King of succubus

Chapter 201 Sabrina's Verdict.

Upon hearing Alvine's words, Assi still did not react.

Alvine nodded to Greed who immediately understood what Alvine meant.

He nonchalantly waved his hand in the void and the scarlet shadow cloak that prevented Assi from speaking turned into black smoke, leaving her with the chains and the black rope.

"If you try anything suspicious, you won't have a second chance... for eternity," Alvine added these words harshly while having his inexpressive expression.


Seeing her silence, Alvine gave her time to think as she pleases without interrupting her. It was a decision that had to be made on her own. Knowing the diabolical plans that this girl had planned for him from the beginning, he would naturally not let her go quietly as if nothing had happened.

Assi, who was looking at the entire throne room, noticed that the magic crystals that had not been lit for millennia were now illuminated by a blinding white light, the indomitable throne was Alvine also easily tame, and above all, the darkness that covered the throne was no different from the mysterious place that Alvine had imprisoned him without her knowing it.

All this information could only mean one thing to her; she was wrong in her analyses at the beginning. "I have a question for you."

"Hm? Sigh, as long as it's a question that deserves to be answered, then I won't see any problem giving you an answer. But I advise you not to waste my time for nothing." After hearing Assi's quest, it was the only answer he could give her.

"...What do you intend to do with this planet?" She asked for an unforgettable voice.

Knowing that Alvine did not intend to believe her, no matter what she said, without saying that she had several questions in her head, which will be described as useless for her interlocutor; she asked the question she should have asked from the beginning when Alvine had applied for the acquisition of her planet.

"Sigh, is it even necessary to ask me this question? I plan to take my people with me to stay here." Alvine replied briefly as if he had no emotion in his eyes.

Hearing his answer, Assi asked once again, breaking her promise to ask only one question. But this question looked more like a condition than just a question. "What about ours? You're not going to welcome them here, are you?"


"I will never welcome outsiders!" As soon as Alvine finished this sentence, he did not let her continue with her endless questions.

He stepped towards her and stopped in front of her, looking straight into her purple golden eyes. "What if they are a threat to my loved ones or to me...

"What if they are not enemies?" Even before he continued his sentence, Assi asked him this question.


"You said you were one of us, didn't you? In this case, will you refuse to shelter of yours who are treated as sexual objects?" Assi frowned when he asked him this question.

Alvine raised his eyebrows slightly without the slightest disturbance. He was not a saint who cared about strangers, and he was not ready to change his behavior just because he is of the same race as the succubi.

"I don't care about strangers, even if they are of the same species as me. For me, a stranger remains an outsider; nothing more or less." He replied in an indifferent tone.

The miserable life and the countless betrayals he had suffered came only from humans with whose, he shared the same color of blood, the same organs... and the same origins.

Who was he to be so retarded and do again the same mistakes, just because he had acquired the same lineage as them?

"It's contradictory to what you told me before. By deciding to take over this planet, you have also not only inherited all its content, but also the responsibilities that come with it." Assi briefly explained her thoughts with these words.

"Whether you like it or not, you are our king and the king of all our specie. As such, you have responsibilities." She continued.

Now that she had nothing to negotiate in exchange, that was all she could do, remind him of his current status.


Seeing Alvine doubtful and indecisive,

"Not to mention betraying you, they will not be able to disobey you." She added this information.

Alvine's impassive expression wavered slightly before he regained his usual calm.

"What do you mean by that?" He still asked in a curious tone.


Her lips moved several times with hesitation, she looked like a person who could not make the right decision.

But suddenly Alvine, who was waiting for her answer, felt lustful energy invade his soul from the moment Assi's eyes began to shine with a mysterious and pink glow! Alvine's eyes began to become dull and coveting as his breathing became heavy and irregular.

"!" He looked away from her and looked at Greed with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Greed, decapitate her if you feel the slightest ounce of energy emanating from her!" He replied with pearls cold sweats on his forehead.

Immediately, Assi stopped her shenanigans after hearing Alvine's ruthless orders.

"I swear on everything I have dearest that you won't have a second chance if you try to use your charm on me." He said, moving away from her.

Assi's malicious actions had lasted only a thousandth of a second before Alvine felt his soul lost in a euphoric and frightening sea.

'Maybe I should kill her above all to solve all future problems.' He said to himself by fixing her with his murderous intention, which was not inferior to that of the divine Magi. After reaching the emperor's rank, the imposing aura that emanates from him had nothing to do with what he had before.

