Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan

Chapter 326: Ex-girlfriend, Legal Wife, Homework for a Madam (VI)

Chapter 326: Ex-girlfriend, Legal Wife, Homework for a Madam (VI)

Translator: Ning LL

When the two madams heard her saying ‘well matched’, they looked at each other. One of them said smilingly, “Although your Second daughter-in-law is an illegal daughter, her manners and behaviors are quite graceful. Anyway… She seems a bit too nervous in public. I wonder if she’ll be able to govern the servants well.” The other madam frowned slightly, thinking, “Your niece is imposing enough. She throws her weight about in her husband’s family and loses her temper every day. Even so, you still cover for her and tells us how dignified and virtuous she is.’ Then she turned around and saw Minglan chatting with others with a bashful and tender smile. Weak as Minglan might seem, she looked like a kind-hearted and innocent girl. However, this madam still didn’t say anything given that she and Old Madam Qin had known each other for so many years. Then, the madam turned around and go to talk with Fourth Old Madam and Fifth Old Madam.

On the other side, lots of the female guests gathered together. Shao shi was talking with Princess Ping Ning now. Then their conversation was led to Minglan. Shao shi couldn’t help saying a few compliments about Minglan. Hearing that, Princess Ping Ning felt a little bitter. The little illegal daughter whom she had scorned at now lived a wealthy and noble life. The Fifth family of the Gu’s was in a total mess right now. Fifth Old Master abused Gu Tingyang every day and blamed Fifth Old Madam for spoiling her son. As a result, Fifth Old Madam didn’t have the strength to give any sarcastic comments about Minglan. Fourth Old Madam was fine comparing to her. Her daughter’s engagement was ongoing. Second Madam Bing who had followed Fourth Old Madam here also stayed quiet this time. She didn’t dare to provoke her sisters-in-law, neither did she have the guts to talk too much. For the whole time, she only stayed in the corner of the side room of the inner hall and drink her tea silently beside Minglan. As she raised her head, she saw a young and pretty woman walking over slowly. That was Princess Ping Ning’s daughter-in-law whom she had just met before.

Princess Ping Ning’s daughter-in-law smiled gently and gave obeisance to Minglan first, “My aunts, it’s an honor to meet you.” Second Madam Bing turned around and found surprisedly that her Second Sister-in-law was wearing a weird look. Minglan’s voice sounded a bit weak, “There’s no need of the courtesy. We are at the same age. Don’t get too informal.” Second Madam Bing felt very strange and wondered if Minglan was not feeling well now.

Shen shi (Princess Ping Ning’s daughter-in-law) wasn’t very gorgeous, but she had bright eyes and pretty eyebrows. With her refined manners, she was elegant and gentle, giving others the feelings of the misty rain of Jiang Nan. Shen shi smiled reverently, “The courtesy shouldn’t be abandoned. Otherwise, mother and my husband will definitely criticize me.”

Minglan felt cold sweats running on her back, “Our two families are actually remote relatives, so there’s no need to…” After Second Madam Qin had been taught a lesson last time, she seemed to have had her ideas straightened out lately. Seeing the look on Minglan’s face, Second Madam Bing then chimed in, “Well, you can call me aunt, but you are actually one or two years older than my second sister-in-law, this is…”

Shen shi chuckled and said to Second Madam Bing, “Even if the elders don’t mind it, I still don’t dare to overstep the mark. By the way, I saw a maid looking for you everywhere.” As Second Madam Bing was about to say something, a little maid in grey-green cotton jacket walked past others anxiously with sweats on the tip of her nose. As she came closer, she said in a low voice, “Second Madam Bing, First Madam Xuan is too busy now and asked me to call you over.”

Second Madam Bing wasn’t willing to go. However, she knew that she had to depend on First Madam Xuan to live now, so she could only leave with the maid with a reluctant smile.

After that, there were only two people in the room. Minglan didn’t know what to say and at last uttered, “Don’t stand there, come have a seat.” Shen shi sat beside Minglan and gave a beaming smile, “Thanks, aunt. When I was in my family, I heard from my mother-in-law that you are the most amiable person. Now I see that her words are absolutely right.” Minglan had been afraid that Shen shi would mention about the past. Hearing that, she felt a bit guilty for no reason, then she laughed reluctantly, “I am so flattered.” The maid beside her was a sensitive one and made tea for Shen shi right away. Minglan felt it necessary to find a topic, then said, “Princess Ping Ning looks wonderful now. You must have served her well.”

Shen shi covered her mouth with her sleeve and chuckled, “That is so not true. I am a stupid girl and I have to thank my mother-in-law for instructing me so patiently.”

After that, they kept flattering each other. The atmosphere was quite harmonious, but none of them had cut to the chase. In ordinary times, Minglan hated the meaningless conversation the most, but today she just wished that Shen shi wouldn’t talk anything substantive.

However, Shen shi disappointed Minglan. She suddenly changed the subject and said smilingly, “To tell the truth, I have already heard a lot of things about you, aunt.”

