Leveling Endlessly with the Strongest System!

Chapter 416 Immortality Is But A Fluke (4/4)

The sound of the explosion echoed through the air, and the left side of the zombie's body was engulfed in bright red emerald flames. The fire consumed the zombie's flesh with ease, spreading outwards like a ferocious tiger on the hunt. The zombie desperately tried to control the spread of the flames by severing the part of its body that was on fire.

Although it was a move made in desperation, it allowed the zombie to escape with its life and half its body.

Roy couldn't help but sneer at the pitiful state of his opponent.

"I don't believe you're fit to fight in such a sorry state," he jibed.

Unfazed by the mocking words, the zombie responded with an eerie calmness that sounded almost mechanical. "With the mystical power bestowed upon me by the Seventh King of the Void, it won't be long before I finish healing myself. May the void bless me. May the blessing of the void make my wound whole!" the zombie repeated, like a broken record stuck in a loop.

Roy was a bit concerned, but after seeing that its prayer wasn't working, he smirked. "Your so-called 'regeneration' is nothing but a sham," he spat, his tone dripping with disdain. "It seems to me that everything you said is nothing but a load of bullshit."

"How could it be?"

The zombie struggled to understand why its missing left side wasn't regenerating. But before it could come to a conclusion, Roy took immediate action and decisively wiped the floor with it.

As Delilah watched the intense battle unfold, her heart pounded in her chest with excitement. She couldn't help but be impressed by Roy's fighting skills as he moved with grace and precision while striking the zombie. She still didn't know that her mind was hijacked by the zombie, and she nearly lost her life. She didn't have memories of that time. She also didn't have memories of the time when her consciousness was suppressed.

"Why is my boon of everlasting life not working?" The zombie wailed, its disbelief palpable.

Its anguished cry pierced the stillness of the night as it realized the unthinkable: its blessing of immortality had failed it.

Roy regarded the undead creature with a mix of caution and disdain.

"There is no such thing as true immortality," he declared with a cool detachment. Even Voss, who considered himself immortal and eternal, lost his body at the hands of Ninam. Only his eternal soul was left, nailed to a mountain in the Ashen Land, and one day even that would be taken care of. "You are merely an anomaly, a being impervious to physical attacks and the destructive force of black aura lightning. However, the flames of high-level fire magic are more than enough to vanquish an unholy being such as yourself."

With fists imbued with powerful fire magic, Roy struck the zombie again and again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Small explosions occurred with each hit.

These explosions consumed the zombie's body until there was nothing left but ashes.

『You have killed a level 60 blade dancer!』

『You have gained 10× Wind Blade shards!』

『Collect 100 Wind Blade shards to form the Wind Blade skill!』

『Ding! Congratulations on completing the "Quest Find the Truth"!』

『You have gained the character information and status screen of the level 60 Blade Dancer』

『You have impressed ???』

『Ding! The Blade dancer that you killed was the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-seventh creation of the Obsidian Overlord, the Third King of Void!』

『You shall now experience the Obsidian Overlord's might!』

Roy's body tensed up abruptly, and all the hair on his skin stood on end. He felt an intense pressure bearing down on him, causing him to bend. Struggling against the force, he managed to keep himself upright, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to resist. The pressure was so strong that his knees were about to buckle, and it was clear that whatever was causing it wanted him to kneel.

"No way in hell am I gonna kneel down to you!" Determined not to give in, Roy gritted his teeth and unleashed all of his power.

He summoned his aura, mana, flames, and black aura lightning, focusing all of his energy on pushing back against the pressure. He refused to kneel to anyone without reason, and he knew that giving in now would be a disappointment he could never forgive himself for.

After what felt like an eternity, the pressure suddenly vanished, and Roy breathed a sigh of relief.

Just then, a notification rang out in his mind,

『The Obsidian Overlord has forgiven you for killing its level 60 servant!』

『The Obsidian Overlord is watching you!』

『The Obsidian Overlord's curiosity has been piqued by the young human who has appeared in the realm he is to usurp!』

'Am I in great danger, or is this an opportunity?" Roy wondered.

He didn't believe that the system would intentionally harm him. Since it has urged him to complete the quest, it must know he won't be harmed. He believed that he might not end up the Obsidian Overlord's enemy as long as he played his card right.

Delilah jumped down the building. Mid-way, she dissapeared. The next second, she materialized next to Roy, gasping for breath. "What just occurred? For a moment, I felt as though the heavens were collapsing upon us, crushing us beneath their weight. I was so worried for you." she said with a mixture of concern and fear.

Roy turned to face her, his expression grave. "It was the master of the zombie we just killed. Fortunately, it was not intent on settling the score and drawing blood, content instead to mete out a lesser punishment."

Delilah pulled out a handkerchief and helped him wipe his sweat. Only then did he realize the extent of his exertions, the beads of perspiration that had coalesced into rivulets of salt upon his brow.

"You don't mind, do you?" she asked, her voice a whisper that caressed his heightened senses.

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