Joy of Life

Chapter 489 - The Major Figures

Chapter 489: The Major Figures

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Winter had passed, but spring had yet to arrive. The previous night, a gust of chilling wind blew through and immediately froze the tender new growths outside Ming Garden walls to death, covered in an unlucky pale white.

Ming Qingda slightly closed his eyes.

He had long guessed that the other party would propose this. Furthermore, if he put aside the humiliation of his family having been manipulated, if Zhaoshang money house’s owner actually owned a share of the Ming family and the two sides joined together, the funding would immediately become abundant. In the future, their growth would be the point they wouldn’t even care about Dongyi and Taiping money house’s attitude.

Ming Qingda’s emotions calmed. After considering for a while, he said, “How much do you want?”

“Thirty percent.” The head shopkeeper let out a breath and lifted his face in a warm smile. “Thirty percent of all of it with the government writing the contract, an irrevocable title deed.”

Ming Qingda had just felt a little better and now immediately sank into boundless anger and mockery. He gazed at the head shopkeeper disdainfully and said, “Thirty percent? Has the owner never seen the world? A mere 4 million liang...yet you want 30 percent of the Ming family?”

“You misunderstand,” The old shopkeeper respectfully said, “Thirty percent of all of it refers to the Ming family’s shares. The total does not include the shares owned by nobles in the court. Although the owner has wild ambitions, he doesn’t have such a large appetite and daring.”

Ming Qingda laughed coldly. The Eldest Princess and the Qing family had a large number of shares in his family. If they had said the 30 percent included the amount of these shares, that would have been great. He could then just watch how they died, in the future. However, even the 30 percent of the rest was a very outrageous amount.

“It’s not worth this much,” he said coldly, preparing to send away the guest.

The head shopkeeper smiled and said, “The Ming family is the richest in the world. You control not just the lives of people in Jiangnan, but also have tens of thousands of acres of land and countless properties. Of course, a mere 4 million liang was not worth this amount...however, times change. Cash is not the same as property. Even though they are both worth one liang of silver, at different times, they have different values.”

He continued, “In the past, these 4 million liang of silver would only be the Ming family’s cash income for a year. Naturally, it could not be worth 30 percent of the shares. However, right now the Ming family lacks cash flow and desperately needs cash to survive. After the owner has the shares, they will provide a great deal of financial support. This 4 million liang now represents a more important value. It is not greedy to exchange it for 30 percent of the Ming’s family shares. You are a clever man, so you know that the price the owner has given is already very fair.”

Ming Qingda was silent for a moment. He knew that what the other person said was true.

“This is a big matter. Although I am the head of the clan, I cannot decide alone. I need to think about it a bit more.” He raised his teacup. The head shopkeeper of Zhaoshang money house. The young man behind him said their goodbyes and then left.

Ming Lanshi walked out from the side. He looked at his father and said anxiously, “Father, you can’t give it to them.” Following this, he continued angrily. “Only now do we know that this Zhaoshang money house is shady as f*ck! To think that they’ve been plotting for our property since a year ago.”

Ming Qingda glanced at his son and shook his head unhappily. He did not approve of his words and said, “Business is business. In this year, if we didn’t have the support of Zhaoshang money house, our lives would be even more difficult. The 4 million liang loan, in addition, to cash flow support in exchange for 30 percent shares is actually, as they said, a very fair price.”


Ming Qingda waved his hands tiredly. During the negotiations with Zhaoshang money house, he had appeared confident, but he was actually backing up step by step to the point that he developed doubt in himself. After a year of being repeatedly beaten by the Overwatch Council, did he no longer have enough confidence? Did he lose some boldness after kneeling to Fan Xian once and having made countless bitter retreats? Was he used to being led by the nose by someone else?

But...he was the Master of the Ming family!

Ming Qingda slowly said, “Business is business, but since Zhaoshang money house is using underhand tricks...why should we pretend our hands are clean?”

Ming Lanshi felt cold sweat pour down his back and he hesitantly said, “Father, once the matter fails, it’ll be a death sentence for the clan.”

Ming Qing laughed coldly. “With the protection of the Eldest Princess, even Fan Xian wouldn’t dare to act rashly...a mere Zhaoshang money house, who did they think they are?”

“But Zhaoshang money house must have accounts in their main branch in Dongyi.” Ming Lanshi looked at his father and suddenly felt a chill. He felt that his usually wise father was now gradually becoming stupid and angry.

“We can’t care about that!” A glimmer of malevolence flashed through Ming Qingda’s calm and clever eyes. He coldly said, “Who can be bothered to acknowledge Dongyi people asking the Qing Kingdom for money?”

“What if we...what if we...” Ming Lanshi stuttered, “sell land and houses? Although this is a lot of silver, we can still afford to return it.”

