Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan

Chapter 342: The War Begins, the Storm is Coming (III)

Chapter 342: The War Begins, the Storm is Coming (III)

Translator: Ning LL

Before she could finish those words, Momo Chang swept all the fruit plates on the table on the ground. Then with her eyebrows raised, she showed a fierce look to Aunt Kang and shouted loudly, making the roof tremble.

“Huh, Elder? What kind of elder you are?! I respect you because you are a relative of my Madam. That’s why I called you Madam. Do you really take yourself seriously? Open your eyes and watch carefully, this is the Gu family! Madam is from the Sheng family! You are the sister of Madam Wang from the Sheng family, I don’t see how close you are to our Gu family! How could you treat yourself as an elder here!”

Old Madam Qin was stunned and tried to stop Momo Chang. However, the latter’s words poured down like the rain and no one could interrupt her.

Seeing Momo Chang making a scene all of a sudden, the maids and servants in the room were all shocked. She stood by the door of the room and scolded with her hands rested on her hips, “Unfilial acts there are three, no posterity is great. Now everyone knows that Madam is pregnant. Even Old Madam Sheng and Madam Wang seldom come here in case Madam would be disturbed. Now, there’s an aunt who doesn’t know sh*t about herself throwing her weight about every now and then! Damn it! If anything happens to Master’s child, you think a bitch like you could afford the responsibility?!”

Aunt Kang had never been abused like this ever since she had been born. She, trembling all over with anger, got limp on the chair. Old Madam Qin finally came back to earth and scolded with a loud voice, “What nonsense are you talking about now?! Are you guys dead? Pull her out, now!”

After Momo Chang gave those curses, she walked out of the room before those maids could drag her out. Then she stood in the yard and shouted with the blaring voice as if she was shouting her pork for sale like before, “… Who the hell do you think you are! I never see you go your own family’s funeral so hastily. You are nothing like a madam from a decent family. You almost come here every day. People who don’t know you would think that you are a close relative to the Gu family. You are not here to scrounge for a meal, are you?!”

She swaggered out after saying that. The servants beside her didn’t dare to push her for real since they hadn’t got the order from Old Madam Qin and were all in awe of Gu Tingye. Therefore, they could only let Momo Chang shouted abuse on the road and her words gradually hit the sore spot of the two women in the room.

“… ask anyone in this country, which elder in a decent family would ask an 8-month pregnant woman to walk back and forth! Unlike someone who keeps stepping out of line and someone who plays dumb. Now what?! If Master loses his child, who’ll benefit?!”

After she walked out of the Daylily Garden, there were lots of people watching the fun on the road. They gossiped and sneered in low voices. These people inspired Momo Chang, then she jumped and pointed to Daylily Garden while sputtering, “… Let me tell you, you evil-minded people, my Tingye won’t grant your wish. Now he will enjoy a great life after surviving from the disaster!” She was a rational person. Since the Cheng Manor were conducted perfectly by Minglan, Momo Chang then never get involved in the Gu’s affairs. This time Gu Tingye had traveled far away, Momo Chang knew about his scruples. Therefore, when it was inappropriate for Minglan to fight those women back, Momo Chang would take the advantage of her seniority and play the fool.

Her voice went far away. Zhu shi coaxed her daughter to sleep gently and the maids and servants in the room all stayed quite without daring to utter a single word. Shao shi was very anxious in the room and walked around. Xian walked in and ordered the maid to close the dor.

“Mother, let’s play chess.” The girl pulled her mother to sit down and said with a soft voice, “We have nothing to do with the things at the outside!”

Aunt Kang was weak and limp in anger and could only walk out with other’s support. She had never felt so humiliated before, so she also made quite a scene. Momo Chang gained vigor with age and was full of strength. She screamed along the road from Daylily Garden to Cheng Manor, attracting lots of people’s attention. Even the masons who were busy with the housing repair were about to be drawn over.

Though Minglan had heard about how tough Momo Chang was, she was still shocked by the latter’s combat effectiveness.

