Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan

Chapter 245: Grudge (2)

Chapter 245: Grudge (2)

Translator: Iris

Nonetheless, Minglan wasn’t in a hurry to reply to Second Madam Di and only changed the subject by teasing herself, “My grandma and my mother used to force me to read the accounts of the estates all the time. They also told me to hear the stewards and the landlords of our estates reporting. At that time, I only felt bored because I preferred to learn the needle work and the poems which I found graceful and giving me lots of privacy. Now that it’s my turn to handle the affairs in the estates, I finally understand my elders’ good intentions.”

Madam Xuan patted on her leg gently and echoed with Minglan, “You are right! When we were ladies, we never knew how many things we should do as madams. I thought that the Women’s Commandment and a needle were enough for me to cope with everything.”

Hearing their conversation, Second Madam Bing got quite anxious and couldn’t help but chime in, “Sister-in-law, you truly are a busy woman. We have sent so many people to look for you, but none of them has seen you. Tell me, have you told Second Brother Ye about it? This is the most urgent situation! Why are you behaving like you know nothing?! You don’t think this is your business, right?”

Minglan wanted to say that she really knew nothing. Madam Xuan said right away, “She is just a woman, how can she know about the things happening outside? These days, Second Brother Ye has been busy in the military camp, and she has been busy with the affairs in the estates. They might not even have time to talk to each other. Where did she find the chance to talk to him? Let’s hear what those men are talking first.”

Those women found her words reasonable and all pricked up their ears to listen.

“Tingye, what do you say about this?” Old Madam Qin’s voice still sounded tender, but also contained a bit anxiousness.

Gu Tingye turned around a bit and said in a flat tone, “I think they would only ask a few questions. As long as they make themselves clear, they will be fine.”

Fourth Old Master who was the most anxious one couldn’t stand Gu Tingye’s indifferent tone. Then he said angrily, “What are you talking about?! On that day, Liu Zhengjie commanded a group of ferocious imperial guards to break into our mansion. Then they searched Eldest Brother’s study without giving any explanation. After that, they arrested us in the small yard for interrogation. They threw our mansion into turmoil and disregarded our feelings. Did they think our mansion is an entertainment venue?”

Minglan pondered, ‘Those officials truly disregarded people of the Gu Family’s feelings. They should at least take those masters to the Dali Temple for interrogation instead of doing it in Marquis Ningyuan’s mansion like the other officials have done to Molan’s father-in-law.’

“That’s right!” Fifth Old Master thumped on the table and said furiously, “The only reason they have treated us at liberty is that they are favored and trusted by His Majesty! That Liu Zhengjie used to be a mediocre official from a poor family. Now he does have his day. How could he get in and out of a family with noble title so randomly! That’s so intolerable!”

After that, everyone in the room started to chatter. They cursed the officials in the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Justice who were in charge of the Gu’s case for their incompetence. The men in the hall also claimed that the officials had judged the case at random and the imperial guards in charge of arresting had been so arrogant that they hadn’t considered the reputation of the Gu’s Family at all. At last, they lamented their family’s misfortune. The most important thing was that they wanted Gu Tingye to have the same hatred toward those officials like them.

Unfortunately, Gu Tingye sat there calmly, seeming very cool about this. After everyone almost finished their speeches, he said, “Liu Zhengjie is a trusted courtier of His Majesty. Since he has come to conduct an interrogation, he must have followed the order of His Majesty. As for the officials who are in charge of this case, they are either appointed by His Majesty or famous officials. It might not be appropriate for us to slander the trusted subordinates.”

After he had said that, everyone fell into silence. Gu Tingye moved his wrist which he had put on the armrest slowly and said casually, “Before, many families including Duke Ling’s Family were convicted because certain evidence proved that they had been involved in the ‘Fourth Prince Mutiny Case’. Now that the case is still under investigation, anyone slightly implicated will be interrogated. The people of Marquis Yongchang’s familiy, Marquis Yongping’s family as well as other families who had been interrogated were all sent back since they had been proved innocent. Since they can be questioned, why can’t we?”

