King Of Chaos

Chapter 374: Luminous Essence

Chapter 374: Luminous Essence

In the vast void of darkness, a pale source of light was rapidly shooting in one direction.

It was a flying ship protected by a force field designed to resist the potent and violent Chaos Energy filling the void. This chaotic energy was several times more powerful than the berserk Chaos Energy filling the void of the incomplete Chaos.

"Elder Feng, are you sure about everything? You should know our action might end up putting our Solar Phoenix Sect in great trouble. We might get annihilated."

A young man who really looked too young, about eighteen or nineteen years old, could be seen facing an elderly figure. His face was filled with troubled expression, as if something was making him worry too much.

"Hu Fang, don't worry about things that you should not. I've already decided on my next series of actions. I can no longer let those bastards bully my Solar Phoenix Sect, then so be it if I get killed. I have endured long enough, I no longer plan to put up with those bastards."

The elderly figure was an important elder of the Solar Phoenix Sect. His name was Feng Hanli.

Solar Phoenix Sect is the weakest sect in the Land of Luminous Essence.

Talking about the Land of Luminous Essence, it is wildly known for the production of Luminous Essence Crystals.

These crystals are unique to this Land only. They could only be found in this Land. Warriors could obtain Luminous Essence Crystals in many ways such as by killing Luminous Beasts, exploring Luminous Mines, or having a stroke of incredible luck to stumble upon a Luminous Spring.

The most common method to obtain Luminous Essence Crystals was by killing Luminous Beasts. Luminous Mines are normally monetized by sects and big forces. And stumbling upon Luminous Spring is a very rare occurrence.

Just like Luminous Essence Crystals, Luminous Beasts, Luminous Mines, and Luminous Springs are also exclusive to the Land of Luminous Essence only. They could not be found in other Lands.

Luminous Beasts are vastly different from Chaos Beasts, for they are not born from a father or mother. These are beasts born from the Luminous Essence filling the air of this Land.

Luminous Essence could be said to be a unique treasure. Although the atmosphere of this Land is filled with Luminous Essence, they cannot be directly absorbed into the body of warriors like Chaos Energy or Celestial Energy. If a warrior wants to absorb the Luminous Essence, they have to rely on a catalyst. Luminous Essence Crystals are those catalysts.

Luminous Beasts are creatures born from Luminous Essence. Upon their demise, their energy does not disperse into the air. Instead, it contracts and compacts, transforming into a crystal known as Luminous Essence Crystals.

Alternatively, these crystals can be directly harvested from Luminous Mines.

As for Luminous Spring, they are extremely rare because Luminous Essence flows in the form of spring and can be directly absorbed.

Talking about Luminous Essence, it could be said to be a unique treasure that not only strengthens a warrior's foundation but also replaces the required energy to increase their cultivation base rapidly. They could be absorbed to increase the cultivation bases of both Beings of Chaos and Celestial Beings.

That's why, these Luminous Essence Crystals are more valuable than Energy Crystals or Celestial Crystals.


As Elder Feng and a young man called Hu Fang were talking, the flying ship seemed to have collided with something and shook heavily.

"What happened?"

Both Elder Feng and Hu Fang were stunned. They stood up and came out of the room, only to find a servant running at them.

When Feng Hanli asked what happened, the servant hurriedly explained, "Elder Feng, something suddenly appeared in front of our flying ship and collided. Fortunately, the flying ship is protected by a force field, otherwise, we might have suffered heavily this time."

Feng Hanli frowned.

'Has a void beast appeared?'

Feng Hanli couldn't help but wonder. Although encountering a Void Beast in the void is rare, it doesn't guarantee that they will always be fortunate enough to avoid such encounters.

Before he could think further, another servant came running and hurriedly said without waiting for Feng Hanli to ask anything, "Elder, it was a person. A person appeared in front of our flying ship all of a sudden. After the collision, he seemed to have suffered injuries and fainted. We have already pulled him up. Do you want to see him?"

"Let's go!"

Feng Hanli nodded and followed the servant. It is mainly because he wanted to see the person who suddenly appeared in the void.

