Leveling Endlessly with the Strongest System!

Chapter 426 Like A Immortal

The forest and the green rolling hills were reduced to a wasteland at the hands of the fiery sea created by Roy's ultimate move.

As for the goblins, they were no match for the overwhelming power displayed by Roy. They were eradicated from existence. Not even their ashes were left behind!

『Ding! Congratulations on destroying the army of low-level monsters.』

『You have earned a huge amount of EXP.』

『For accomplishing an impossible feat with ease, you have been rewarded with a new title.』

『You have earned the *Annihilator of Goblins" title!』

Delilah watched in shock as the fiery storm decimated the enemy forces, her jaw so wide open that it threatened to drop to touch the ground.

Her surprise wasn't without reason, as Roy had effortlessly decimated an entire army of low-level monsters with just two simple moves.

Delilah gasped, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Just how strong are you?" she asked in shock, her voice trembling with awe.

"I have just displayed my full strength. I don't have any stronger move than this." Roy replied, a smug grin spreading across his face. "If someone could survive that, I wouldn't know what to do," he added, his tone dripping with arrogance. He strongly believed that even a peak-level grandmaster would be wiped out if he confronted his full might head-on. He was just not confident about killing Realm Lords with this move. Realm lords were one of the strongest existence known to mankind. They had too many trump cards, and their strongest move was no less powerful than a natural calamity.

Delilah rolled her eyes at him. "Who could possibly survive an attack that wiped out two habitats? You just like to show off."

"That's not necessarily true. I wouldn't have used my trump card if we weren't short on time. It's not like I can use it often." Roy said as he willed for the subspace to close.

Roy commanded the subspace to seal shut. Instantaneously, the void began to retract, folding in on itself until it vanished completely.

However, Roy's relief was short-lived as he was suddenly seized by an agonizing pain. It radiated from his chest and pulsated through his entire body, making him feel as if he was struck by a God's fury.

The sheer intensity of it was almost unbearable, causing him to double over in anguish. He hunched, his back drenched in sweat.

The pain he was feeling reminded him that he couldn't recklessly unleash his most formidable technique whenever he pleased. He had to use it sparingly, only thrice a year. Otherwise, he would be playing with his life.

Delilah noticed Roy's discomfort and grew alarmed. Hastening towards him, she gently helped him to his feet. Her eyes, filled with concern, were fixed on him. "Are you alright?" She asked, her voice laced with concern as she gazed at Roy with worried eyes.

Roy took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, before flashing her a small smile, "A beauty like you has shown concern for me," he said, his voice still a little shaky. "Any pain I felt earlier has now dissipated into thin air."

His smile pierced her heart like an arrow shot from the cupid's bow. Her face was suddenly painted with a bright shade of red, and her cheeks felt hot and tingly as if they were on fire. The sudden rush of blood to her face left her feeling exposed and vulnerable, as though her emotions had been laid bare for the world to see.

The intensity of her embarrassment was so great that she found herself unable to meet his gaze. Her eyes darted down, seeking refuge in the ground beneath her feet as if it held some mystical power to quell her unease. Her head bowed low, she made herself as small as possible, hoping to disappear into the very earth itself. It was as if the very act of meeting his eyes would be too much to bear, and she needed time to gather herself before she could face him again.

"How can you think of flirting in your state?" Delilah snapped, "You dummy."

Her attempt to cover up her true feelings failed miserably. Her voice that was barely audible and her cheeks that were flushed with embarrassment showed what she was truly feeling.

Roy couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable reaction.

He felt that he could tease her all day long and still not feel bored.

However, he still had important things to do.

"Thunder, come!"

With an effortless flick of his wrist, he summoned forth his mighty aura sword, a weapon imbued with immense strength and fortitude that pulsated with an otherworldly energy. It manifested close to him, hovering a few feet above the ground with lightning thundering around it in a display of power

Without skipping a beat, he leaped onto the weapon with the grace of a sword immortal, his movements fluid and precise. He balanced atop it effortlessly.

"Take my hand," he called out to Delilah, extending his arm towards her in a gesture of invitation. His voice was deep and commanding, filled with a power that resonated with every fiber of her being.

She clasped his hand eagerly, feeling his strong grip tighten around her own. He pulled her towards him with a gentle but firm motion, enfolding her in his embrace with an almost possessive intensity.

Delilah felt his muscular frame against hers, his powerful arms holding her securely against his chest. She couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and exhilaration as they soared through the air on the back of the reinforced aura sword.

As they flew past the wasteland that was once filled with life and charged toward a burrow in the distance, Delilah's heart raced with anticipation, her breath quickening as she felt Roy's own heart beating against her.

She tilted her head upward and fixed her eyes on his face with a gaze of unwavering affection, looking at him in pure adoration.

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