ecstatic. Why? Because the Absolute Gods were usually not on good terms with each other. But this single bet had made them help each other out. To put it simply, God of Cooking Arlene was now in a state where she could make the greatest dish that she had ever made.


As the water in the cauldron boiled, the beef ribs slowly floated in the air following the wave of Arlene’s fingertips.

[The blood has been removed excellently.]

[The taste of the dish that you are cooking will become even better. The effects of the dish that you are cooking will become even better.]

She slowly revealed the skills and powers that she had in possession. With just a wave of her finger, she was able to remove the blood in the ribs perfectly and even put it inside the cauldron. Of course, the ingredients that she was using were all God-grade ingredients.


The boiling water suddenly shot out and slammed into her like lava exploding from the depths of the volcano. But in front of the God of Cooking, this lava-like water was nothing but a mere child’s play.


With a simple wave of her hand, the rising lava-like water slowly got sucked back inside the cauldron.

At this moment, the God of Cooking was not only showing a tremendous amount of motivation but also concentration. Why was she extremely motivated? Because she had to maintain her dignity and remain in her seat with pride. And the concentration and motivation fueled her and pushed her beyond her own limits.

[Your ‘Determination to Make the Best Dish’, your ‘Will’, and your ‘efforts’ gives you more strength.]

[Your DEX has increased by 8%.]

[...to Make the Best Dish…]

[...to Make the Best Dish…]

[The dish that you are cooking will become even better.]

A delighted smile settled on Arlene’s face at the notifications as she continued to boil and cook the ribs. Despite the ribs creating waves that threatened to spill from her cauldron, a simple and gentle touch and gesture from her silenced it back inside.

As she continued to boil and cook the ribs, Arlene gradually lost track of time. She remained unaware of the sun setting and the moon rising. Her outstanding concentration made her oblivious to how much time has passed, not even noticing the sun rising once again.

After the ribs had boiled to some extent, Arlene began to season it. The dish that Arlene wanted to make was none other than galbi-jjim.

The gods who watched the sweat dripping down her forehead as various effects continuously aimed at her were all in awe.

“Is she going beyond her limits?”

The Absolute Gods could not take their eyes off of her.

“Wow.” Minhyuk breathed, awe and admiration towards Arlene flowing from his eyes.

That was right. Minhyuk was the one who proposed the bet. But Arlene? Arlene had been hailed as someone who has surpassed even the greatest God of Cooking for a long time now.


Finally, a bright golden light, not the usual white light, fell down and enveloped the galbi-jjim. At the same time, the notifications rang.

[The Best Dish among the Five Greatest Dishes Across All Eras has been born to the world!]

Minhyuk felt his heart thumping. Was it because he was excited? No. Not at all.

‘I’m afraid.’

Could he even beat her?

[The God who Rules Over All of the Armies is confident of their victory.]

[He believes that it will be very difficult for you to receive recognition and acknowledgement from the Absolute Gods.]

[The God who Does Not Know How to Back Down is confident of their victory.]

[...receive recognition…]

[...Rules Over the Dead…]

[...Protects the Laws and the Rules…]

[...receive recognition…]

[...receive recognition…]

[...receive recognition…]

Minhyuk’s task now was to go beyond the Greatest Dish Across All Eras.

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