Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 221 The Storm Egg

POV Vesuvius:

The dragon flew through the snowstorm with a full stomach. Everything was dark, as no light could pass through the impenetrable canopy of clouds and snow.

The snowstorm was running amok. Snow falling from the sky at such an intensity that it looked like it was during an ice age. Lightning was flashing in the clouds, occasionally illuminating the dark snowy plains.

Vesuvius felt more and more admiration towards the wyrm as he originally thought they were just a thunderstorm; now he started to believe that they were even more advanced, 'Maybe they already storm wyrm with the power of all storms or maybe just thunderstorm plus something other.'

The dragon glided through the storm, the winds carrying his building-size body that was throwing its massive shadow over the ground.

A haze of steam and smoke surrounded him as all of the snow around him evaporated.

Suddenly two glowing spots ignited in the distance, locking on the dragon, "You still have to do your portion of our deal! You definitely took your time."

An immense pressure locked on him, his mind going to full alert. But he didn't go to panic as he had already come here intending to fulfil it.

Vesuvius just flapped his wings gliding towards the glowing eyes. The lightning and wind around him intensified.

He wasn't planning to let the wyrm wait, ready to fulfil his part of the deal. He couldn't even wait to see the effects of his blood on a wyrm.

His voice exploded through the storm, easily suppressing the loud thunders, "Here is your reward, Astrapolius, my blood. With this, you can consider my part of the deal to be fulfilled."

He bit his tongue and spat out glowing red blood that fell into the black abyss of the storm.

The small blob of blood descended slowly down, the winds catching it and suspending it in midair.

Something fast moved under him with blue electrical light flickering around it. A lightning bolt struck across the sky, briefly revealing the wyrm with a mouth filled with lightning opening down under him, catching the blood midair.

The wyrm vanished back into the clouds as soon as it appeared.

The atmosphere changed instantly, all off the snow and lightning freezing midair as if time had stopped.

A wave of mana exploded out, pushing all of the snow away. And then, the whole storm unfroze, turning into one massive vortex that got sucked towards the wyrm hiding in the clouds.

All of the clouds started to rotate even Vesuvius had trouble staying afloat. He put even more force and mana into each flap of his wings, keeping himself in the air with a lot of effort.

The bright light rose from the wyrm, everything turning white and blue under the electric light.

Vesuvius couldn't even see what was happening, but he felt all of the magic around him moving and twisting.

He had no idea what would happen, but he felt that whatever would be born would turn into a nightmare for humanity.

The whole storm got sucked towards the wyrm Astrapolius. All the clouds, snow, wind and lightning twisted and formed a huge egg-like shape as large as a tall multiple-story building.

The huge egg woven of the storm remained levitating in the sky, all of the darkness vanishing with bright light flooding everything as the thick storm vanished.

The whole domain of the wyrm changed, turning into a protective egg.

Vesuvius just quietly watched it in amazement at all the energy that whirled within it.

It was so saturated that he even felt a shiver pass down his body imagining it exploding in a nuclear-bomb-like explosion.

Whatever was happening, his instincts told him that it would be a long process. He threw one last glance at an egg made of the storm and flapped his wings, flying back towards his tower, ready to start moving his assets towards his volcano.

'They will be reborn into something new. Something more powerful than wyrm.' there was no feat within him, knowing that they weren't his enemy. In the worst case, they were just a neutral observer.

He also wondered if they would inherit some of his affinities or if they would just keep their own, as it was his first time transforming something that already had element affinities, to begin with.

POV ???:

An old man in a black gown with gold embroidery stood surrounded by multiple more old people in the same gown, just with only silver embroidery.

A woman in a modest red dress stood before them, her long black hair waving behind in the cold winter wind.

She was smiling with her hands widely opened in a gesture of welcoming, "Your honour, royal judge Augusto, it is an honour to welcome you here."

Couple more people stood around, her eyes stopping at a smugly smiling blonde man in a richly decorated doublet with fur around his neck to keep him warm. She gave him a smile of disdain, ready to smash all of his plans into shambles.

The judge straightened his back with his chin proudly pointing up as he spoke in an exalted tone that was screaming with superiority at everyone around him, "I will cut to the chase as I don't want to spend any more of my precious time here than necessary. I, a judge appointed by his Majesty Kaksus forth by the power that was given to me, came to officially ratify your claim for the title of baron of Azerlisia."

"They are, however, some concerns about your power that we need to rectify."

"In that case, let's not waste your time, your Honour." she raised her hand.

A magical circle formed in her palm. Then she pushed her mana into it, all of the magical letters igniting one by one in a magical fire.

She already felt her hand heating up her love for magic, awakening deep within her.

All of the eyes were turned towards her, observing and watching each of her moves, ready to stop her if they spotted any sign of cheating.

She ignored their stairs, feeling more than confident in her power, knowing that her small sister was likely right, with her not having to worry about some humans.

A sphere of fire formed in her palm, burning in flickering orange flames.

She looked around herself. No one looked impressed with her basic attack spell. Her blonde fiance was grinning at her, with a face that was literarily asking for a punch.

She smiled inwardly and pushed even more mana into the magic circuit and then even more.

It surged through the flimsy circuit that wasn't built for that like a flash flood through a small trough. It was leaking in all directions, and an immense amount of mana was going to waste.

However, she didn't care and kept pouring more and more man into her punny fireball.

In an instant, the small ball of fire grew, turning from a size of a watermelon into a size of a wheel from a carriage. It kept growing and growing, the flames becoming hotter and hotter.

Everyone took a step back as a wave of heat washed over their bodies. Some of the old officials in black gowns even shook their heads, looking at her and expecting her fireball to flicker out at any second when she ran out of mana.

However, she kept comfortably pouring her mana into her circuit, the fireball burning and burning without any sign of weakening.

Everyone's expression slowly changed from these of disapproval to these of surprise and then into expressions of pure excitement.

She enjoyed the feeling, basking in the glory as her confidence quickly grew, 'I have done it. I managed to solve my problem without needing to bother his highness!'

POV Vesuvius:

The dragon landed on top of his tower, all of the snow that was piled up on its roof instantly melting and evaporating.

Everything was the same even though he no longer felt at home. His tower lost its magic.

After his stay in the volcanoes, he felt like he had just moved from a luxurious villa into a regular house. It wasn't bad, but it couldn't compare to the luxury he experienced.

'How long was I even away.' he couldn't tell, but from how the weather changed from autumn into winter, he was sure that it was at least months.

The field in the distance was covered in snow, with no people working on them.

Everything felt abandoned and lonely.

He looked towards the town and panicked, remembering that he was supposed to help his minions with a problem, but he was gone.

He flapped his wings and jumped from the tower, heading straight towards the town, ready to check what had happened while he was gone. He slightly missed his minions, hating that he had to do such chores alone.

'Yes, they are sometimes annoying, but at the same time, they are the best workers that one could find.'

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