Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 59: Departing

Chapter 59: Departing

"We need to walk to the capital without any external help? But it will take us days to reach the city from here!"

Hearing the complaints made Chris to smile and said, "Well you need to think for a solution then. However remember, if you cheat or use any kind of help except for your power, you will be instantly disqualified from the tournament. Oh and one last thing. The tournament will be a week-long, so prepare yourselves well."

Listening to this, everyone was angry, but they couldn't do anything against it. The rules were rules and they couldn't change them no matter how angry they become.

Greg however, after hearing this looked at Joe and asked, "Should we start going today?"

After thinking for a bit, Joe nodded and said, "Yeah that would be the best. The capital is one and half a day away if we go on foot without stopping. If we want to be there on time we should at least leave right after this PGF has ended."

Greg nodded and said, "Okay, then let's talk about how and we should go."

After the PGF ended, which was around 3 pm, everyone started to run out of the Arena with excited expressions.

Not long after almost everyone ran out, Greg and the others finally walked out.

"Okay, as we said, let's meet at the city gate after half an hour later.", said Joe and with that, he turned around and left.

Mila and Emma knew also that they didn't have time to waste, so both of them ran away.

Greg watched this and could only smile slightly while thinking, "Well, except for clothing, I don't think there is anything that, which could be useful. But I also need to hurry, so let's get going."

With that, Greg used his acceleration ability and in less than half a minute, he was already standing before his house's door.

Unlocking the door and walking in, Greg looked around and started to pack his stuff. After he finished packing for a few minutes, he looked around to see, if he forgot something.

"Nice, everything is ready."


Greg was playing on his device before the city gate, when Emma, Mila, and Joe finally arrived with huge bags on their backs.

"Wow, that's a lot of stuff.", said Greg with surprise as he looked at the huge package on them.

Joe just smiled and said, while he started to walk away, "Let's go. We don't have time to waste."

Hearing this, Greg nodded and started to follow Joe and the two girls from behind, but after a few steps, he stopped and looked back.


He stopped because he felt like someone was looking at him, but only for a moment. As he looked around, he didn't see anyone else, which made him quite confused.

"Hey! Let's go!"

Hearing Milas voice in the distance, Greg shook his head slightly and after looking back for the last time he turned around and started to follow the others.

However, when the four were well in the distance, suddenly the air before the city gate started to vibrate and a man and a woman appeared out of thin air, looking at Greg and the other's leaving figure.

Greg would have instantly recognized the man because it was no one else but Nick. However, the woman on the side was another question.

She looked like she was in her mid-twenties with a slender body, deep black colored hair, and dark green eyes. But the most shocking aspect however wasn't there, but the fact that in her beautiful eyes, small shining stars appeared from time to time, making her eyes the most attractive thing to watch.

"So, what do you think?", asked the woman in a charming tone.

Hearing the question, Nick started to think and a while later he said, "I don't know. It was really surprising that he noticed us even after using your camouflage. If it weren't for your ability we would have been busted that's for sure."

"Yes. So after this, don't you think he is a bit suspicious?"

"I don't know...", said Nick honestly as he was watching the four figures in the distance finally disappearing from his sight.


Greg and the others were walking for almost 10 hours without stopping when suddenly Emma stopped.

She was sweating a lot, while her breathing was so rapid that if she doesn't stop, she could end up fainting.

"Let's stop for a bit. It's already dark, so let's eat fast and sleep for an hour and we will continue our trip.", said Joe as he started to put his heavy bag down onto the ground.

"Aaahhh!!! FIINAALLY!!", sighed up Mila as she sat down in an instant.

Greg just smiled and sat down too, but as he did he used his firepower to make a small campfire before him, making the temperature around them a bit warmer.

"How far are we?", asked Greg, while he looked at Joe on his side.

Looking at the map in his hands, Joe looked deep in thought and after calculating for a bit he said, "With this speed, we will arrive there in less than 19 hours."

Hearing this Greg nodded, but the two girls on the side weren't this calm.

Emma and Mila looked quite shocked after hearing that they needed to walk this distance almost two more times.

Just as Mila wanted to complain, however, suddenly strange sounds started to appear around the four, making them stop what they were doing at the moment.

The sounds were like footsteps, which were coming closer and closer with each second, making Greg and the others raise their guards in an instant.

When Greg just thought it was the moment to fight, four figures appeared from between the woods, looking at them with surprised faces.

"Woow, look at this captain! Another team is here too!", the one who said that was a small looking boy with hair, which looked like it was electrified not long ago.

"Russ! Didn't I tell you before you talk show some respect?"


A mature girl who looked very young with a seductive look appeared too, while with a smooth move, she hit the boy's head strongly.

"Judy, don't do that. He is too young. Be a little bit more patient with him, will you?", said a man with a noble look, but after he looked at Greg and the others, he bowed and said, "Ah, my apologies for our rudeness. We saw the fire in the distance, so we decided to come and take a look. I hope it wasn't a problem.", said the man with a slight bow.

After standing up from the bow he looked around and said with a smile, "My name is Dylan and they are my friends, Judy and Russ. We will participate in the Soul Tournament, however, because of some kind of stupid rule we had to start walking from Spring city. It's a hell of a trip."

Greg looked at Joe on his side after hearing what the newcomer said, so he decided to wait for Joe's response.

Seeing his gaze Joe's cleared his throat and said, while he put his hands out, "Hello my name is Joe. The two girls there are Emma and Mila, while he is Greg. We are also on our way toward the capital, because of the tournament."

Hearing this, Dylan's eyes brightened, and said in an instant, "Really? That's amazing! Would you mind if we join you guys?"

Watching the pleading look on the guy's face, Joe didn't know what to say, so in the end, he nodded, making him quite happy about it in an instant.

Greg watched this and smiled slightly, but deep inside he didn't let his guard down. He felt that the three were too suspicious for being this kind. There should be something that he didn't notice yet, making him quite nervous.

"I will just keep an eye on them and nothing will happen.", thought Greg and with a smile, he put his hand out too and introduced himself.

"So you guys told me earlier you came from Spring City. Isn't that really far away?", asked Emma curiously as she looked at the three.

Hearing the question, Dylan smiled and said, "Yeas, we came from there and we walked 13 hours straight. That was why I told you this trip was like hell itself."

Hearing this Emma looked surprised and after thinking that they only walked 10 hours, made him instantly bless the gods that it was 'only' just that much.

"And you guys? Where are you from?", asked Judy from Dylan's side, while she looked at Greg and Joe with a smile.

"We are from Nexus City.", replied Joe with a smile.

However, after hearing this, the three newcomers were surprised and asked in an instant, "Did you guys meet with the Demon Hero?"

Hearing the unexpected question, the four was a bit surprised, but in the end, they just shook their heads.

"Nope. Unfortunately not. We heard about him, but didn't meet him yet."

Hearing the answer, the three looked quite disappointed.

"Well, nevermind. At least they say he will participate in the Tournament, so I hope I will have the chance to meet him in person", said Judy calmly, while she looked at the moon up in the sky.

However, after hearing what Judy just said, Greg and the others looked speechless.

"They say what?"

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