I’ve Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 10:

Chapter 10:

A small pub near the school.

Sitting at a corner table with his group, Yooil casually glanced around at the noisy neighboring tables, packed with varsity jackets of various designs.

Perhaps due to the semester's end being just around the corner, everyone seemed to be in high spirits.

"Han Yooil, did you do well on your finals?"

At Kim Jinwoo's question, Yooil nodded nonchalantly.

"Well, just so-so."

'Just so-so' is not accurate. Based on the midterm and final exam scores and assignment grades for each course, Han Yooil's predicted GPA for this semester is 4.2, and the major GPA is

While Yooil half-listened to Brion's words, two people sitting opposite Han Yooil began to speak in turn.

"Wow, I think it's my first time eating with Han Yooil."

"Me too."

These two were Hwang Riu and Kang Hana.

Both were classmates who took the same major as Han Yooil this semester. They had greeted each other and interacted in passing, but never had a chance to meet separately.

In fact, aside from group projects, Yooil had never been to a caf with schoolmates before.

I was worried it might be awkward but it's actually quite alright.'

Kim Jinwoo had always been interested in theater and movies, and Hwang Riu and Kang Hana were so interested in writing that they took creative writing courses together. Sharing similar interests, their conversations were bound to be enjoyable.

"Did you see the new film by Director Hwang Inhyo?"

"Crazy, of course! I've seen it three times just in the cinema."

"I even bought the script book."

"Wow~ How can they make such a story from such a clich subject?"

"I'm so jealous I wish I had that talent. I'm already worried about what I'll do after graduation"

"We agreed to write together."

Hwang Riu, shrugging his shoulders, looked at Kim Jinwoo.

"Hwang Hana and I are going to start a scriptwriting study group next month. Will you join?"

"I'm about to join the military."


Kim Jinwoo took a sip of his beer with a suddenly gloomier expression.

Trying to shift the focus, Kang Hana asked Yooil,

"What about you? What are you going to do after you graduate?"

"I," Han Yooil paused for a moment.

After graduation what should I do?'

Until just a few months ago, he would have said he was planning to prepare for the civil service exam But many things had changed since then.

"Well, you can act. You're doing a play and a movie this vacation."

At the offhand remark by Kim Jinwoo, both Kang Hana and Hwang Riu's eyes widened.

"A movie?"

"You're doing a play and a movie?!"

Seeing their reaction, Kim Jinwoo quickly became excited and started making a fuss.

"Everyone, watch closely! The first actor from the Department of Korean Literature at Wolmyeong University!"

"Wow, whose movie?"

"Where's the play?"

"I've just been cast haven't started shooting yet. The play starts early next year."

"Awesome I mean, I saw your acting, it was good."

"Really did well."

"But that's impressive. Shouldn't we get your autograph in advance?"

Hwang Riu seriously extended a napkin.

"I want it right here."

It was then that Yooil's phone rang. Seeing the sender of the message, Han Yooil was a bit surprised.

Senior Jung Suho: This is Han Yooil, right?

Yes, that's correct.

The reply came within a few seconds.

Senior Jung Suho: Are you busy this week?^^

Senior Jung Suho: How about we meet up and talk for a bit?

Yooil hadn't expected Jung Suho to contact him directly after asking for his number following the reading.

Why does he want to meet?'

Despite his curiosity, Han Yooil's hands began to rapidly compose a polite reply.

"Jung Suho?"

Kim Jinwoo, peering at Yooil's phone, furrowed his brows.

"Jung Suho? Why does that sound familiar?"

Kang Hana murmured as she blinked.

"The Jung Suho I know is a theater actor"

"That's him."

At Han Yooil's response, Kang Hana inhaled sharply.

"Who is it?"

"Riu. Remember the play we watched last month?"


"He was the lead actor in that play."


Kim Jinwoo's narrow eyes suddenly widened.

"Wait you mean, the play you're doing is!"

"Yeah, I'm doing it with Senior Jung Suho."

As Kang Hana hastily searched something on the internet, she showed her phone, having found an article.

Casting for the play From the Ground' revealed Theater idol Jung Suho steps in

Then, reading the article aloud, Kang Hana awkwardly commented,

"What. Yooil's part ends in just a line."

"Isn't this article released by Jung Suho's agency?"

"Ah! That's why."

While the friends were engrossed in the article, Brion spoke monotonously.

The meeting place with Mr. Jung Suho should be StarStar Caf in **-dong'.

Why No, okay.'

Yooil quietly sent a reply to the message, feeling a throbbing sensation in his head.

* * *

"What acting school do you go to?"

At the darkest, most secluded spot of StarStar Caf.

That was the first thing Jung Suho, wearing a black cap, blurted out upon confirming Yooil's face.

"Excuse me?"

"Ah, sit down first. Order some drinks."

After Yooil ordered a drink and sat down, Jung Suho leaned forward.

"Which acting school are you attending?"

That's an unexpected question.

