Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 203 Noble Cursed Nuclear Volcano Catastrophe Runedragon, Part 1/2

POV Vesuvius:

Vesuvius was drifting in the black empty space, his consciousness moving towards the massive rotating dragon body as if he was getting sucked into it. He was quickly getting closer and closer to it, his mind already imagining how it would feel to have all of his new power.

The moment his consciousness touched the dragon's body, his whole view shifted back to the eyes of his body. The feel of touch, smell and taste returned to him. It was as if he had woken up from a long, weird dream.

He immediately started to feel drowsy, the blackness filling up his whole vision.

A loud ding resounded in his head.



The new evolution is generated based on the user's preferences and added modifications:

[Noble Cursed Nuclear Volcano Catastrophe Runedragon]


With the last remnant of his consciousness, Vesuvius quickly looked at the message that had arrived.

This was the last and most fantastic bonus of the metamorphosis. The system collects users' preferences and current properties to generate a customised path for them to walk. Then they could continue evolving following their personalised path until they reached another fifty levels and again gained an option to customise it.

The dragon's consciousness quickly drifted away as he fell into a sleep.

POV Thief:

The tall black tower rose high into the sky, its tip hidden behind the clouds. Cold winds howled along its rough black walls made of volcanic stone.

The sound of something hitting a stone echoed through the valleys under the tower as a grey blur quickly rose up. The fast figure in a grey cloak kept climbing up the tower's wall, using the pair of the sharp dagger and rough spots on the tower as footholds.

His senses were strained to a maximum, his eyes trying to catch any sign of the tower's owner coming home. His heart was loudly beating, the adrenaline rushing through his veins.

He kept quickly climbing up, his eyes looking straight upwards as he could already imagine the rewards waiting for him on the roof.

'Haha, such an old wyrm must have a small mountain of gold.'

Finally, he reached the top, his hands already hanging from the roof's edge. Thrilled, he pulled himself up over the edge, his eyes seeing the wyrm's nest. Not even a single coin was lying on the seared stone floor with traces of melting and recooling.

There was nothing except the everpresent volcanic stone with a massive imprint of the wyrm.

He froze, his eyes going wide as he kept frantically turning around as he refused to believe that nothing was there.

'This is not possible! This is their sleeping spot, so there should be a pile of gold! No wyrm can be so poor!'

It was common knowledge that wyrms and dragons always kept their hoard in their sleeping place, so he couldn't comprehend the image before him.

His eyes finally stopped at the stairs leading down, 'Can it be somewhere else? No, that is too unlikely.'

He walked a circle around the roof's edge, frantically trying to find at least a small piece of gold. He started to feel uneasy as if something was watching him, his grip around his daggers tightening, 'Is this some kind of a trap?'

He quickly shook his head, feeling it was not a style of wyrms to create traps for their enemies.

His eyes again fell upon the black staircase as he slowly stepped towards it, 'Maybe they really hid it inside. With how paranoid they are, I wouldn't be surprised if they moved it into some vault to guard while they are gone for an extended period.'

The man in grey stepped into the dark staircase, his silhouette vanishing in the darkness.

POV Vesuvius:

The huge unmoving body of a dragon was lying on the ground, looking like a small mound of stone. A thick layer of snow covered his body like a quilt. No heat, light or energy radiated from him, as if the dragon was already dead.

Loud howls kept resounding through the valley, giant white-furred wolves circling around the dragon's body with a hungry glint in their blue eyes.

However, they could only desperately watch, as there was no way for them to get through the impenetrable defences of the dragon.

Suddenly something changed. An invisible force erupted from the unmoving dragon, sending a gust of snow into the air.

The fur on the wolves' backs straightened up, and their tails instinctively tucked between their legs. Their whole bodies started to tremble as an immense force began to spread out of the unmoving dragon.

With fearful whimpers, all the wolves turned back, quickly running into the forest with their eyes maddened by fear.

The next moment powerful shockwaves swept across the land, all of the trees creaking as the dragon started to grow quickly, his whole body changing.

His black volcanic armour turned into dust, with a new layer of dark, murky and partially shiny armour forged of a corium replacing it.

Shiny lines of gold trailed all over it, glistering in the dim blue light.

All the snow in a large circle instantly evaporated, turning into thick clouds of steam that got mixed with the black clouds of smoke leaking out of the dragon.

A bright neon-red light started to radiate out of the dragon before getting sucked into the crystals growing on his body. All of them turning into a crimson-red colour.

Long and curled horns burst out of the dragon's head, with immensely bright lightning jumping between them, the spikes on the back and the crystal wings.

Bright blue and white light radiating out of the cracks in the dragon's armour flooded the forest, every animal around falling dead to the ground.

Even the air itself started to glow in faint blue light under the effects of intense radiation.

The whole dragon's body shape started to change, his body prolonging with his wings growing larger, giving him a more aggressive and predatory look.

Lightning, fire and radiation blasted everything around the dragon into oblivion, accompanied by a show of colourful lights. A smouldering black crater formed around the dragon.

(AN: Yeah, I know that most of these changes were already described before one by one, but I felt that it was a good idea to sum them up next to each other to help you form a better picture of his new looks.)

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