Leveling Endlessly with the Strongest System!

Chapter 310 Memoir Of The Past: Intervention

A figure was flying in the air and moving swiftly, covering a distance of several kilometers every second.

It was nighttime. Darkness haunted the land beneath her, and the cold reflected every breath she took.

The moon was right above her head, hanging in a cloudless sky. It was clear, just like a lake. But all of a sudden, countless cracks appeared in it and instantly broadened, becoming larger than a man.

They were shaped like different phases of the moon. Some were like a crescent moon, and the others were similar to a full moon.

Lying behind them were boulder-sized rubies that excluded intense malevolence in the shape of gas.

​ Reflected in all of them was a single being, a gorgeous woman, to be exact.

She was tall and graceful, dressed luxuriously in a way well befitting of an aristocrat like her. Touched by the moon, her golden hair shone like the rays of the sun. As of this moment, each of her hair strands looked like a priceless thread of gold.

Her red eyes were a thousand times more mesmerizing and enchanting than a ruby as not only were they brighter than one, but they were also showing emotions unlike one, and scales were spread all over her body.

Instead of marking her with imperfection, they only worked to amplify her beauty, making her look more perfect and desirable.

All in all, she was unrivaled in terms of looks. Her shape and beauty were something no human could ever achieve without underhanded means.

"So they failed to hold her back." Thought the schemer as it saw the woman in a place she wasn't supposed to be. But it suddenly smiled, grinning from ears to ears. Its smile could bring a thousand babies to tears because of how horrifying it looked, and it was smiling like a lunatic. "It's just as I expected."

A thousand eyes suddenly appeared in the sky above Vivia's head.

She didn't become instantly aware of them as they escaped her notice.

However, when she was targeted by them, a chill crept up her spine. She had a sixth sense, which was quite similar to Roy's but far stronger than his. Thanks to it, she realized that she was being watched by more than one pair of eyes.

"They are giving off an intense amount of chaotic energy."

She felt terrified as she looked up and noticed that a lot of scarlet eyes had appeared under the moon in a blink of an eye.

"Who do they belong to?" She stopped, feeling wary of them. "A high priest of Chaos?"

Suddenly, a voice belonging neither to a man nor a woman sounded in her head.

"I will have to ask you to stay put, my lady."

The words were polite, but the meanings behind them weren't. Not to mention, the one saying them was after her life, and she could feel it.

An intense amount of killing intent was directed towards her. She could feel it but was too taken aback to properly react to it.

Suddenly, she saw one of the eyes brightening up.


Vivia wasn't given much time to think as to who the voice or the eyes might belong to as a laser beam escaped one of them. It was thick like a pillar and hot enough to scorch the air.

'Too fast.'

In her eyes, it closed the distance between them in the instant of a second, blinking its way up to her.

"Got her."

The evil hidden in the void smiled as the suddenness of the attack caught her off guard.

But its happiness quickly deflated as it saw her twisting her body out of the laser beam's trajectory at the last second.

However, it was too fast for her to escape with amateurish movements taken at a moment's notice.

No matter how fast she was, she moved when it was a hairsbreadth away from her, so she failed to dodge it completely.

It brushed past her, causing her sleeves to get burned.


An intense pain assaulted her, causing her to groan and shut her eyes. She opened them immediately and looked at where the pain was emerging from. Presented to her was a mangled and bloodied arm attached to her body.


Intense positive energy escaped her body, imbuing atoms near her with healing energy and combining each hydrogen atom in her surrounding with two atoms of oxygen. Droplets of water glowing resplendently manifested around her injured arm out of thin air. They swirled around it, and her injuries began to close. Instantly, she was healed.

"Even that can be healed?" The being with the androgynous voice was shocked, seeing how easily she healed her injured arm. The laser beam was made of Chaotic energy, which was known for its destructive capability, and it was empowered to another extent because of its authority. So it was impossible to heal it as anything touched by it would rot even if healing was cast on it. "The power of you celestials never fails to amaze me."


Hearing its words, Vivia recognized it as the enemy of mankind and all living beings, Chaos, the harbinger of destruction. A moment after making its appearance, it had crippled a deity like her who could go head to head against Realm Lords. From this, it could be seen that the current her wasn't its match.

"Indeed, It is I, the only one honored as such across this realm."

Saying this, Chaos shattered the space and stepped out of the void.

A huge blob of reddish flesh with a vertical mouth stretching from its head to its bottom like the zip of a pant and countless eyes appeared above her.

It was hovering hundreds of feet above the ground and was big enough to hide the moon behind it.

Whether it was Chaos's true form or just its avatar was yet to be determined. Still, its power level was enough to make her draw her brows together and cause her concern.


Author Note:-

I have dealt with real-life trouble. Normal update back! Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.

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