Then, she swallowed her surprised feeling as well as her saliva. At night, after she filled her belly, she strolled to Old Madam Qin’s place leisurely to apologize and kept saying, ‘Momo Chang has a bad temper, please forgive her. After Master is back, I’ll definitely tell him to scold her.’(In other words, right now no one could scold Momo Chang.) In the meantime, she also said with an earnest expression, “Momo Chang got confused with age. Everyone knows that you are the kindest person. Don’t take those bad words into your heart.”

In less than half a day, rumors and gossips were spread in and out of the Gu’s mansion. Once something was exposed in public, Old Madam Qin would be the most embarrassed one.

Old Madam Qin was extremely mad. She had only wanted to hook two fishes for pleasure, never did she realize that she would catch a great white shark. This time she had been scolded fiercely for nothing. Never had she been more depressed than she was now!

Bad things always come in succession. A few days later, Tingcan came back to the Gu’s mansion, sobbing. She fell into Old Madam Qin’s arms and complained about her husband tearfully.

“… At first, he still put on an act. There are a few girls who used to be in his room. I just pretended not to see them and tolerate that. Now things are getting worse, he even touched my maid. When I bust him, he said that he was only teaching my maid to write and draw paintings!” Tingcan cried, yelled and stamped her feet and was nothing like the prideful girl she had used to be, “I’ve scolded him, then he tried to fool me with the words, ‘Literati are all romantic!’ Pooh, what kind of a literatus he is?! The books he has read could be numbered, and his poems are not as neat as mine! He couldn’t brag about his literary talent in front of me, so he went to teach the maids how to write poems. Bah! A man like this will definitely envy the good and able even if he becomes an official!”

Old Madam Qin felt her chest aching as if it was about to crack and reproached loudly, “My girl, stop making more troubles for me! I’ve told you not to show off your knowledge after getting married. If you husband is interested in the poems, you can make it an entertainment between you two. What did you do? You flaunted your talent! Every man in this world has strong self-esteem. How could you hurt his pride?! You, you, you… What do you want me to do? Do you think you are still a lady and that everything would go as you wish? It isn’t worth making a fuss when your man touched a few girls!”

“The quibble should just between me and my husband. However, my mother-in-law just lost her mind and sent two girls. Now, right now…” Tingcan cried bitterly and shook Old Madam Qin’s sleeve, not wanting to give up, “I can’t accept that. Mother, you have to help me figure out what to do. Mother, you can talk to my mother-in-law for me, please!”

Everything had its prons and cons. Although Gu Tingcan didn’t need to rely on Gu Tingye after getting married into the Princess’s family, she also couldn’t ask her mother to back her up. Old Madam Qin couldn’t help but sigh, “Your mother-in-law is the princess, a member of the royal family. Only she could criticize others, no one dare to criticize her!”

Seeing how pitifully Tingcan had cried, Old Madam Qin got dizzy and then let those words slip out of her mouth, “I’ve told you that you have to coax your man. See how your Second sister-in-law has made your untamed Second Brother a soft man. As long as you can win your husband’s heart and you two are an affectionate couple, the princess wouldn’t do anything to you.”

After Old Madam Qin tried every possible way to persuade her daughter and given a lot of tips, Gu Tingcan, shoulders down, left piteously. Old Madam Qin sat on the arhat bed in a daze without saying anything for a long time. After a while, Mama Xiang brought the hot tea and comforted Old Madam Qin with a gentle voice, “Don’t get two stressed, Madam. Every young couple has their fight, but they also forget the fight quickly. They’ll work things out soon.”

The room was dark. Old Madam Qin looked at the dim light and suddenly showed a cold look on her face, saying glumly, “You’ve seen that too. If things continue like this, my son and daughter would have to be subservient to others. Now, I have to do it.”

Mama Xiang sighed slightly, “Madam, you have to think it through. If it works, it’ll be the best. If it doesn’t work, you reputation will be completely ruined.”

Old Madam Qin’s smile seemed bitter and gloomy, “The reputation is a void thing, let alone that my reputation is already damaged now. If I don’t do anything, I can imagine what my life will be, and that is depending on others for living and playing up to Sheng Minglan. I can never tolerate that. The efforts I made for most of my life can’t be in vain!”

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