Minglan felt something choking in her throat. With a calm look on her face, she joked, “When I was young, I studied with my brothers and sisters. At that time, Heng also studied with us. Unluckily, Sir Zhuang decided to concentrate on teaching those promising kids and expelled me and my sisters.”

Shen shi had faint eyebrows, unlike Minglan whose brows were naturally thick and pretty. Today, Shen shi had drawn her eyebrows straight. Hearing what Minglan’s had said, she said with a light smile, “I think only your eldest brother worth being called a promising man.” She spoke slowly with a unique style, “I heard that you liked to make jokes since your childhood. Everything you said would make others feel so delighted as if they are bathing in the spring breeze.”

‘Where did you heard that?’ Hearing the last sentence Shen shi had said, Minglan only felt there was an iron weight hanging on her tharm. Then she could give a hallow laugh, “I also heard from others that ever since you married into the Qi family, you have fulfilled your filial piety and got along well with your sisters-in-law. Everyone has been praising you.”

Shen shi knitted her eyebrows slightly and said sorrowfully, “I am a useless woman. My husband has been upset every day. I am so stupid that I don’t know how to ease his anxiety. That also upsets my mother-in-law. I am so unfilial.”

Minglan felt her throat dry and then swallowed hard. ‘No way, no matter how foolish Qi Feng is, he wouldn’t tell his wife all his love history.’ Minglan tilted her head and glanced at Princess Ping Ning who was chatting with others— ‘Did she expose something to her daughter-in-law who couldn’t figure out what to do?!’ Minglan had mixed feelings right now. She felt as if she was the woman who had dumped her ex-boyfriend who happened to be the husband of the woman in front of her. Strangely as if might seem, she was on the low moral ground.

Minglan knew that this wouldn’t go well. Then she, teeth gritted, took back her smile and said like an experienced person, “A man should always be ambitious and aspiring. Heng is aiming at serving our country right now. Although I am just a woman, I still know how busy the official affairs in the imperial court can be. Heng’s worries for the country affairs show that he is a motivated man. Do you think having a great married life means you two do all kinds of recreational activities together every day? Respecting and loving each other and making your family prospering. That’s the correct thing to do!” After all, Minglan hadn’t done anything wrong. Why should she feel guilty?!

Shen shi was startled by Minglan’s sudden lecture for a moment, but she managed to adjust herself quickly. She covered her mouth and chuckled, “Aunt, you are right. I have been too narrow-minded.” Minglan got alarmed at one. It seemed that Shen shi wasn’t a simple woman.

“During the Spring Festival, we received a large jade screen from Marquis Yongchang’s family, on which incised the Rick Peony which my mother loves the most.” Shen shi fiddled the lid of the teacup and changed the subject, “Later, I knew that that idea came from your fourth sister. That screen’s material, color and carvings are all to my mother-in-law’s taste.” Her voice sounded flat in a controlled pace. She didn’t say why she had mention that or what she wanted to say next, but those words still exploded by Minglan’s ears like the thunder.

Minglan stared at Shen shi while the latter also looked back composedly without moving a bit. After Minglan pondered for a while, she kept her voice down and said slowly, “I’ll be straight to you then. I guess Princess has already told you everything about my family. I have heard over eight madams calling me a lucky girl during half a day. Those words were so sweet and I felt as if I fell into the honeybee. However, in my backyard lives my master’s concubine who came to this family with my master’s ex-wife, a Tong Fang who has grown up with my master, a pretty and talented girl who has sent to my master and a seven-year-old daughter. My master’s illegal son and his blood mother are still out there. If I can’t let go of this, I’ll be dead out of soreness already.”

The look on Shen shi’s face changed a bit. After she moved her body, she said in a soft voice, “… My mother-in-law has also said that your life was not easy.”

Minglan laughed to herself and continued, “I always feel that being a woman is a tired job since I was a little girl. Only we know how tough our lives can be.” Shen shi then said with a depressed look, “… That’s so right.” “Since then, don’t give yourself more troubles.” Minglan said resolutely, “Even God has regrets when he creates the world. Nothing is perfect. You can only live a good life if you can look on the bright sight of things.”

Shen shi was already luckier than most of the women in this world. She was born in a noble family as the legal daughter. Ever since she had been a little girl, she had been favored by her parents and never needed to plot against her sisters. After she had grown up, she had married into the suitable family. Her husband was young, handsome, talented, ambitious and devoted. The best part was that she got along well with her mother-in-law. Although Shen shi hadn’t got pregnant until now, Princess Ping Ning had never blamed her once. (Thanks to Princess Ping Ning’s last daughter-in-law, her requirements for her daughter-in-law aren’t that high anymore.) Also, the Qi family was very rich. After Duke Qi passed away and the family property was divided, Shen shi didn’t even need to cope with the issues with her sisters-in-law anymore.

Considering the happy life she had, she really shouldn’t feel sad for not getting all her husband’s love. Otherwise how could Old Madam Sheng, First Old Madam, Wang shi, Hualan… as well as ninety percent of the women in this world live?

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