Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Chapter 2 - 2 - Goddess of Sloth

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Goddess of Sloth

"Goddess of Sloth?"

Broken's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him. A goddess had appeared, an experience unlike any he had heard of; perhaps he was the first player to encounter such an event.

"Was she the one who scared off the spirits earlier?" he wondered.

Uncertain whether to feel happy or sad about the spirits' sudden departure, he realized that a goddess's blessing was undeniably better than a mere spirit contract.

As Broken observed Akidia, the Goddess of Sloth, lying motionless on the ground, confusion and curiosity overtook him. In the game, deities played significant roles, often choosing champions to bless and strengthen. Deities were worshiped by their followers and wielded power far beyond that of mortals.

Broken knelt to get a closer look at her face, captivated by her serene beauty. Despite knowing this was a virtual world, the line between reality and the game blurred.

"I know this is just a game," he whispered, "but distinguishing between what's real and what's not is becoming increasingly difficult. She embodies perfection as a goddess. Could it be that I'm the first player to encounter one?"

The realism of Immortal Legacy was unparalleled, crafting a world that felt as tangible as the real one. Even though Akidia was technically an NPC, her lifelike beauty and the surreal situation left Broken in awe.

"But wait," Broken suddenly gasped, noticing that the goddess was deep in slumber. "How could she fall asleep so soundly and swiftly? Is this because she is the Goddess of Sloth?"

[[The one who doesn't really accomplish much, but seems to have good luck on their side.]]

A global announcement flashed across Broken's field of vision, a feature within Immortal Legacy that broadcasted messages to all players.

"That's me!"

[[A player has had the unparalleled honor of meeting the Goddess of Sloth in person, a deity of incomparable beauty and unmatched sluggishness. To those who have seen the pinnacle of beauty in this world, the allure of the deities remains beyond comprehension.]]

[[Yet, for this legendary player, the journey begins anew from this extraordinary encounter, blessed by the deity herself.]]

"So, it's true. I'm actually the first player to directly encounter a deity?"

A personal notification appeared for Broken.

[You have been awarded the title "He Who Encountered the Deity" in recognition of your unprecedented experience.]

[Title Effect: All Basic Stats +10, New Conditional Active Skill "Ethereal Form"]

[Ethereal Form (Conditional Active Skill)]

[Transform into an ethereal being with the power of Ethereal Form! Physical attacks will no longer be a bother as they will simply pass through you like a ghost. However, be cautious of magic wielders as they will have a greater advantage against you, dealing double the usual magical damage. Don't fret though, your Health will automatically be regenerated to 100% during the duration of Ethereal Form.]

[Duration: 5 Seconds]

[Cooldown: 1 Hour]

[Activation: When you would otherwise take fatal damage that puts your life in danger.]

Broken couldn't contain his excitement upon realizing the magnitude of the boon he had just received. The title not only increased each of his basic stats by an impressive 10 points but also endowed him with a new skill, "Ethereal Form," capable of transforming him into an untouchable specter, albeit with a vulnerability to magic.

Mindful of not disturbing Akidia, who was still enveloped in her slumber, Broken carefully distanced himself before gently reclining on the ground. He positioned himself so that he lay lower than her, a gesture of deference to the deity's presence.

"I hope this gesture shows her the respect she deserves. I'll stay right here until she awakens," he resolved.

He found comfort in the thought that the wait would be brief.

"Just an hour," he reassured himself, already mentally preparing for his upcoming shift at the store with a manager known for his strictness.

As the minutes slowly morphed into an hour, Broken felt a tug of disappointment. Despite his hopes, the time to depart had arrived without any change in Akidia's state.

Torn between staying and leaving, Broken wrestled with his decision. The privilege he had been granted was something beyond the ordinary, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that many could only envision in their wildest dreams. He understood the inherent value of this encounter; while other players had received blessings from the deities, none had the honor of sharing the company of a goddess.

In the midst of his contemplation, Akidia's eyes fluttered open. She paused, gathering her thoughts, seemingly puzzled by her own slumber. Her gaze then shifted towards Broken, and a look of amused pride adorned her face.

"What is he doing?" Akidia couldn't help but smile warmly. "Oh, this adorable human, so engulfed in laziness that he dozes off in my presence. How could I bear to disturb such peaceful slumber?"

Akidia gently laid her head back down, a weary sigh escaping her lips. "I've been working so hard these last few days, crafting a reward for my future champion. I'm simply worn out from all the effort."

And with that, she succumbed to her fatigue, drifting back into a deep sleep.

"Wait, was that something I heard?" Broken thought, his curiosity piqued.

With cautious movements, he lifted his head, turning towards Akidia. A whisper, so delicate and lulling, had reached his ears, yet as he searched for its source, he found Akidia in the embrace of sleep once more.

"Ugh, how much longer will she stay asleep?"

Broken couldn't help but express his frustration. In the real world, he was now three hours behind, which translated to a critical hour of delay for his job.

"I might lose my job." He opened the user panel and saw an unsettling notification.

[Due to the presence of a deity, the logout feature has been temporarily disabled.]

He sat down abruptly, bringing his hands to his face in disbelief.

"But, what? Seriously?" he exclaimed.

He couldn't log out until the goddess before he awoke.

"What am I supposed to do now? Wake her up? No, that doesn't seem right."

[There's something happening outside the game that affects what you feel inside the game! This physical sensation will be transmitted into the in-game sensations by 30%.]

As the game transmitted a physical sensation from the outside world into Immortal Legacy, Broken felt a peculiar tingling sensation creeping across his stomach and neck. Initially faint, it rapidly escalated into a discomfort so severe it seemed akin to torture.

"Lily, please, I can't take it anymore!"

Lily, Broken's little sister with whom he shared a home, was undoubtedly trying to wake him, concerned about his well-being and their shared responsibilities. Broken knew he needed to exit the game swiftly to attend to his job.

[Outside voices continue to penetrate the game's barriers, allowing snippets of reality to seep through.]

["Leon... Leon... Are you off work today? You didn't mention anything before diving into the game. Aren't you supposed to be at work? Ugh... Let me check your schedule. I hope you can hear me somehow..."]

Lily's voice, once a distant echo, now brought a wave of relief to Broken as her attempts to wake him ceased.

He had been in the Spirit World for six hours. Finally, the Goddess of Sloth, Akidia, began to awaken from her slumber. Broken couldn't help but smile, and a few tears even escaped his eyes from holding back Lily's tickling earlier.

Akidia's eyes snapped open, her surprise mirrored in her wide gaze as she looked at Broken. "Ah, you're finally awake," she observed softly, her eyes scanning his tearful expression.

"Why is this human crying?" she pondered, a mix of curiosity and affection in her heart. "Could it be joy at seeing me awake? This lovely human, I think I'll grant him additional rewards for our first meeting. I mustn't disappoint my champion."

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