There was no Land around hundreds of thousands of millions of miles in the void. How could someone suddenly appear out of nowhere here?

Very soon, Feng Hanli and Hu Fang were led inside a room that, while not large, was filled with every comfort people could need.

Lying on the comfortable bed, a handsome young man could be seen. His face was pale and his body had traces of injuries.

This handsome young man was obviously Ling Xiaolong.

Feng Hanli mistook that the injuries on his body were dealt with after the collision with his flying ship.

However, the truth was that those injuries were because of Thunderous Roar Emperor, a Master of Chaos of the 8th Level.

Checking his body, Feng Hanli heaved a sigh of relief and muttered, "Fortunately, his life is not in danger. All we need to do is feed him a few healing pills and he will be alright."

"Above all, he seemed to be so young, probably less than 500 years old, and he was already a Celestial Awakening Realm warrior. I have to admit I've never seen a genius like him before. He might be from a big force on some big Land. I should take care of him properly, otherwise, the consequences might be disastrous." .....

╠ Land of Luminous Essence ╣

_Solar Phoenix Sect_

A flying ship slowly landed in the Sect's compound, and a few people walked out. Ling Xiaolong was among them.

It has been fifteen days since Ling Xiaolong got into an accident and was taken in by Feng Hanli.

The next day after the accident, he woke up completely fine. All his injuries were healed. It could be seen that Feng Hanli bleed a huge amount of money to heal Ling Xiaolong's injuries. Otherwise, it might have taken him a few days to regain consciousness.

Following that, he obtained many pieces of important information from Feng Hanli, including understanding the unique features of the Land of Luminous Essence where they were going.

Since Ling Xiaolong had nowhere to go for the time being and could only wait for Ling Xiaolong #1 or Queen to contact him, he asked Feng Hanli whether he could come with him to the Solar Phoenix Sect or not.

Feng Hanli, still thinking that Ling Xiaolong hailed from a powerful force, welcomed Ling Xiaolong with open arms. He was all smiles knowing Ling Xiaolong wanted to become a guest of the Solar Phoenix Sect.

Ling Xiaolong also understood a few power structures of the Land of Luminous Essence.

During his days on the flying ship, he also checked the two pearls given by Ling Xiaolong #1, only to find his two weapons inside them.

A small realm appeared to be sealed inside each pearl. One of the pearls contained a land filled with an energy typhoon, and the sky was ablaze with scarlet thunderbolts. In the midst of these typhoons and scarlet thunderbolts, the Void Shattering Spear underwent an essential transformation continuously.

Ling Xiaolong already knew what was happening.

The Void Shattering Spear constantly absorbed the Origin of the Eternal Fury Divine Spear. Every now and then, it would evolve and go through the same process repeatedly until the Origin of the Eternal Fury Divine Spear was completely absorbed by the Void Shattering Spear.

It must be known that the Eternal Fury Divine Spear used to be a Pseudo-Ethereal Guardian-ranked weapon. Its origin was not easily absorbed by a comparatively weaker weapon. The process was time-consuming, which explained why it is taking so much time for the Void Shattering Spear to absorb the Origin of Eternal Fury Divine Spear and evolve.

If not for the fact that Eternal Fury Divine Spear was destroyed for some reason that was still unknown to 'Ling Xiaolong', his Void Shattering Spear would have been absorbed instead of the other way around.

As for the second pearl, the Forbidden Land of Nine Hells was sealed inside. This land used to have nine layers in total; however, only four layers now remain. The other five layers had already been destroyed by the Infinity Edge Blade, which devoured every bit of Abyssal Energy present in the air.

The remaining four layers would be destroyed sooner or later as well, for the Infinity Edge Blade was constantly devouring and evolving, much like the Void Shattering Spear.

When Ling Xiaolong saw his two weapons, he could only facepalm. He had completely forgotten about them. Perhaps it was because the bond between them was still extremely strong, and he had no use for these weapons in the last few hundred years.

Fortunately, Ling Xiaolong #1 had brought these weapons here and gave them to him.


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