Ming Qingda said darkly, “If you can think of it, do you think they haven’t thought of it? The court strictly prohibits the private sale of land. If it was a small clan it could be done. If we sold this much land, how could it not alert the government? All the paperwork would take at least a year...Zhaoshang money house is willing to take a 30 percent loss to have us pay the debt early. Why is that? Of course, it’s to force us to split our shares.”

The old master’s heart suddenly sank. He remembered that the court’s strict law against selling land had been one of the new policies forcefully pushed forward by the mistress of the Ye family back in the day.

Ming Lanshi left with his face the color of dirt. He guessed what his father would do but didn’t know how his father would do it. He only knew that his father had finally lost his reason under the storms the family had experienced and the pressure of this year. Although he still managed with difficulty to maintain a glimmer of clarity and felt that it was better to work with Zhaoshang money house, because of the matter he had long kept secret, he also didn’t dare open his mouth to persuade his father of anything.



That night, there was suddenly a scratching sound on the paved streets in Suzhou. It sounded like an old mouse that had been trapped in his hole all winter and suddenly smelled the fragrance of a delicious dessert, and used the protection of the night to sneak out.

However, there were only three mice. Three aces wearing black night-walking clothing. They easily broke through Zhaoshang money house’s defenses and directly went into the back hall.

The defenses around the money house had always been very strict. In addition, the identity of the person behind Zhaoshang money house had secretly invited a number of jianghu aces. However, the defensive abilities of these guards could not stop the lighting strike attacks of the three night-walkers. From this, one could see the superior power and capability of these three.

The scariest thing were the long swords in the attackers’ hands. The sword seemed to be sealed with some kind of magic power. The sword swung through the air without sound. It went out and never returned. It pierced with the anger of heaven, and its imposing atmosphere always pushed forward and never turned back. In a moment, they had left a dozen bodies in the stall of the money house and the ground covered in fresh blood.

No one had the time to give a wretched cry for help.

However, these three very powerful swordsmen found a very large obstacle in the money house’s back garden.

They had clearly seen the box of lending receipts the head shopkeeper of Zhaoshang money house had held tightly to his chest. However, they were unable to pierce the other person’s throat with the tip of their swords.

Even the leader, who was an extraordinary ace, was unable to do it.

Since his superior mountain splitting and river parting green sword was in his hand, it was enveloped by a green banner that seemed weak but actually contained boundless power.

With three rasps, the swordsmen drew back the swords and raised their hands, bowing to the young man holding the green banner.

The martial arts had their own honor. Having carried out an assassination to this stage, it had become a contest of skill.

The green banner had already been shredded into countless pieces by the brilliant and steady sword intent. The words “Tie Xiang” written on it had also become little black dots on the shredded cloth. The young man, who once went by Tie Xiang and now went by Thirteenth Wang, held the bare banner pole in his hands and looked at the black-clothed man with the air of a master and a green sword in his hand. He slowly lowered his head to return the bow.

“You first.”

The black-clothed man took off the scarf covering his face. His expression was severe. His three-forked beard floated lightly in the breeze. He lifted his sword cautiously and channeled all of his focus into the sword and gently raised his lips to speak.

Even given Thirteenth Wang’s fearless attitude and careless personality, even he couldn’t help but be moved when he abruptly saw this person’s face.

If Fan Xian were here, once he saw the black-clothed man’s face clearly, he would probably also immediately turn and leave. Not staying a moment longer.

Yun Zhilan, the lead disciple of Dongyi’s Sigu Jian. The superior ninth-level sword master Yun Zhilan.

Thirteenth Wang’s right hand held the banner pole tightly. His pupils constricted slightly. He was very nervous.

The two night-walkers who had followed Yun Zhilan into Zhaoshang money house were aces from Dongyi. They saw Yun Zhilan lift his sword in preparation to fight face-to-face, so they respectfully retreated to one side. In their hearts, although the young man holding the banner pole had deep cultivation, as long as he wasn’t a Great Grandmaster or someone weird like the Qing Kingdom’s Fan Xian, then they would certainly be unable to stand against one of Yun Zhilan’s attacks.

Thirteenth Wang stared at him in a daze and suddenly said, “Have you...recovered?”

Yun Zhilan furrowed his brows and slowly said, “You know me?’

Last spring, Yun Zhilan had traveled to Jiangnan alone. One reason was that he wanted to secretly watch his female disciples train but, most importantly, his goal was to watch for an opportunity to assassinate the Jiangnan Road imperial envoy, Fan Xian. However, the ending of the matter was a bit bitter. The swordmaster of a generation only sat on a fishing boat and glanced at Fan Xian from a distance before falling into the Overwatch Council’s trap.

