Legend of the Asura

Chapter 322: Xing Xing’s Super Divine evolution

Chapter 322: Xing Xing’s Super Divine evolution

Big brother, what are you thinking? Feng Yao gently pulled on his arm, asking what she already knew with a smile. She knew that he must be thinking the same thing as her.

Being pulled from his thoughts, Feng Xiao shook his head and disregarded the questions in his heart temporarily. He said in a confused voice, Im wondering why she would deliberately give me these three favours. This is my first time meeting her, so theres no reason for her to give me this advantage.

Perhaps big brother is too charming that even the fairys heart was moved. Feng Yao mischievously stuck out her little pink tongue before suddenly asking with a curious look, Big brother, why didnt you want to look at the fairy big sisters appearance just now? It seemed like as long as big brother was willing, she would let you see it.

Feng Xiao revealed a faint smile as he put Feng Yaos hand to his chest. He looked at her with gentle eyes, Its because Im not too confident in myself, my heart suddenly filled with fear at that moment. I was afraid that if she really was as charming as the legends say, I would be completely enamoured. I would forget Yaoer, Bao BaoXi RuoRou Rou.

No, you wont! Feng Yaos expression didnt change at all as she shook her head with a smile, Nobody understands big brother better than me. Big brothers heart is more firm than anyones, it will forever belong to you. It wont be stolen away by anyone.

Feng Xiao also shook his head before his eyes looking at her became more gentle, If I didnt meet you, I would also think the same.

Alright, lets not think about this. What does it matter if that Fairy Liu Li is charming.

With a thought, the Spirit Jade Bottle that had collected half the Holy Chaos Water appeared in his hand. He went over to the small mortar and prepared to collect the rest of it.

One drop was enough to make the continent go crazy and he had over a thousand drops on him.

Feng Yao just stood there in a daze. That sentence If I didnt meet you, I would think the same gave her such happiness that she almost fainted.

Big brotherYou always like saying things that make me happy. Feng Yao laughed like a fool as she followed behind him.

But without knowing why, she kept thinking about what Liu Li had said before disappearing

Death is the true beginning!

Ding, your pet Nether Five Elemental Saint Qilin wishes to leave the pet space. Will you allow it?

Ding, your pet Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon wishes to leave the pet space. Will you allow it?

Feng Xiaos hand stretching out the Spirit Jade Bottle stopped as his heart filled with a surprise that wasnt small. That was because this was Xiao Xiao and Xing Xings first time asking to leave the pet space other than to evolve. Could it be that they noticed something?

All allowed!

With a flash of white and grey light, the immature youngrabbit and dragon excitedly appeared in front of Feng Xiao. They looked at each other and then as if by tacit agreement, they ran at the small mortar that held the Holy Chaos Water as fast as possible.

Seeing Xiao Xiao jumping like this, Feng Xiaos eyes opened wide. He started doubting that this really was a purebred rabbit!

Putong! Putong!

Almost at the same time, the two small figures jumped into the Holy Chaos over. This wasnt the end as a red flash of light appeared and turned into the smallest form Golden Winged Phoenix. The gold figure charged right into the Holy Chaos Water as well.


Xiao Bais giant body quickly turned small and even without Feng Xiaos agreement, it charged into the Holy Chaos Water as fast as possible.

Feng Xiao and Feng Yao blankly looked at each other.

Could it be that they

When Feng Xiao was feeling doubtful, there was a strange glow that came from the small mortar.


With a strong explosion, there wasnt a single drop of water that splashed out. A golden figure flew out and flew back to Feng Yao. As for Xiao Xiao, Xing Xing, and Xiao Bai, they exploded in three different directions as different coloured glows surrounded their bodies at the same time.

Xiao Xiao was white, Xiao Bai was purple, and Xing Xing was black and whiteThis is!

The light of evolution!

Feng Xiaos eyes fell onto the exploded mortar and there wasnt a single trace of water left. That scroll that was at the bottom strangely wasnt damaged at all by the explosion and it just laid on the ground, letting out an almost invisible purple glow.

They absorbed the Holy Chaos WaterWas their power being awakened?!

Feng Xiao calmed his heart as there was no better explanation than this. All of this had proved this. They must have smelled the Holy Chaos Water, so they struggled to leave the space and seize the Holy Chaos Water that would allow their power to awaken.

The flow of the air became strangely chaotic, as if it was indicating something.


The powerful heavenly thunder slammed down on Xiao Bai. The ground under Xiao Bai was completely destroyed, but it just laid there safe and sound, not even moving once.

Xiao Xiao was covered in a strange white glow. On the surface of that white glow, there were different colours that flashed. Blue, green, yellow, red, purpleEach time that these colours appeared, they were followed by a clear gray colour.

This was completely different from when they evolved before!

Xing Xings body released a strange alternating white and black colour. The pure black and pure white mixed together, not weakening either one, as if these two colours were complete opposites. They didnt interfere with each other as they flashed on Xing Xings body.

In the abyss, a man covered in light and a woman covered in darkness opened their eyes at the same time.

This is

Super Divine power! Our child will soon become the eleventh Super Divine Beast in the history of the Heavenly Dragon Continent!

As expected of our child, as expected of the Illusory Star Dragon that lived through its tribulation! In just two short months!

The Radiant Sacred Dragon and the Demonic Dark Dragon looked at each other, seeing the joy and shock in each others eyes. However, what they had more was gratitude.

Ding, your pet Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon has evolved into a Super Divine Pet! The Light and Dark Body has been strengthened, it can now instantly cast light and dark magic. The Light Healing has been strengthened. The Light Storm and Dark Curse skills have been strengthened. The skills Ying Yang Protective Body, Yin Yang Devour, and Yin Yang Destruction have been comprehended. The skill Illusory Star Transformation has been released.

Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon: Level 0 Super Divine Beast

Master: Wind Spirit

HP: 5000

MP: 5000

Physical Attack: 3000

Magic Attack: 3000

Defense: 3000

Light Healing: Special dragon race light attributed skill. The passive effect heals 5% HP per second. The active effect costs 300 MP and will heal the user and its partners for 30% of their HP. Effective range: Level +10. Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.

Yin Yang Protective Body: Fuses the special light and dark dragon power to create a protective barrier, protecting the user and their partners from all influence of light and dark energy. Costs 500 MP per second to use and can last at most 3 minutes. Its effects will vanish once the user runs out of MP. Can be used three times a day.

Yin Yang Devour: Swallows all the enemys light and dark energy in a certain area, causing the enemy's Light and Dark Resistance to drop by 50%. At the same time, it will recover 100% of the users HP and MP. Forcefully activated, cannot be defended against. Costs no MP and lasts for 300 seconds. Has a cooldown of 1 hour.

Yin Yang Destruction: A terrifying skill containing light and dark energy, has an unpredictable attack power. Will deal devastating damage to light and dark attributed monsters. Attacks everything in a 50 diameter circle around the user. Costs 2000 MP and has a cooldown of 10 minutes.

Illusory Star Transformation: The unique mysterious ability of the Illusory Star Dragon. Can be used to transform into human shape with the Illusory Stars power.

A powerful Super Divine Grade Xing Xing! The eleventh Super Divine Beast of the continent had been born in his hands!

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