King Of Chaos

Chapter 276 Ch 276: Fusion Start

Ye Xiao tried a few more times but failed to sense his Universe. In the end, he could only give up.

For a moment, Ye Xiao had a thought that the Lotus of Chaos betrayed him and somehow escaped with his universe.

Fortunately, that was not the case. Ye Xiao was sure that the Lotus of Chaos had nothing to do with whatever peculiar was happening to him.

He couldn't fathom the reason behind this occurrence, but he could, at the very least, sense his connection with the universe. It means he was still the master of his universe and could, very likely, sense the universe soon enough.

For now, he could only focus on the current situation. Since he could not talk to the Lotus of Chaos, he needed to figure out everything himself.

Ye Xiao then started thinking about how should he extract a few strands of Comprehensive Energy from his Origin Sea.

Yes, Ye Xiao wanted to extract only a few strands of Comprehensive Energy. It is because even a single strand of Comprehensive Energy was so dense that it could make Ye Xiao fall into a state of deep comprehension where Ye Xiao might create a Celestial Destroyer-ranked Cultivation Technique.

Just a single strand of Comprehension Energy could give this much boost.

Ye Xiao did not plan to look into his Origin Sea once again. He wanted to think of a way to extract a few strands of Comprehension Energy without coming in contact with the Origin Sea or looking into it.

But how should he do it?

Ye Xiao started thinking deeply.

As he delved into deep thought, a solution began to crystallize in his mind. He realized that he could use a proxy, an intermediary, to interact with his Origin Sea without directly engaging with it. It was like using a tool to fetch something from a distant place without touching it.

He could use his Divine Sense but with a layer of protection.

As for that layer of protection, he might use the Profound Truth of Dark Rule to wrap around his Divine Sea and then reach out to Origin Sea before capturing a few strands of Comprehension Energy.

"Yes, this method might work!"

What could provide Ye Xiao absolute protection if not a Rule of Chaos?

While it might not offer him absolute protection, it could certainly act as a deterrent, delaying him from falling into the state of enlightenment. This delay should provide him with the necessary time to carry out his task.

With this thought in mind, Ye Xiao carefully wrapped his Divine Sense in Dark Force born from the Profound Truth of Dark Rule, and with careful control and concentration, he extended his Divine Sense into his Origin Sea, like a gentle breeze caressing the surface of the water.

As his Divine Sense entered the Origin Sea, his Divine Sense slowly made contact with the Comprehensive Energy.

Ye Xiao could feel an invisible collision with the Dark Energy wrapping around his Divine Sense. Ye Xiao also sensed that the Dark Force was resisting the attacks of Comprehension Energy, but it might not resist for long. Ye Xiao knew this method worked. Now, all he has to do is extract a few strands of Comprehension Energy and retract his Divine Sense.

He maintained a delicate balance, drawing only a single strand at a time, much like dipping a ladle into a vast reservoir. It required finesse, patience, and an acute understanding of the energies at play.

As he extracted a strand of Comprehension Energy, he wrapped this energy with Dark Force and ejected it out of his body. Dark Force was under his control, and with this method, he was able to stop the strand of Comprehension Energy from escaping and dissipating in thin air.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao continued this methodical process, extracting a strand of Comprehension Energy at a time without delving too deep into the Origin Sea. It was a slow and meticulous task, akin to collecting grains of sand one by one.

With each strand he extracted, Ye Xiao felt a surge of power and insight as well.

After extracting ten strands of Comprehension Energy, Ye Xiao safely retracted his Divine Sea.

"I can finally start fusing the 108 strands of Rules in my cultivation technique!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao absorbed one strand of Comprehension Energy. Instantly, a load of comprehension and insight poured into his mind and Ye Xiao started having epiphany. However, this time, he did not enter this state too deeply. He started using the new insight and comprehension to fuse the 108 strands of Rules of Chaos into his cultivation technique.

After absorbing the second strand of Comprehension Energy, Ye Xiao was finally able to fuse the first strand of the Rule of Chaos into his Cultivation Technique.

The fusion was a delicate process, like blending colors on a canvas. As the Rules of Chaos melded with his technique, his cultivation technique began to evolve slowly, resonating with a power he had never experienced before.

This process continued until three months later when Ye Xiao finally fused 107 strands of Rules of Chaos into the Three Cycle Mastery. Now, he was left with only one strand of Rule to fuse.

The moment Ye Xiao started the last process of fusion to complete evolving his cultivation technique, he did not know how but massive energy exploded within his body. It was like a torrent of energy bursting out, Ye Xiao's body was instantly bloated.


Ye Xiao groaned in pain and cursed, "What the f*ck?"

Ye Xiao was in so much pain that he could not explain. But this was not the end, His skin cracked all of a sudden as if he were a porcelain doll. It was not just his skin that was falling apart, but also his flesh and his bones.

After no more than one minute, Ye Xiao's body was already covered in blood.

Because of the massive amount of energy bursting within his body, a fire of energy could be seen burning his skin and flash with the naked eye.

Yes, it was not real fire, but energy produced such a high temperature that Ye Xiao's cracked body started steaming.

Very soon, Ye Xiao's skin had been burnt up. His blood was vaporizing and drying, but under the support of his Life Recovery ability that Ye Xiao was casting from time to time on himself, new flesh and skin were growing rapidly.

After the brutalization, Ye Xiao's body had almost turned into a source of energy that was circulating on the surface and exploding within.

Two days passed, and Ye Xiao's body which had been bloated by the energy began to constrict quickly.

One week later, Ye Xiao was badly mangled. However, though his body was disfigured, he was still recovering rapidly under the effect of Life Recovery which seemed to be pouring a constant flow of dense vitality into his body.

On this day, Ye Xiao succeeded in fusing the last strand of the Rule of Chaos into his cultivation technique. The moment it fused, his cultivation technique started evolving to the next level.


The instant Ye Xiao's cultivation technique started evolving, clouds gathered in the sky, and thunder started rumbling.

After only a minute, waves of energy began rising on the horizon. A huge storm full of energy started.


It would not be a lie to say that Ye Xiao was frightened. The thunder rumbling in the sky was too terrifying. Ye Xiao could feel the aura of death from the thunder and lightning. He could feel the energy of destruction that could destroy him completely if he were to be attacked by thunder and lightning for a long time. 

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, dozens of lightning bolts fell from the sky. All these bolts of lightning had a clear target. It was Ye Xiao.

When these bolts of lightning fell on his body, they caused Ye Xiao to vomit blood. Muscles started bulging all over his body, and his veins were surfacing from his flesh.

Maybe it is because Ye Xiao did something taboo or it might be because nobody was around, Ye Xiao became the direct target of the lightning, but since he could not stand up and because his cultivation technique was evolving, the bolts of lightning raised a tide of energy when they hit him.

Ye Xiao could not run away because if he stood up or broke the state of cultivation, it would mean interrupting the evolution of Three Cycle Mastery, which he could not afford to do.


The moment those bolts of lightning attacked Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao spurted out a mouthful of blood and he felt like dying. The pain he was suffering was too much. Ye Xiao swore that he had never suffered this painfully ever before.

Even when he was chopped by Spatial Blades, the pain was nothing compared to what he was going through right now.

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