Yooil quietly agreed with Brion.

"I don't go to one."

"Not even in the theater department, and you don't attend an acting school either?"

"Hmm, yes."

"Really? You don't have a teacher for lessons?"

Of course, he did have a chip from the future embedded in his brain

But saying so wouldn't have been believable.

"No, I don't."

"Then how did you do that acting? Those emotional lines Did you discuss it with the director?"

"No. During the audition, the director asked me, so I just shared my thoughts on the character's condition and emotions."

Really, that's all?'

Jung Suho looked at Yooil with a skeptical gaze.

Even after the reading session days ago, Jung Suho couldn't easily fall asleep, Han Yooil's lines echoing in his ears.

Jung Suho's reason for meeting Yooil today wasn't anything grandiose. He simply wanted to find out who had taught Yooil to act.

But it's all just natural talent?'

Jung Suho scrutinized Han Yooil, disbelief written on his face.

He hadn't noticed from a distance, but up close, Yooil's features were undeniably handsome.

Not overtly double-lidded eyes, but large enough, with well-balanced facial features. Not a bland type devoid of character either. Above all, he was tall and proportionate.

Damn nothing to pick on. Annoyingly perfect.'

Wasn't it unfair that someone with such looks and no formal grooming had natural acting talent too?

"Yooil, you'll continue to be an actor, right?"

Yes, I will.

Ignoring Brion's voice, Han Yooil spoke.

"I'm planning to think slowly about the path I'll take in the future."

"That, Yooil."

"You can speak comfortably, Senior."

"Can I? Then I will."

If Han Yooil truly was a genius who had pulled off that performance on his own

Jung Suho's eyes sparkled as he leaned in closer.

"I have a good eye for people. And right from the start, I liked you."


Puzzled, Yooil bowed his head.

"Thank you."

"I wanted to get to know you better, that's why I asked to meet. If there's anything you're curious about or uncomfortable with, please tell me"

Watching the bewildered expression on Han Yooil's face, Jung Suho smiled slyly.

"Call me hyung."

He had a knack for judging people, especially actors', with an exceptional sense. Even the agency president sought his advice. He knew well who would succeed and who wouldn't.

This also influenced his self-awareness. He chose to focus on theater and musicals over drama and film supporting roles for this reason. Jung Suho knew he shone brightest on stage.

And now, he realized that Han Yooil was an unscratched lottery ticket.

Let's get along well, lottery ticket.'

Of course, Han Yooil was completely unaware of his thoughts.

* * *

Finally, the semester ended at Wolmyeong University.

But Yooil was as busy as during the semester, juggling theater practice, part-time jobs, and memorizing the movie script.

And now, Han Yooil stood at the movie set.

Although Yooil liked movies, it was his first time inside a film set. He watched the staff bustling around, their faces showing fatigue as they hurried to check microphones, cameras, and the movements of characters.

A voice with a hint of experience came from behind Yooil.


As Yooil turned, he saw a middle-aged actor with a kind face. His name was Park Joonki, an actor who occasionally appeared in dramas as a supporting or minor role.

"Hello, nice to meet you for the first time."

"You're playing Yooil,' right?"

With deep laughter lines, he extended his hand.

In this movie, what was unique was that the actors' real names, excluding their surnames, were used directly for their roles.

"Yes, I'm Han Yooil."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Park Joonki~"

With a relaxed smile and a handshake, Park Joonki's eyes briefly darted to the script in Han Yooil's hand and he couldn't help but comment.

"Goodness, that script is"

Yooil's script was tattered. The cover, with the title of the work, was barely hanging on.

"I'm not so good at memorizing, you see."

Yooil replied with an embarrassed smile. As Park Joonki was pouring out his compliments, the assistant director approached.

"Could the actors please gather here for a moment?"

Beside the assistant director were two actors who had just arrived, both looking younger than their age.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Min Sohee."

"And I'm Lee Jongsun."

The actors involved in this movie were all long-standing in the industry, but none had been in leading roles before.

After brief introductions, the assistant director began to explain the shooting schedule and movements to the four actors.

The Last Diner' was a movie that began with people who met in a suicide community deciding to visit each other's bucket list restaurants one last time.

The scene to be shot today was the day the characters, who met in the suicide community, visited the first restaurant.

Ideally, the shooting should have started with the characters meeting offline for the first time after meeting in the community, but due to issues like venue reservations, they often had to shoot out of sequence.

Today's shooting was like that too. Although it was their first time facing each other, they had to enter the shooting as if they had already spent a day together.

But Yooil was confident.

It was thanks to the grueling training with the AI that had tortured him in every possible way.

Switching to Do Not Disturb' mode.

"Then, let's start the shooting!"

Soon, a red light came on the camera.

Even Director Yoo Jaeho, focusing on the monitor, seemed intrigued.

Just do as you did in the audition, that would be great.'

And it wasn't long before Yoo Jaeho could clearly see with his own eyes that his choice was not mistaken.

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