Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 186 Despair + Lost Hope

POV First Brother:

The inquisitor stood in the crumbling white building. Bright flames burned all around him, charring his grey wings and burning his white robes into cinders, revealing the plated silver armour with brightly flashing white runes. Dozens of scratches stained its otherwise pristine shiny surface.

His face, hidden behind the mask of pure white light, was gloomy, with all of his zeal gone as he remembered all of his brothers that died one by one.

His eyes full upon the bodies in white sewn all over the floor, their bodies disintegrating in the flaming inferno.

Despair filled his mind as he remembered how he kept killing the heretics, but they just kept attacking, using their immortality to use their lives to land just a single hit on his brothers.

'No, I will avenge you before we reunite in our afterlife!'

He swung his whip, the powerful gash of wind extinguishing all of the flames around him. With anger, he looked towards the masked immortals on the other side of the burning corridor. They were walls of flames between them and the inquisitor, yet they felt like walls of paper to the angry inquisitor.

"How dare you destroy a temple of the light god?!"

None of the cultists responded as they quietly stood with their shiny masks reflecting the flickering orange light of flames.

He stepped forward, constantly swinging his whip around. White flashes of light were flashing through the burning building, with the powerful gashes of wind creating a path through the flames.

"Why are you using your blessing of immortality for evil? You are serving an evil beast instead of dedicating your lives to a righteous cause?!"

The inquisitor bent his legs, turning into a flash of light as he dashed forward through the burning corridor, his eyes shining in a fury.

A masked cultist jumped into his path from behind a pillar, swinging their sword at him. The first brother stepped slightly to the side and moved his armoured gauntlet glowing with light, punching the cultist in the gut.

The silver gauntlet connected with the black-robed cultist, sending them flying into the flames. The flames immediately engulfed the black robes, turning the cultist into a human torch.

Multiple orange and blue lights flashed on the other side of the corridor, their bright light penetrating through the walls of flames. Massive fireballs and lightning balls blasted forward, passing through the flames. There were so many of them that they filled the whole corridor as they flew towards the inquisitor.

Seeing that there was nowhere to dodge, the inquisitor swung his whip of light. A blinding white light filled the corridor as the thin string of light cut through the incoming projectiles. Still, few passed through, hitting tall marble pillars around him and exploding with flames and lightning.

The pillars cracked and crumbled into white dust. The whole building shook, and the white ceiling above him cracked. The large white stones and burning wooden structs started to fall from the broken roof.

'They weren't aiming at me!' the inquisitor looked up at the mass of stones crumbling at him as he felt despair and rage at being tricked by the evil cultists.

The large boulders fell on him as if the sky above him crumbled, the pain of getting his limbs and bones crushed perpetrated through his whole body as he got buried under the burning rubble.

POV MarcAntonius:

A circle of players in heavy plate armours with massive tower shields stood in a burning wasteland. Their shields turned outside of their formation. A blue disc of light formed a ceiling above their formation. Multiple mages in robes were holding their staff high above their head, releasing blue streams of mana into the barrier.

Spears of light kept raining from the sky, constantly pounding against the shields of their tanks and sending ripples through the magic barrier above them.

The winged angels kept circling around them, flapping their shiny white wings and throwing more and more of their spears.

"Mana Shotgun!" the old-looking mage with a white beard and nametag Merlin563 levitating above his head pointed his staff with a giant crystal embedded on its tip towards the angels. Tiny shards of blue mana erupted out, launching to the sky and pelting the angels, shredding their fragile bodies of light.

Antonius felt like he was in a weird dream as he watched the massive wyrm flapping their wings above the nearby town. His mind was still in a daze as he thought about how easily the wyrm annihilated the whole army of angels while they had a problem defeating one unit of angels.

He felt like he was tricked, 'What is going on, they were spitting magma and flames before, but now they are unleashing this weird red explosive breath. Is this a second phase? Are we so weak that they were never even forced to use their full power when fighting us?'

His eyes fell upon the bright red magma still burning around them, an unexplainable mixture of despair, rage and fear seeping into his heart from just looking at it.

'This is even worse. We are getting debuffed from just getting close to it!'

Then there was the third image that caused Antonius to lose all hope. The image of shiny scales covered in glowing runes with energy rippling through their surface flashed in his head. The angels kept landing hundreds of hits against them, but every scratch and dent they made fixed itself as soon as it appeared.

He only saw them momentarily when the thick black clouds parted for a moment, but it got engraved deep into his mind.

'Even if we cause some damage, it will regenerate in seconds. There is no way that we can win. Fight of attrition? No, we will get obliterated before we can even make a dent into their mana reserves.'

Suddenly an old voice of the merlin brought him back out of his thoughts, "What are you doing, Marc? Move. We need your command!"

He looked around, waking out of his daze.

The mages were panting with cracks spreading through the barrier above them. The unstopping rain of light continually rained upon their heads. The ground around them was sewn with holes after the light spears.

Suddenly a large shadow covered them all, and powerful wind rose, lifting ash clouds into the air.

(An: Sorry for the cliffhanger, enjoy it :D)

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