Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 75: Floor S

Chapter 75: Floor S

"Entry Accepted. Welcome to Floor S."

The moment the robotic voice stopped talking, lamps turned on everywhere, revealing an incredibly huge space before Greg and Mistress of Fortune.

Before him, multiple rows of walls appeared with hundreds of lids on them, making the enormous room look quite packed.

As Greg looked around in awe, suddenly the robotic voice sounded again above their heads.

"Card Type: Crystal. Guest can choose one 4th ranked Soul Creature. Please follow the red light toward the electoral panel."

In an instant, a dim red light in the shape of a line appeared below Greg's feet, show him the way forward.

Before doing as the AI said, Greg first looked at Mistress of Fortune, but the moment his eyes met with hers, he instantly turned back and gulped slightly.

"It's so awkward. She not only doesn't want to talk but still looks at me with that ice-cold expression.", thought Greg, not knowing what he should do.

Just as he thought they will stand there like that forever, Mistress of Fortune looked at him and opened her mouth.

"Aren't we going?"

Hearing the unexpected question, Greg looked at the woman, but seeing her strict questioning look he didn't dare say anything, so he just nodded.

"Sure.", answered quietly as he started to follow the red line on the floor, while the woman followed him from behind.

After 5 minutes of silent walking, the two finally arrived before a huge touch screen, which size was about two meters.

As Greg looked at the screen before him, the AI's voice sounded above his head, while a small hole appeared on the right side.

"Please insert the card."

Doing as the voice said, Greg put the colorful card into the hole.

However, the moment the card touched the edge of the hole, it got sucked in almost in an instant, making Greg feel a bit surprised.

Just as he thought that the AI will talk again and help him to choose, suddenly different-looking creatures appeared on the screen one after another.

As he looked at the vast variety of creatures appearing before him, one word started to appear on the top of the screen slowly.

"Choose... So these are all the Soul Creatures I can choose from. Nice, then let's look at the bid."

Clicking on the very first creature, which represented a snake with wings on it's back, data popped up one after another before his eyes.

{Winged Serpent}

Race: Monster

Rank: Creator

Type: Wings

Powers: Sharp Feather, Soaring, Sky Dance, Toxic Feather

Requirements for next rank:

Energy Crystals: 0/5000

Serpent Scale: 0/10

Wind Crystal: 0/1

Seeing the pieces of information before him, Greg thought, "So, Soul Creatures not only need energy crystals to rank up but other things too. Just like us humans."

Scrolling through the different types of creatures, Greg started to check each of them one by one.

From healing types of creatures to attacking ones, Greg saw almost a hundred of them, but unfortunately, none of them was his taste.

As he was standing before the screen, behind his back, Mistress of Fortune looked at him, while her face looked deep in thought.

Greg scrolled through tons of creatures when suddenly his fingers stopped moving.


Race: ???

Rank: Creator 

Type: Weapon(s)

Powers: Metamorphosis, Home of Attributes, Size for Price, Duplication 

Requirements for the next rank: (Unknown)

"What the hell is this?", thought Greg confusedly as he looked at the data on the screen.

Before him in the photo, a staff with a deep black color could be seen.

Its length was about a meter, while through on it's surface strange-looking carvings could be seen with a golden color. Each carving represented something, but as to what, Greg didn't understand.

As he looked at the photos and the data on the screen, suddenly the AI above his head started to talk.

"Dear Guest, do you need any help?"

Hearing the question, Greg nodded and pointed at the screen, while asking, "What is this? Why does it say that its race and requirements for ranking are unknown?"

After a small silence, the AI answered, "That is a newly found type creature, so our information about its race and requirements is almost close to 0."

Hearing this Greg nodded and said without hesitation, "Then I choose this."

Mistress of Fortune behind him hearing this frowned, but didn't say anything.

"Are you sure about your choice?", asked back the AI with a calm voice.


"Very well. Please put your hand on the screen."

Doing as the AI said Greg put his palm on the screen and the moment he did, a white light enveloped his hand, while a familiar feeling went through his body.

While feeling the familiar sensation, Greg suddenly heard information in his head.

'Soul Creature: Shapless'

'Rank: Creator'

'Weapon type: Shapless Dream'

Hearing the announcement in his head, Greg was quite surprised.

"Shapless Dream... Interesting name.", thought Greg and suddenly started to smile slightly.

When the process was finished and the light, which enveloped Greg disappeared, the AI's voice sounded again.

"Thank you for your visit. Please follow the red light back to the exit."

And just like before, after the AI said that, a red light appeared on the floor showing the way they came from.

Greg looked at the woman behind him and a while later he started to follow the line.

Mistress of Fortune looked at Greg's leaving figure and frowned even deeper, but a second later she still started to follow him from behind.

Just like before, after walking for 5 minutes, they arrived before the elevator.

When both of them stepped in the doors closed before them and just like that, the two were up on the main floor in seconds.

Greg walked to the woman at the reception to thank her for help and after that, he started to walk toward the exit.

However, the moment he stepped outside, like a phantom, Mistress of Fortune's figure appeared before him out of nowhere, making him flinch for a moment.

"H-how?", thought Greg as he looked behind him because he remembered that when he walked out a second ago, the woman was definitely behind him. 

Turning his face back at the woman, he didn't know what to do, so he just smiled awkwardly in the hope that she will step to the side.

"Why didn't you choose the other one?"

Hearing the question, Greg stopped smiling and looked at the woman before him with a confused face.

"The Emerald Card from yesterday. Why didn't you choose that one? What made you choose this?", repeated her question Mistress of Fortune as she looked at Greg with a sharp glare.

"So this was the reason she came to find me.", thought Greg and after straightening his back he said with a calm expression.

"I really appreciated the opportunity, but I thought there was no one, who knows me better than me myself. I want to become strong by myself and only by my own power."

Not expecting such an answer, Mistress of Fortune looked at Greg with a surprised expression. 

She knew really well that an expert's help for a month could be very tempting even for those on a higher level. But this boy before her just simply refused that help and instead said he wanted to become strong only by his power.

That was really an unexpected answer.

Thinking for a while, Mistress of Fortune nodded without saying anything and turned around to leave.

"I will look forward to the future.", she said calmly without looking back, while the end of her clothing fluttered gently in the wind's breeze.

When the woman was fully out of Greg's view, she took out a gold coin and threw it up high into the end.

With a few flips in the air, the coin slowly started to fall toward the ground, but the moment it was about to touch the ground, suddenly a bird came out of nowhere and with a fast and smooth move, it stole the coin in mid-air.

Watching as the bird flew away with the coin in its beak, Mistress of Fortune smiled and said quietly, "Still the same answer, huh? How intriguing."


When Greg walked into the Arena, the fights have already started.

He looked around in the hope to see his friends, but try as he wants, between the hundred thousand people finding them was as hard as finding a needle in an ocean.

When he was about to just give up and go find a seat, suddenly a deep voice he never heard before sounded behind his back.

"So you are Greg Hyde, Am I right?"

Turning around, Greg saw Steve, Gerald, Eric, and the mysterious guy named Roy standing before him, while all of them looked at him with a sharp glare.

The one who talked to him was none other than the guy named Roy.

Looking at him, Greg just nodded but didn't say a word.

Seeing the unfazed expression of Greg, Roy just smiled and walked past him.

However, the moment he did, Greg's eyes widened in an instant, while a sudden realization struck him like lightning.

"A Creator ranked fighter?!"

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