Until today, Yun Zhilan still remembered that streak of sword light that had mysteriously appeared from the water. He was secretly chilled because that mysterious attack had given him his heaviest injury since the start of his career. News of his injury had also been strictly controlled. Presumably, Qing court also didn’t want to stir up a diplomatic crisis. When Thirteenth Wang asked him if he had recovered, Yun Zhilan was shocked.

Thirteenth Wang smiled a little helplessly and said, “You are the sword master of a generation, so how could you be a thief for someone?”

Yun Zhilan smiled and said, “Are you not the same?”

“Even if you kill everyone in Zhaoshang money house and burned all of these deeds, it still cannot help the Ming family,” Thirteenth Wang sighed and said. “All that is left here are copies. The originals are not in Suzhou.”

“If the originals are in Dongyi, they should be gone by tomorrow,” Yun Zhilan said slowly. “I don’t know what side you serve, but the Ming family is too important to Dongyi. I ask that you don’t obstruct me.”

Thirteenth Wang said, “It’s already over for Ming Qingda.”

Before he even finished talking, the black-clothed figure who had been waiting quietly by Yun Zhilan’s side opened their mouth and said, “Teacher, this person is stalling for time.”

Thirteenth Wang was slightly startled. He realized that the black-clothed figure was actually a female. Her voice was particularly sharp and clear. He couldn’t help but tilting his head and smiling, “Sisi came too?”

The black-clothed figure’s body froze. Yun Zhilan also looked curiously at Thirteenth Wang. He sighed and said, “I never expected that you would be so familiar with my is truly very curious. However, it is a pity there is not much time left. People from the Suzhou government are about to arrive.”

He slowly raised the sword in his hand. The point of the sword trembled slightly. He waveringly pointed it at Thirteenth Wang’s throat.

“You won’t kill me.” Thirteenth Wang said.

“Why not?”


Thirteenth Wang’s expression suddenly became stern. He took half a step back with his left leg and suddenly swung down with the pole of the green banner. His left hand went behind his back to hold the tail end while his right hand pushed down. The tip of the pole went downward with great strength.

The sound of it breaking through the air rang out and drew a line in the air.

What powerful sword intent!

Yun Zhilan’s pupils constricted slightly. He slowly asked, “Who exactly is the owner of Zhaoshang money house?”

Thirteenth Wang hesitated for a while and then slowly took back the green banner and opened his mouth to silently mouth the words.

The astonishment on Yun Zhilan’s face appeared and then was immediately hidden. He laughed helplessly. Without another word, he turned and led his two female disciples to leave the back garden. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and said, “Brother, be careful. Fan Xian is more sinister than you can imagine.”

Thirteenth Wang forced a smile and said, “Brother, if you tell Ming Qingda, I trust I will definitely have the opportunity to see how Fan Xian will slowly trap me to death.”

Yun Zhilan didn’t turn his head. His shoulders were as steady as cast-iron. He was silent for a moment and then said, “I don’t understand...he used such a large gambit to test how loyal you are to him.”

“I also don’t understand,” Thirteenth Wang said slowly. “Perhaps he is confident that even if I betrayed him, he has a way to end the Ming family. He just wants me to manage this matter and check my attitude along the way.”

Yun Zhilan said, “What exactly does teacher intend? Is the Ming family more important or Fan Xian’s trust in you? I need to know to be able to decide what to do.”

“Sir Fan junior’s trust is the most important,” Thirteenth Wang said sincerely. “Even if I joined alliances with you and told Ming Qingda the truth of the matter and helped the Ming family get through this difficulty, what about next time? In the end, the palace treasury belongs to Sir Fan junior. Teacher does not object to forming some kind of friendship with foreign friends.”

“Then you shouldn’t have told me earlier,” Yun Zhilan said slowly.

Thirteenth Wang glanced at the head shopkeeper behind him clutching the documents with a wary expression on his face and a smile. “Even if I didn’t tell you, no one knows whether or not I would tell you in secret. It is better to tell you in person.”

“Looks like nothing will happen in Dongyi.” Yun Zhilan sighed. He wasn’t sighing because of his wasted trip. Rather, he was sighing in admiration of his teacher’s cleverness that was hidden beneath that idiotic appearance. It was not until today that he learned that the mysterious little brother disciple had been following and working for Fan Xian the entire time after learning the Hut.

“Yes,” Thirteenth Wang lowered his head and said. “Presently, I am attacking, so I will have to ask you to temporarily retreat. Please maintain your silence.”

“I can retreat, but why must I stay silent?” Yun Zhilan asked calmly.

Thirteenth Wang took out a small jade token from inside his clothes and showed it to him. Yun Zhilan looked at this jade token and immediately sighed, he shook his head with a smile and said, “Everyone in the school knew that you don’t have a sword token, who would have thought that the teacher had given you this one.”



