Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 228 A Battle In The Sky, Part 2/2

POV Captain Anaphorus:

The massive ships floated in the sky, their hulls bouncing in the powerful and cold winds that were loudly howling while knocking at their hulls. Lightning was striking in the dark clouds around the ships, the bright flashes of light constantly blinding their crews.

The barrier around the ship occasionally flashed and blocked the lightning, with the whole ship shaking.

The captain looked in horror at the wyrm covered in smoke, lightning and fire closing towards their formation. His thoughts were still upon the burning ship that fell from the sky, everyone on its board dying in a fiery inferno.

He still couldn't believe what was happening before him. The wyrm somehow survived multiple hits from the famous mega-staffs that could smash castle walls and turn them into dust.

The secret behind them was relatively simple, with them just being huge mage staffs powered by huge crystals holding large reserves of mana while being controlled by a whole group of mages led by a high mage.

He wasn't a fool and felt like something was amiss, 'An elder wyrm shouldn't be so powerful, even a deviant one. Something else must be going on.'

He looked at the black clouds of smoke crackling with lightning, his instincts warning him that something bad was going to happen.

'I have to end this before the wyrm finishes this spell.' It was a race for a time, where he had to strike the wyrm first before they unleashed their immensely powerful grand magic.

"Officer, send a message to all ships. Pump more energy into the main staff. Ignore any damage that might happen to them. We must strike the monster down with our next salvo."

POV Vesuvius:

The dragon was limply flapping his wings, pain stabbing through them. His mana was dropping with each salvo that he endured. He was constantly burning through it. His reserves were quickly draining.

'I have to end this soon before I run out of mana.'

He flapped his wings faster and pushed more mana into his horns.

The long crystal horns glowed so brightly that each of them looked as if they were forged out of the sun. Their glow perpetrated through the clouds of smoke, drowning the sky in light. The lightning danced around them, the tendrils of electricity connecting them to the dark swirling clouds above him.

More and more salvos of blue lights launched from the ground and the side weapons of the ships, the brightly glowing bolts ascending towards the dragon, looking like flares. Bolts of mana constantly exploded around him, temporarily dispersing the smoke only for more of it to replace it.

The glow of the main cannons on the ships peaked, the long metal rods engraved with letters seeping with energy.

Vesuvius already felt pressure grow, his instincts screaming at him to unleash the storm, but he held, knowing that his attack had to be decisive, or it would all go down a drain. He already felt excitement replace his pain. He was ready to smite down the pesky mortals that destroyed his tower and attacked him with their trickery and ships.

The storm was growing more and more intense, winds loudly howling around. Clouds of ash and snow rose from the ground under him as he blasted towards the enemy ships, ignoring the constant stabbing pain caused by the explosions around him.

Finally, the bright light that was even brighter than before flashed on the tips of the long rods, mana flowing along them and forming massive energized bolts. The energy swirled and rotated around them, going berserk and melting the metal that they were made of.

The bolts launched towards the dragon, their light outshining even the lightning in the clouds.

'I can't wait any longer. I have to strike now!'

With a single thought, all of the lightning connected to each other, forming a massive interconnected web.

'Destroy them, destroy them all!' the lightning web moved like a giant electrical tsunami towards the ships, the whole sky sparking and crackling. Bolts of lightning rained from the clouds, striking the ships from all sides. The barriers around deflected bolt after bolt.

At the same time, the massive, berserk bolts of energy smashed right against the dragon. His crystal wings shattered, and his horns cracked, making him lose control of the lightning.

The blue explosion of pure energy swept through the sky, the powerful shockwave sweeping through the sky and pushing back the dark black clouds.

In the meantime, the tsunami of lightning smashed against the ships, bubble-shaped shields rising around them, their surface swirling like a surface of the water. The lightning crackled around them, blue sparks raining down towards the ground.

POV Captain:

The captain's eyes went wide as he watched the wave of lightning rush towards his ships. The blue and azure light filled the whole sky. His eyes spotted the shadow of the wyrm falling towards the ground, its wings broken and shattered, unable to keep its huge body in the air.

However, he had to no time to rejoice, "Brace for the impact!"

The whole ship shook as the lightning smashed against it, dancing and swirling around the magical barrier. The mages around the crystals started to fall towards the wooden and metal floor, unconscious one by one, as they quickly ran out of mana.

The cracks formed in the semitransparent azure barrier, quickly multiplying. The captain just smiled and sat on the board. There was nothing that he could do now, only pray.

'I wonder how others are doing.'

He couldn't see through the lightning dancing around his ship, but his heart ached, knowing their chance of survival was even lower with their smaller and weaker ships.

Another even larger crack formed in the barrier, its light slowly fading.

"It was an honour to be under your command, captain." His first officer, in shiny armour and helmet obscuring his face, mumbled next to him.

No one was angry, knowing they had done their jobs, 'We have stopped that monster.'

Finally, the barrier shattered, the bright light and electricity flooding the ship, everything in its path disintegrating, burning and melting.

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