King Of Chaos

Chapter 350 Ch 250: Ye Xiao & Queen (?????)

Chapter 350 Ch 250: Ye Xiao & Queen (?????)

The Chaos Tree is a colossal tree that birthed Chaos.

Several legends revolve around the Tree of Chaos in Chaos. According to one of them, the Tree of Chaos boasts a total of 108 branches, harmonizing with the Rules of Chaos.

The Tree of Chaos's location is not known to anyone.

Some legends posit that the Tree of Chaos hides within Chaos, concealed from the eyes of all creatures. Meanwhile, others claim it resides beyond Chaos, quietly safeguarding the Chaos from external threats.

The majority of people choose to accept the second legend, contending that Chaos originates from the Tree of Chaos. They argue that it is implausible for the Tree of Chaos to be situated inside Chaos.

How could a mother exist within the body of her child?

It is simply impossible.

However, unbeknownst to everyone, they were wrong. Both legends regarding the Tree of Chaos's location are incorrect.

The Tree of Chaos neither exists inside nor outside Chaos. It exists in a distinct space, a dimensional realm situated at the boundary of Chaos, also known as the 36 Layers of Celestial Boundary.

As the name suggests, the Celestial Boundary has a total of 36 Layers. It is said that the Celestial Boundary is the last barrier of Chaos. It is the end of Chaos. Beyond the Celestial Boundary is an infinite sky with nothing but an empty void of darkness.

No one could enter the Celestial Boundary. It is an impossible feat for even a Master of Chaos of the 36th Level to achieve.

However, a Celestial Sovereign of Chaos obtained an opportunity to enter the Celestial Boundary.

It was a warrior named Ling Xiaolong.

Actually, it was just an accident. Ling Xiaolong happened to be in the right position at the right time and accidentally entered the First Level of Celestial Boundary through a gap that appeared in front of him for some reason while he was running for his life from his enemies.

Coincidentally, not only did he enter the Celestial Boundary, but after spending years inside, he also somehow ended up entering the dimensional space where the Tree of Chaos was located.

It was then he saw the Tree of Chaos and obtained many benefits from it.

In fact, it could be said that he was simply too lucky. He appeared in front of the Tree of Chaos when this tree was at its weakest for some unknown reason. It was also because of this that he managed to force open a gap in its trunk and enter a place called the Primordial Origin Sea.

Ye Xiao had seen the Tree of Chaos with his own eyes; how could he not recognize this tree?

Although not as big and boundless, the huge tree in front of his eyes was clearly a smaller version of the Tree of Chaos.

However, it turned out that this tree was not the Tree of Chaos but Ziwu Nuwang, the Queen of Plants.

Ye Xiao clearly remembered that he met Queen coincidentally and obtained a job from her; it was to accompany her somewhere and protect her along the way.

Very soon, they became friends and met a few more times.

This time, he was coming to this unknown Mystic Realm from the forgotten era. It would have been dangerous for him alone to explore, so he thought of bringing a friend who could help him in time of need.

For the current Ling Xiaolong, who had already made several huge forces his enemies, he did not have many friends. Among those whom he could trust, he contacted Queen.

Queen agreed immediately, and then they entered this Mystic Realm to explore.

From the moment he knew Queen, she was weaker than him. Although she was weaker, she was very proud.

Ye Xiao still remembered what Queen had told him when she first met him. She asked him to accompany her somewhere and protect her from danger. At that time, she also informed him that she didn't actually need anyone's help, but she had to stay close to someone to protect. Thus, she decided to seek his cooperation.

Ye Xiao never expected what she said to be true. She indeed does not need anyone's help. The current Queen was strong enough to easily kill a Master of Chaos of the 8th or 9th Level.

She became a tree right in front of Ye Xiao.


It is to protect him.

Ye Xiao was confused. Is he the person she spoke about when they first met? Is he the person she is supposed to protect?

But... That can't be true. They had met for the first time when she spoke about staying close to someone to give protection. That person could not be him.

The Evil Being that attacked Ye Xiao had now been reduced to a cloud of dark smoke that soon dissipated.

Queen also transformed back into her human form from a giant tree and then looked at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao could not help but take a deep breath and ask, "Queen of Plants? Just who are you?"

Queen smiled at Ye Xiao and waved her hand. Sparkling green vines slowly covered a few meters of the area around them, forming a sphere. Ye Xiao and Queen were now inside this sparkling sphere.

The inside of this sphere was full of glowing green light. In this green light, a tree slowly manifested.

This was the Tree of Chaos. To be more accurate, this tree looked exactly like the Tree of Chaos. It was Queen's own true form. She was a tree.

"I was born from the Tree of Chaos, so I look exactly like the tree in my true form."

As she spoke, she waved her hand again and the tree shattered into countless fragments of sparkling light, flying everywhere.

All of a sudden, a scene slowly manifested in those fragments of sparkling light. Ye Xiao's eyes widened when he witnessed this scene. It is because this was the scene of the time when Ye Xiao used his Eternal Fury Divine Spear to open a gap in the trunk of the Tree of Chaos.

As this scene showed, Queen spoke, "The moment you opened a gap in the Tree of Chaos and entered its Primordial Origin Sea, you had already formed a deep connection with the Tree of Chaos."

The scene changed, and now, a huge sea appeared. This was not an ordinary sea full of water or a golden sea like Ye Xiao's Origin Sea. This sea was completely green, but it was glowing in ethereal light. This was the Primordial Origin Sea, and it looked like a celestial beauty; it was mesmerizing.

"When you entered the Primordial Origin Sea and formed a deep connection with the Tree of Chaos, you were intoxicated. You had fallen into a drunken state, so you were unable to feel the changes happening there."

"The first gift the Tree of Chaos gave you was the evolution of your Eternal Fury Divine Spear. It evolved from the Low-Grade Heavenly Mystery Rank to the Pseudo-Ethereal Guardian Rank."

"The second gift this Tree gave you was a Lotus of Chaos."

"Did you really think you were able to obtain the Lotus of Chaos because you were lucky?"

Queen chuckled. She could see the dumbfounded expression on Ye Xiao's face. She said, "You were inside the Primordial Origin Sea. Primordial Origin Sea is the source of all powers of the Tree of Chaos. If the Tree of Chaos wanted, it could have easily killed a mere warrior who is not even a Master of Chaos."

"First of all, think about it. How could just anyone enter the Primordial Origin Sea? No matter how weak the Tree of Chaos was at that time, do you really think you had the strength to open a gap in its trunk? The sturdiness of the Tree of Chaos is something you could not imagine. Even if several Masters of Chaos of the 36th Level attack, they could barely make a few scratches on its trunk. But you opened a hole. It was not because you were able to, it is because the Tree of Chaos let you do so."

Now that Ye Xiao thinks about it, he finds this very acceptable.

Indeed, he is not a Master of Chaos even now. When he arrived in front of the Tree of Chaos, he was far weaker.

The Tree of Chaos is something that gave birth to Chaos. Its strength and sturdiness are beyond anyone's imagination. No matter how weak it might become, Ye Xiao should not have been able to open a gap that led directly to the Primordial Origin Sea.

Ye Xiao finally understood that everything must be the doing of the Tree of Chaos. This tree wanted him to enter the Primordial Origin Sea.


Ye Xiao could only speak one word, but this word carried many questions for him.

Why did the Tree of Chaos allow him to open the gap?

Why did it form a deep connection with him?

Why did it give him several gifts?

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