His words made sense, which made the two old masters unable to refute. However, Gu Tingbing who sat on the side suddenly stood up in anger and said loudly, “What did you mean by saying we were slightly implicated?! Those officials are not capable of finding out the truth, so they took it out on us. They only want to show how powerful they are! Our family has been loyal to this country for generations, we are the most devoted family! Second Brother, you are also trusted by His Majesty now, why can’t you help your own family out now that they have bullied us in our own mansion! Do you really want others to mock us?”

“The moment I knew about this, I have already inquired about the details.” Gu Tingye smiled gently, saying, “They said that the people of the Ministry of Justice have testimonies and evidences against us. After they have done a thorough investigation, they still found some uncertain points. Then His Majesty ordered those men to interrogate our family members. My cousin, you still think this is some kind of joke?”

Hearing this, Gu Tingbing was choked.

After Minglan heard that behind the partition board, she couldn’t help thinking secretly, ‘Those men will never be convinced until they are faced with grim reality. They are still acting like they have nothing to fear. Don’t they know what their real problems are?’

After Gu Tingye had left Marquis Ningyuan’s mansion indignantly, the affairs of Marquis Ningyuan’s family had nothing to do with him anymore. Especially after Old Master Gu died, the only bond Gu Tingye had with the Gu’s family was gone. When the fight for the crown was very fierce in the capital, Gu Tingye had been eating the cheapest noodles on the street and endured all kinds of hardship to make a living. So, it was none of Gu Tingye’s business if Gu’s family was implicated in the fight for the crown.

At this moment, Minglan suddenly heard a sound beside her. Then she saw Second Madam Bing standing up all of a sudden to walk toward the hall. After that, Second Madam Bing approached Gu Tingye and started to beg, “Second Brother Ye, I am a woman who doesn’t understand the official affairs, but we are all families after all. Now that your uncles and your brothers are in danger, you can not just stand by, right?” With these words, she started to weep.

Minglan secretly praised this woman. As a matter of fact, the sixth sense of women was always reliable. Actually, the people of the Gu’s family didn’t need to reason things out for Gu Tingye. Begging him was the most effective way. As Minglan had expected, Gu Tingye frowned and stood up to avoid Second Madam Bing’s obeisance. Then he turned to Fourth Old Master and said, “Please let my sister-in-law go back. This is so inappropriate.”

However, Fourth Old Master didn’t mind at all and only said, “They are also your families, don’t mind about the rules. It’s reasonable for your sister-in-law to get anxious.”

Second Madam Bing wiped her tears while standing respectfully by the side.

In fact, the women in ancient times couldn’t appear on public occasions except for the huge events like dividing up the family property. They wouldn’t even show up in front of their brothers-in-law if it was not necessary because of the restriction of the etiquette.

Minglan squinted her eyes while thinking, ‘What is this supposed to mean? Using a carrot-and-stick approach?’

Gu Tingye, with his eyebrows slightly raised, said, “Fine. Then I’ll just be blunt.” Then he sat down with an imposing manner and said in a loud voice, “The former Fourth Prince has already been convicted with treason. The other ones who have followed him in the mutiny were also sentenced. Now His Majesty is looking into the ones that have assisted those people, or had a close relationship with the former Fourth Prince, or been involved in the mutiny.”

The former emperor was a soft-hearted person for his whole life. Before he died, he finally had a clear head for once. He upheld justice for the poor Third Prince and Consort De and declared Fourth Prince guilty in order to make it easier for Eighth Prince to get the throne.

After Gu Tingye said that, everyone in the hall was stunned. Fifth Old Master who had been in the official circle before said in a heavy voice, “At that time, Fourth... that guilty prince’s sphere of influence covered almost half of the capital. There were so many people having close contacts with him. Is anyone that used to have a close relationship with him going to be convicted with treason?”

“Of course not.” Gu Tingye held up the tea cup on the table and took a sip of the tea, saying, “His Majesty is a virtuous and wise emperor. He has ordered the Ministry of Justice, the Dali Temple and the Department of Supervision to work together in this case. The conviction wouldn’t be cursory. When the guilty prince started the rebellion, he had the support from half of the people in the Military Department and a few groups of the imperial guards. He even had someone fake an imperial edict for him in the Royal Palace. First, he forced Third Prince to die and then forced our former emperor to abdicate. After all these forces colluded with each other and worked together, the great disturbance was created.”

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