Not to mention that his murderous intention was real at the moment.

But even though Assi felt oppressed by him, his irritating eyes always stared at Alvine with an unwavering air. -As long as I do not have your promise by asserting myself that you will not abuse the authority of the former king, I would not reveal anything! Kill me if you want or imprison me for eternity if that is your desire; but, I would not tell you anything!

Hearing her pronounce these words with such determination to the point of sacrificing herself for this information, Alvine was becoming more and more interested.

If such methods existed to submit an entire lineage to obedience, he found it difficult to imagine the benefits he would have. Shadow soldiers were good loyal servants but they were not good for long-term solo or group missions. Not to mention that his shadow soldiers depended on the shadow energy that he did not have infinitely.

But having an entire army at his disposal that will not be able to contradict him, even if they order them to put an end to their lives... it was the only form of loyalty he believed. Especially with a race that is not only one of the original races created by the creative goddess but also endowed with deviant powers; mind control, heart confusion, and... Emotions control!

It is a power that Alvine will never dare to underestimate since his last battle with Sabrina, who had defeated him by a simple spiritual attack.

Alvine's interest was at its peak after guessing aware of the benefits he will derive from it. But his impassive and indifferent expression was always plated on his face.

"You must be one of the few people who know me more than others. If you're still alive, it's only because I care about you."

"... Are you used to threatening your loved ones to death? Is this how you treat your loved ones?! So I can only complain to them for being so unhappy."

Alvine had an ironic smile when he heard Assi's words.

He knew that Assi was against him at that moment, which was understandable to him since he had come to impose himself on a planet that did not originally belong to him; at that moment, the only difference between him and the Valskars who had invaded Alzania’s planet... was his clemency. But who was he to worry about Assi's emotions? Not to mention that this is the reality of the world in which he lives. On the one hand, the strong governed the weak, and on the other hand, the weak have no choice but to submit.

There were no third camps.

"Sigh, as I told you, I don't need to justify myself to you. What exactly are you accusing me of? Because I am like that towards a potential enemy? Because I have the same interest-centered behaviors just like you? Or maybe... because you want me to sacrifice myself stupidly like you for strangers I've never met?! Are you a mad girl or something like that for daring to make such proposals to me, even though you are aware of what I had endured in my old life by the humans’ hands?!" Alvine had an ironic smile when she saw that Assi was insisting on it.

"...I did not present myself as your enemy."

"I don't care about your justifications, for me, it's your actions that matter the most. You surely tell yourself that I am only looking for an excuse to act as a victim but, if that is your thought, let it be so. Finally, I think the most ridiculous person in this exchange is none other than me, who thought he could be understood by a person who looked at my memories as if she were watching a movie in front of a cinema with fucking popcorn in her hands."

"And also, if I have become like this, it is partly thanks to you, my dear administratrix. It is only in part thanks to you, and the other bastards that this person currently standing in front of you was born; for this, I sincerely thank you, Assiaphir Glephnir."

After saying these words while bowing to her, as if he were thanking her, Alvine walked to the doors of the throne room. But before opening the doors, he looked at Assi with a platitude mood.

"You have until my return to make your decision. See this extra time as a reward for helping me open my eyes. The fucking hero you were looking for will never come to you in such a world, you know it more than I do. Therefore, don't make me this kind of joke when I come back if you don't want to suffer a fate worse than death even after your death. You must already know what I'm talking about, after taking a health walk in my dimension." Alvine went out into the throne room after saying these last sentences.

As he had not looked at Assi while he was saying his last sentence, he could not notice the horrifying expression that Assi had on her face after hearing his last sentence.

If there was a place she could call hell in this infinitely vast universe, she would not hesitate to point her finger at Alvine. The first thing she heard after being engulfed by the shadow of Alvine was the desperate screams but when she used her magical eyes to look around in absolute darkness, her horrific expression far exceeded what a person could display. Hundreds of wandering souls were tied with black chains on thick black bars and were constantly burned with black flames as they shouted in their agonies with all kinds of supplications.

She instantly understood why Alvine wanted to remind her not to choose the third option. "Death is not a solution to escape you..that's what you want to let me know, isn't it? What a joke! It is impossible by my actions to create such a demon bastard that you have become; Alvine." She replied alone while raising her head to look at Greed's bloody Red eyes standing to her like a statue.

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