Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 93: Invitation For A Dance

Chapter 93: Invitation For A Dance

In a spacious and luxurious hotel room, the door unlocked with a click and was slowly pushed open.

In the corridor, Greg was standing motionlessly with ragged clothes and disheveled hair.

After walking in with that ridiculous look of his, he closed the door behind his back and slowly slid down to the ground with his back to the door.

"What... Just happened?", murmured Greg quietly, not believing what just happened with him not long ago.

Looking at the wooden floor before him, Greg started to reimagine the happenings that occurred with him.

He was fighting against Kuragari's shadow clones and with his staff and it's unique abilities, he was easily able to defend against them, while also doing a few counter-attacks.

However, everything changed after he tried to aim one of his attacks at Kuragari. His plan with that attack of his was to stop the end of the staff right before his master's face, but unfortunately, he still couldn't control it well and he failed to halt the staff's growth.

Luckily Kuragari was able to tilt his halted in time, but because of this, he misunderstood everything, which ended up beating him up very badly.

The only thing he could remember after that was that Kuragari used his shadow ability to appear behind him and knock him unconscious with the hilt of his katana.

When he woke up from his slumber, he noticed that he was still there, where he fought, but the only difference that, it was already late night with a small letter on his side.

After he picked up the letter and read the content of it, he was given an instant surprise.

It stated that if he doesn't win the tournament then he can forget to meet him again, but of course all of this with a few ribald words. It was just like how Kuragari would talk when he is angry.

And from there the story was quite obvious. With his power, traveling a small distance like that wasn't a problem at all, but instead, the time he needed to figure out the direction, but in the end, he still succeeded to find the right way.

"That speed and power... If he didn't use the sword's hilt, I would have died just like that. I didn't have the time to react at all."

As he thought about this, suddenly a gentle knock sounded on his door, making him come back to his senses.


Standing up from the ground, Greg grabbed the handle and opened the door.

When the door was finally pulled fully open, Greg saw as Joe was looking at him with a slight frown as he looked at his exhausted appearance.

Waving his hand scarcely, Greg just sighed and said, "It's a long story, so don't bother with yourself with it."

Knowing slightly what or who could have made him look like this, Joe nodded and said, "I saw you walk up here with your current look, so I came here to wait for you."

"Wait for what?", asked Greg with a frown after hearing what Joe said.

"Wait as you get ready. It's almost 8 o'clock, so it's dinner time. Also, there will be a chance to dance, so make sure you will look good."

Hearing this, Greg wanted to say that he didn't have the mood to go now, but seeing his friend's anticipated look, he signed and said, "Okay then I will try to be fast. Until I get ready just come in."

Joe nodded and said, "Perfect! Then if you excuse me..."

Seeing his wide smile, Greg shook his head helplessly and turned around to get ready for the night.

Watching as Greg walked into the bathroom, Joe just sat down to the side in the corner and asked, "So? How was the training with the Uncrowned King?"

Because of this question, Greg instantly knew that Joe heard what happened and answered, "He thought me how to fight. Also helped me choose a good weapon type and who knew it would be a staff. Interesting no?"

Listening to Greg's excited voice, Joe could imagine what could have transpired and with a smile asked, "Staff? What kind of staff?"

"It was the one I chose by the Crystal Card. You know that black one with the golden carvings on it. It was simply an amazing feeling to use."

"Interesting that's for sure."

As the two talked about Greg's time with Kuragari, outside the window in the balcony, a shadowy figure appeared and after he made sure that no one saw him except Joe, it started to talk in a quiet tone.

"Young Master, should I go and report back to your father about this incredible news?"

Hearing what the figure said, Joe asked a question from Greg and while he started to talk, he turned his head and answered, "I don't think it would be a very good choice. As I know that greedy old man, he will try and use Greg as a connection just to get into contact with that man and use it to his advantage. I suggest waiting with this first."

Nodding in agreement, the shadow bowed slightly and with a sudden move, he disappeared from the terrace.

At the same time he disappeared, Greg walked out of the bathroom with his white suit on and with his hair cleaner than before.

Noticing that Joe was looking out of the window, Greg turned his head toward there too, but after seeing that there was nothing special except the breathtaking view he tilted his head to the side in confusion and asked"What are you looking at?"

Looking at Greg and seeing that he was ready, Joe stood up and with a small smile, he said, "Nothing, just the great scenery. But as I see you are finally ready, so can we get going?"


With that, the two walked to the door. Opening it, Greg let Joe out and walked after him, but before closing the door, he made sure to look at the window for one last time.

Seeing that no one was there he frowned and thought, "Strange. I would bet that I just felt a strong presence a moment ago."

"Are you coming?"

Hearing Joe's voice, Greg nodded and said, "Yeah, on my way."

Pushing it slowly to a shut and turning the handle, Greg finally closed the door and looked at Joe.

"Let's go. I'm starving."


Inside the dining hall, tons of people were walking here and there with food and drinks in hand, while spiritedly talking amongst each other.

Greg and Joe walked in and looked around calmly. A while later Joe pointed to the table where they were sitting before and said, "Look! Mila, Emma, and the others are already there."

Turning his head where Joe was pointing at, Greg nodded, and with Joe on his side, he started to walk toward there.

Just like the last time, Greg's and Joe's presence drew almost everyone's, but with the only difference that this time, they weren't looking at them with admiration, but simple fear.

They were scared not because of Joe, but because of Greg. His performance from yesterday made all of them think that he was a crazy madman, who looked innocent from the outside, but on the inside, he was a savage beast.

When the two walked to the table, Greg and Joe greeted the others around the table.

Mila and Emma smiled at them warmly, but Jonathan, Laura, Juan, and the twins looked at them without an expression.

Feeling the awkwardness in the air, Greg didn't know what to say, so he simply sat down next to Emma. Joe on the side knew that what happened would make things even more complicated, so he too followed Greg and sat down next to Mila.

Seeing as the two didn't say a word, Jonathan just sighed and started to eat quietly, while Sandra on the side looked mad.

And just like this, everyone started to eat quietly.

Minute after minute, time passed by slowly, making the atmosphere around the table even more and more uncomfortable.

Knowing that this couldn't continue like this, Greg wanted to say something, but suddenly the lights went off and Cloud appeared in the middle of the hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I hope you are enjoying every moment of this beautiful night. As I can see, almost everyone finished the meal they got, so let me make this night a bit more special with a little dance. But before that, I need a pair to show what I mean under the 'special' part."

Looking around, Cloud waited for two brave people to start, but unfortunately, no one wanted to.

Just as he wanted to choose someone, who could help him, suddenly a body stood up not far away, making everyone look there.

However, the moment they saw who it was, all of their faces paled a bit, making the hall to turn even quieter than before.

Seeing Greg stand up Joe looked surprised and asked, "You? Why?"

Hearing the question, Greg just shrugged and said, "I'm just tired of this awkwardness that hangs around the table, that's the only reason."

Sandra hearing this frowned and asked loudly, "And what do you think, who's a fault, is it?"

Greg looked at Sandra with a calm look and said coldly, "I know it's because of me, I'm not stupid."

Listening to this Sandra nodded in agreement and wanted to say something, but before she could, Greg continued to talk.

"Nobody is perfect in this world and everything that happens has its reason. Also, before you judge someone, first look deep inside you and that doesn't just apply to you, but all of you."

As he said that, he turned his expressionless gaze toward everyone around the table, making them feel the weight of his words.

After looking into each of their eyes, he didn't care about them further and turned toward Emma. Putting his hand out gently toward her he started to smile and asked calmly, "Would you like to dance?"

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