In this world, all the people and all the factions were sitting on the fence while the Dongyi faction was, without question, a towering tree. If it fell in any direction, it could produce difficult to predict results and be unable to float back again.

Thus, Sigu Jian could not fall because his sword needed to protect Dongyi. He had to completely understand the situation in Qing Kingdom before making a decision. In other words, only if there was a sufficiently powerful allure of making a fatal strike would he take action.

Because of Fan Xian’s abrupt rise, he had to demonstrate sufficient sincerity on his side. Part of that was Thirteenth Wang. He also maintained some interest in the Eldest Princess’ side, for example, Yun Zhilan.

Only in this way could he obtain equal benefits regardless of which internal faction of Qing Kingdom was victorious in the future.

This was what it was to grasp with both hands. Both hands had to be firm.

The sudden attack on Zhaoshang money house had made Sigu Jian’s two hands come together and begin to share their strength. This situation might be one that even this Great Grandmaster had not thought of.

Fan Xian had struck first, so Yun Zhilan had no choice but to retreat. But, he didn’t have to stay silent. He could tell the truth to Ming Qingda and have him reject bringing Zhaoshang money house into the business. When he saw his teacher’s sword token, he understood that, in the current situation, the Great Grandmaster was leaning toward the other side.



Zhaoshang money house was completely silent. The smell of blood faintly came through from the front of the yard.

The head shopkeeper of the money house, who had been wary earlier, had now recovered his calm and warm expression. He bowed formally to dazed Thirteenth Wang with the green banner in his hand and respectfully said, “Congratulations, Sir Thirteen, on passing the test.”

Thirteenth Wang tilted his head in a daze and sighed a moment later. “People’s hearts are truly very complicated. Teacher and Fan Xian are truly...two very interesting people.”



Ming Qingda once again habitually directed his gaze toward the trees outside Ming Garden’s high walls and felt a chill in his heart. He thought, Winter was clearly already over and the spring winds washed over his face, so how could the new tender growth from a few days ago have suddenly frozen to death?

He knew that the situation in front of him and his clan was as harsh as winter. The Ming family had a foundation of a century. It should have been difficult to be manipulated and crushed by others. However, ever since they had become royal merchants for the palace treasury, the Ming family had earned more but had also sunk deeper. Now, it was impossible to extricate themselves. Gradually, they became an arena for various powers in court to test themselves.

No matter how powerful a merchant was, how could it stand against the manipulations of the court? Regardless of whether it was the suppression this year, the price control a few months ago, or that vicious to the point of shameless incident with the rocks hitting the mirrors...the Ming family had paid out too much blood and sweat and lost too much power. The entire family business was becoming more and more difficult to run.

If he was able to extricate himself, the Ming family would still be able to remain.

However, he was unable to extricate himself, so he had to solve the problem. The most urgent problem in front of the Ming family was that their cash flow was not fluid enough. There was a desperate lack of cash. To solve this problem, they needed external support. Taiping money house was, after all, not a bottomless hole and would not be able to forever support the Ming family. Apparently, there were already objects in Dongyi. While that damned Zhaoshang money house...

Ming Qingda furrowed his brows and coughed. He coughed until there was a sudden piercing pain in his chest.

If Zhaoshang money house had not wanted 30 percent of the Ming family’s shares and didn’t have sufficient leverage in their hands, then Ming Qingda would not have made such an unwise reaction. He was even willing to work even closer with Zhaoshang money house. After the Ming family had survived this storm, they could join their hands together and earn all the money in the world.

But...they wanted his property, which touched on Ming Qingda’s bottom line. This was the family property he had murdered his mother, knelt down, and suffered humiliation to get. How could he offer it up for just 4 million liang of silver?

Right now, the Ming family actually could not bring out enough silver to repay the 4 million. Even if Zhaoshang money house sold the debt at a discount, Ming Qingda still could not bring out almost 3 million liang of silver.

He coughed harder until a faint disappointment and surrender flashed through his eyes.

Yun Zhilan once again took his people and left. The last time this great sword master had been hurt by a subordinate of the Overwatch Council. This time, he was leaving freely. The difference between the two made Ming Qingda sense a great danger. Although many people died in Zhaoshang money house that night, he did not manage to obtain the accounts book or receipts. There was also no news about the mission in Dongyi. On the contrary, the Jiangnan Road yamen had taken this opportunity to take over Zhaoshang money house’s murder case and stationed a heavy guard around it.

At the same time, all of the Ming family’s private soldiers were closely watched by Governor Xue Qing’s provincial guards.

Ming Qingda knew that he could no longer use lightning tactics. Now that he was being watched by the court, he could only think of commercial solutions. To resolve the Ming family’s present danger, he could only choose to lower his head.

He said, tiredly, to the concubine beside him, “Go invite someone from Zhaoshang money house over...go personally and have a good attitude.”

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