Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 142- Recognition

Chapter 142- Recognition

[Keeno POV]

Helping Eblana up, I realized she was trembling and could barely stand.

“You alright?” (Keeno)

All I got in response was a star stuck gaze.

‘I think I broke her.’ (Keeno)

{Poke her horns.}

‘Ama, I’m trying to fix her, not seduce her.’ (Keeno)

{I don’t know!  Mostima, what do we do!?}

“Why would I know?” (Mostima)

In my panic of accidentally breaking my new Valkyrie, I just tried something. I moved one of my tails and put it near her. Surprisingly enough, it worked and she suddenly regained awareness and buried her hands and face into my tail.

“…” (Keeno)

{She was right.  Fluff heals all.}

“Who?” (Keeno)

{Don’t worry about it.}

Shrugging off my questions, I pulled my tail away, much to Eblana’s displeasure.

“You back with us?” (Keeno)

“What if I said no?” (Eblana)

A small ball of blue fire appeared next to me.  Eblana looked at it and grew paler and paler after staring at it.

“Are you trying to immolate this whole section of the city?!” (Eblana)

Her ability to yell in a whisper was astonishing and I shook my head in the negative.

“I understand the fun in messing around, burning the time for it?” (Freya)

“Oh right!  We need to get all of you hidden.  Follow me.” (Eblana)

She started moving as quickly as her mood shifted and walked up to the rotting doors of the temple.  As I expected, just moving up to them was enough for one of them to fall inwards and breaking into mushy pieces. Ignoring it completely she walked inside, followed shortly after by the rest of us.  I was the last to go in and as I did I glanced at Huginn and Muninn who promptly flew off to do other business.

The inside of the temple was just as decrepit as the outside.  Weeds and grass were growing through cracks in the stone floor and bat-like creatures were hanging in the eaves. The only thing in any kind of good condition was the statue in the center depicting a very familiar pair of faces.

“Fu and Moco, do they know about this?” (Keeno)

{Probably not. Hehe.  Should I tell them?}

“Who?” (Eblana)

“Do it, Ama. They may bring Red and Ortilind along too.” (Keeno)

“It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Red and Ortilind, I hope they’re doing well.” (Pram)

“I doubt they’d be doing bad.” (Freya)

“True.” (Pram)

“Is that Red person that hunter people in Vanir are so afraid of?  When I was there after you three, she was all people were talking about, with how active she became.” (Mostima)

“Again, who what that voice?” (Eblana)

“Amaterasu, my wife.” (Keeno)

“Oh…why can I hear the voice of a Goddess in my head?” (Eblana)

“Because you’re my Vlakyrie.” (Keeno)

Her tail twitched in confusion, nearly igniting a dilapidated pew with purple flames.

{That’s what she calls her Apostles of Death.}

“…Oh…when people sell their souls to you, you really go for everything, though I feel I’m getting more out of this than you are.” (Eblana)

“Meh.  I’m not going to make a habit of accepting just ANYONE who offers their soul to me. I only accepted yours because, so far, you haven’t lied to us, I genuinely feel your dedication to wanting your sister back, and, though it was self imposed in your case, knowing how it feels to want out of something but not being able to leave until some outside influence comes along is something I’ve also experienced.” (Keeno)

She froze in place while the rest of us passed her. I stopped walking just as the clouds opened up and a beam of moonlight shone through a hole in the roof. I looked over my shoulder at Eblana.

“I may be naïve in many ways, especially as a goddess whose supposed to judge souls, but I know that ANYONE who would do as much as you, even going so far as to dedicate a significant portion of their life to a contract serving some tyrant abusing a gift from the gods for their own selfish gains, just to bring back their only family is someone I should trust. I don’t condemn your actions, no matter how heinous, in service of that goal. I take Family very seriously, so making you one of my Apostles is not a decision I made lightly or regret. Even if it feels to you like I didn’t gain anything, then that just means you need to watch and learn just what values I have to know that I’ve gained more than you could possibly realize.” (Keeno)

I turned my gaze away from her and stepped forward until I was standing directly under the gaze of Fu and Moco’s statues.  Looking up at them, it was like their already cheerful gazes were even happier after my little speech.  In Eblana’s end, she was stunned speechless.

{I thought you said you weren’t trying to seduce her?}

‘If my own beliefs are enough to make her fall for me even knowing I’m taken, then she’s easier than Freya or Fia was.’ (Keeno)

‘HEY!  I can hear you both, you know!?’ (Freya)

Eblana moved again, sinking to her knees for a second time tonight, this time, however, I saw tears in her eyes when I heard her and turned to see her.

