LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 39: Cause of Downfall

Lyerin nodded, his eyes narrowing with determination. "Corora," he said, turning to her, "transform into your Zur'Ibex Wilding form."

Corora nodded, a look of determination crossing her face. "Yes, Lyerin," she replied. The girls watched in awe and fear as Corora began to change.

Her skin darkened, taking on an almost metallic sheen.

Muscles rippled and expanded under her flesh, her bones audibly cracking and shifting. Her eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and horns sprouted from her forehead, curling back in a majestic yet terrifying display.

A low growl rumbled from her chest as her transformation completed.

Cornelia gasped, eyes wide with shock, and the other girls stepped back, every single one of them having the expressions of a mix of fear and astonishment.

Lyerin spoke, his voice calm and authoritative. "Once someone turns eighteen, the Eldren Mana within them activates. It pulls them into another dimension called the Ruined Magical World. This world is full of magical creatures and inhabitants, including humans. If you gain significant power there, you can bring it back to this world and use it against these monsters outside."

The girls exchanged glances, processing this new information. One by one, they began to speak up.

Maria, the petite brunette, was the first to respond. "My eighteenth birthday is on April 2nd," she said, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes.

Elena, the tall, athletic woman, followed. "Mine is on May 5th," she stated, her tone resolute.

Sophia, the slender woman with long hair, added, "I turn eighteen on June 12th."

Lydia, the girl with glasses, spoke next. "My birthday is on April 18th," she said quietly.

Fiona, the redhead, chimed in. "I'm turning eighteen on April 30th."

Emily, the timid girl, added, "Mine is on May 15th."

Finally, Natalie, the calm and composed woman, said, "I'll be eighteen on March 26th."

Lyerin nodded, satisfied with their responses. The nearest birthday was March 26th, and today was March 17th. He only needed to protect them for a little while longer. "Good," he said. "We just need to wait a little time, and it won't be a problem for you."

A thought struck him, and he remembered something crucial. "Wait here," he instructed them. "I have something to do outside. I need to cover our scent."

With that, Lyerin left the abandoned small sanctuary in the middle of the city. He moved quickly and silently, his senses heightened. He needed car tires to create a barrier that would mask their scent from the black-inked cannibals or zombies.

His first stop was an old parking lot. He crouched low, scanning the area for any sign of movement.

Spotting a car with intact tires, he moved swiftly, his peak Apprentice Mana user rank made him an Apprentice Eldren Warrior in the real world, allowing him to lift the car effortlessly. He ripped off the tires, the sound of metal and rubber tearing filling the silent air.

Suddenly, he heard a low growl behind him.


He turned to see a group of black-inked cannibals approaching.

Without hesitation, he threw the tires over his shoulder and leaped onto a nearby building, evading the creatures.

Next, he found an abandoned street with several overturned vehicles. He quickly assessed the situation, noticing a few zombies lurking nearby.

Using his agility, he darted between the cars, grabbing tires and avoiding the creatures. One of the zombies lunged at him, but he dodged and delivered a powerful kick, sending it flying into a wall.

Finally, he reached a small garage. The door was slightly ajar, and he slipped inside.

The garage was dark and smelled of oil and decay. He found a stack of unused tires in the corner and quickly gathered them. As he was about to leave, he heard shuffling footsteps.

Peeking through a crack in the door, he saw a horde of zombies converging on his location. He waited, holding his breath, until they passed. Then, with a burst of speed, he dashed out of the garage, tires in tow.

Lyerin moved quickly through the city, his senses on high alert. He knew he had to get back to the sanctuary before the black-inked cannibals picked up their scent. His mind raced with plans and strategies. He had to protect the girls and ensure they could safely make their transitions into the Ruined Magical World.

As he approached the sanctuary, he felt a sense of urgency.

The streets were eerily quiet, the only sounds being the distant moans of the undead and the rustling of leaves in the wind. He scaled the walls effortlessly, dropping the tires into the courtyard.

The girls watched him, their eyes filled with hope and fear.

As Lyerin began to set up the tires around the sanctuary, creating a barrier to mask their scent, he felt it's not enough. He looked at Corora, Cornelia, and the other girls.

Again, Lyerin surveyed the pile of tires he had collected. It wasn't enough. "These won't suffice," he muttered, shaking his head. "I need more. We need a substantial barrier to repel the black-inked zombies effectively."

Turning to the girls, he spoke with a reassuring tone, "Don't worry about food. The two human traffickers I killed had a stash of supplies. You'll find them stored in the basement of that building over there." He pointed to a nearby structure. "Stay here and make sure to keep an eye out. I'll be back soon with more tires."

The girls nodded, their faces a mixture of relief and concern. Corora and Cornelia huddled together, watching as Lyerin left the sanctuary once more.

As he moved through the desolate streets, Lyerin contemplated his next steps. He needed a significant number of tires to create a burning barrier that could repel the black-inked zombies. Burning a single tire might work temporarily, but he needed a more lasting solution. Fortunately, there were plenty of abandoned cars scattered around the city.

However, he noticed something troubling. The black-inked cannibals were evolving. He witnessed several of them climbing walls like spiders, their agility and speed increasing. "They're turning into second-level black-inked cannibals," he thought grimly. "This complicates things."

Despite the growing threat, Lyerin was confident in his abilities.

As a peak Apprentice Eldren Warrior, he knew he could handle the zombies and stay hidden if necessary. He moved swiftly, gathering tires from various locations. He ripped them off cars, avoiding the zombies as he went.

Suddenly, as he was carrying a load of tires, he heard a distinct sound—a neigh. Lyerin froze, his senses on high alert. He turned to see a creature that resembled a horse but was different. Its eyes were pitch black, void of any light or life. Its mouth was equally dark, an abyss of darkness.

Lyerin's heart skipped a beat. He recognized the creature and remembered why this city was the first to fall to the black-inked zombies.

This place was known as the City of Modern Horses.

The inhabitants loved horses and had a deep-seated tradition of riding and breeding them. The city's layout was even designed with horse paths and stables, making horses a central part of their culture.

The tradition was rooted in their history. Horses symbolized freedom and strength, and every family took pride in owning at least one horse.

Festivals celebrated the bond between humans and horses, with parades and competitions showcasing their equine companions.

This love for horses made the city unique, but it also became their downfall when the apocalypse hit.

Lyerin dropped the tires and prepared to fight.

The black-inked horse charged at him, its movements swift and deadly. Lyerin dodged its first attack, rolling to the side and drawing his weapon. The creature neighed again, a haunting sound that echoed through the empty streets.

"You're not just a regular horse anymore," Lyerin muttered, eyeing the beast. "But I'm no ordinary human either."

The battle was intense but brief. Lyerin's peak level of training gave him an edge. He dodged and weaved, striking the creature with precision.

The black-inked horse reared up, its hooves slashing through the air.


Lyerin saw an opening and lunged, delivering a powerful blow to its neck.

The creature fell with a final, chilling neigh, with its body collapsing into a heap.

Breathing heavily, Lyerin stood over the fallen beast. He knew this was just the beginning. The city's unique tradition had now become a nightmare, with these once-beloved animals transformed into deadly predators.

Just as he was about to pick up the tires again, he heard several more neigh sounds in the distance.

The sound sent a chill down his spine. More black-inked horses were on their way.

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