Let the Villain Go

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Jiang Chengzhu, hello, I am Fu Huaiyu, the priest of Shennai, Fu Huaiyu took the initiative to extend her hand, but she was wearing snow-white gloves on her hands and didnt mean to take it off.

General Jiang glanced at the slender hand with a smile, Its fine. No need for a handshake, so that you dont feel uncomfortable.

Fu Huaiyu withdrew her hand and clenched it beside her.

In the past, almost all the bases in the vicinity had many Shennai believers. Each base was set up with a Shennai church. Even if it wasnt directly under the rule of the Shennai, they could provide most of the city lords with holy blood. The people were very respectful.

During that period, Fu Huaiyu was held high everywhere by everyone. When did she face such a situation like this?

The reason why Shennai was able to perform miracles was revealed. The overall contraction moved north and the influence began to decline significantly. The attitude of the city lords of these bases toward her completely changed.

In front of her, the young successor of the young Spring City was even more arrogant. Not only did he use their church for other purposes after taking over, but he also showed no affection for her body.

Fu Huaiyus fists were clenched. She was very clever to suppress the anger on her face, and barely got her smile back, Master Jiangcheng, our Shennai these years has been working to capture the human beings enemy, Peitian. During this time, we monitored his range of activities that were always around Spring City. According to our guess, after cruelly killing the former city lord once, he didnt stay away.

Fu Huaiyu took out a bag of crystal cores, stooped down and placed it on General Jiangs table. She gently pushed it forward, So, this time I want to hire Blizzard to help me find Ye Peitian. This is a win-win thing, isnt it?

She knew that although the signboard of Shennai wasnt very useful now, Ye Peitians holy blood was still very attractive. As long as it was under the guise of the Demon Guard Road, these superficial appearances of the citys masters and commanders would change. No, the young city lord who had just disregarded her immediately showed interest.

You said Ye Peitian is in our Spring City? Dont you want to help me, what can you rely on to capture his whereabouts? General Jiang asked.

Ye Peitian used to be our experimental subject. We studied him for a long time, and we are very clear about all his data. Fu Huaiyu threw out her chips, As long as he uses his ability, we have professionally trained investigators who could catch the wave that belongs to him alone.

General Jiang stood up and took two steps back and forth, remembering the man who was so powerful that he admired. If he had been in the Spring City and was active in this neighborhood, would he not even know?

Fu Huaiyu felt that the right to speak began to shift toward her own side. She recovered some restraint and took a charged tablet computer from behind her, and clicked on the video to show General Jiang their attractive research results.

Spring City wasnt a small base like Baima Town. She wanted to make a big move here. To win someone like Ye Peitian, she must throw enough temptations and get the full support of Spring City.

In this set of videos, those wounded with intestines and broken limbs were cured at a magical rate under the treatment of various types of drugs. The picture was full of loving clerics, grateful people, and a highly civilized scientific research laboratory that had been sporadic.

General Jiang saw a picture of a laboratory full of various precision-end instruments. During this period, various chromatographs, analyzers, and various medical pipes and reagent bottles appeared. In the era of wasteland where civilization was overthrown, it was difficult for non-strong organizations to establish such a laboratory. This was an extremely powerful symbol.

Fu Huaiyu saw General Jiang stopping at this picture. She thought that she had successfully attracted General Jiangs attention. She was ready to introduce him and throw out the conditions for cooperation.

Thats how you treat him?

General Jiang pointed to the test rig in the corner of the video, where a test subject that suffered inhuman treatment was cruelly imprisoned, but that was obviously a living human being.

Yes, yes. This is the half-demon, and our attitude toward him at that time was so kind.

Fu Huaiyu didnt expect General Jiang to focus on it. Although ordinary people didnt know the truth about the holy blood, most of the bigwigs standing at the top of power already knew this semi-open secret.

However, no one cared about what the half demon faced, and all these people cared about was how to share a slice of this huge chain of interests.

General Jiang froze. He turned his face to the beautiful face in front of him who didnt care to say such words, and turned his eyes back to the screen.

The mans limbs in the screen were firmly imprisoned on the operating table, his eyes were covered with bandages, and various plumbing instruments were connected to his body. Even after going through the killing field, General Jiang, who was used to life and death situations, felt the torture he suffered was unbearable.

The face couldnt be seen clearly from the video screen, but he could clearly see one of his arms. His pale fingers clenched into fists tightly, tied up by the bandage, cut the skin, and stained with blood.

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