“It’s been…so long since ANYONE has actually recognized my efforts. All people see when I’m around is some lazy, creepy, depressing, lizard who locks herself up in libraries, studies, and mage workshops and plays with skeletons.  It’s so FRUSTRATING just having to take it!  I’d just kill them, but that damn contract stayed my hand seeing as my access to all of that would be revoked, and if I burned an entire country just to find a way to receive my sister, then she’d hate me for all the innocents killed in the process.  Sure, along the way the end goal has remained the same, but my inherent pride has gotten in the way and led to my complacency of my situation.  I guess what I’m trying to say…is thank you.” (Eblana)

{Hehehe.  Little miss dragon, if there is one thing you need to know about my precious Keeno, it’s that she gives people what they deserve. If they deserve death, they will get it, if they deserve praise, they will get it, if they deserve recognition, they will get it.  In your case, the recognition you’ve received is well earned, there is no need for thanks.}

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, Ama. And Eblana, I get you are happy, and on a high from all these things happening so quickly, but know this for when your emotions are calmer, people can hide things, some better than others, but a Soul never lies.  All souls but the most muddy and corrupted can be redeemed, you are no different. In your case, this recognition is the first step.” (Keeno)

I stepped over to her and knelt in front of her to meet her eyes.

“And I already said it before, someone who has done so much for their family deserves all the recognition in the world. Now come on, we have things to do, and you are the only one who knows where we have to do them.  At least get us somewhere we can all properly rest before you break down.” (Keeno)

‘I know she means everything she’s saying, but it still surprises me how she can change her mood and tone to fit situations like this so quickly.  Not even ten minutes ago she was domineering and controlling and now she’s like a caring big sister.’ (Freya)

‘Most kitsune are like that. That’s why they are good merchants and negotiators. Most diplomats are kitsune, though I’m surprised she is so good at this considering her age.’ (Mostima)

‘She was raised by a princess to basically be a princess till she was five and some stuff stuck.’ (Pram)

‘Makes sense.’ (Mostima)

Ignoring the conversation of the others I once again helped Eblana to her feet. She had stopped crying for the moment and was wiping the tears from her eyes.  She silently moved over to a wall panel and moved it out of place.

“Follow me and block it back. This is one of the few secret tunnels the shadows don’t know about.” (Eblana)

We all nodded and followed her, Mostima taking up the rear and securely blocking off the entrance. She then led us down the tunnel while following a purple flame for a long while until we came to a small cellar.

“This is our stop for now. It’s going to take a while for us to get to my own place, so we rest in these places until we get there.” (Eblana)

“Where exactly is your place?” (Pram)

“I have several, but the one the shadows don’t watch is under the aqueduct near the center of the city.” (Eblana)

“Why isn’t that one watched by these shadows?  Judging by what’s happened so far today, he’s paranoid enough to keep you under strict watch constantly.” (Freya)

“Because it’s one of the biggest gathering spots for the Death Spirits.  No one ever goes to places they like to gather unless they have something to hide, dispose of bodies, or are one of the crown’s secret labs.  Oh, and one of those has fallen by the way.” (Eblana)

“That’s good. Now, we all need some rest and a certain dragon needs to come to terms with everything that’s happened so far. We’ll continue anything else in the morning.” (Keeno)

All were in favor so we all chose a suitably comfortable corner and went to sleep.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …Are we also like that Tamamo?

Tamamo: No clue.  I don’t think so.

Atmos: …

Luna: Anything you want to say, Atmos?

Atmos: Not while you’re smiling at me like that.

Luna: Whatever do you mean?

Atmos: Hey Luna, can I ask you a favor?

Luna: Weird change of subject, but I’ll bite.  What do you want?

Atmos: Your help in making a very atmospheric scenery for a date with Grey.

Luna: Oh!?  Tell me more and I’ll happily help.

Tamamo: …

Atmos: I’m thinking me and him, big, pretty lake, moon and stars shining as a reflection when a shower of those shooting stars happens.

Luna: …Why did I never think of that?! Of course I’ll help with that!

Tamamo: Atmos, I’m going to have to have a talk with you later.

Atmos: I’m also saying all of this so you two can have a very nice date.  Maybe not exactly the same, but think about it, floating on Luna’s ship on a sea of clouds, nothing blocking your view.

Tamamo: …You are fine this time, but not next time.

Atmos: Understood until I don’t.

Luna: What a very Atmos answer.

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