It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 418 - ELEVEN YEARS OLD

Chapter 418 - ELEVEN YEARS OLD

The cloudy sky today indicated that it would rain soon. This gloomy atmosphere really made the mood a little more uncomfortable and tended to be glum.

Especially when you were in the hospital and waiting for bad news, news that could make your heart race and worry because this was something that could happen.

The whole Tordoff family was at the central hospital, sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to come out of the operating room and tell them how the operation went. Did it go well? Or they would have to receive news they didn't want?

It took them about two hours to figure out what was really going on in there.

And when the doctor finally came out to tell them the news, the whole Tordoff family immediately got up and walked over to him, thinking they were going to get some good news.

It was just that, with just one look at the doctor's face, they all knew that the results of the two hour long surgery were not good and they had to be prepared for the bad news.

And sure enough, bad news was inevitable.

Martha died in old age, at the age of seventy-four after devoting her life to the Tordoff family for approximately forty years.

She was a woman who had worked for them for a very long time and had become like family. It was also Martha who took care of Ramon and Lexus when they were little and also their children.

However, this morning the woman had a sudden heart attack and didn't have time to say goodbye to the family that she had been with for decades.

Martha died in her sleep and this left the entire Tordoff family feeling lost.

Alina cried loudly in her father's embrace, asking him to do something to bring Martha back, but of course there was nothing Ramon could do about it. He could only calm his daughter down.

As for Hailee, although she had only known Martha for the past twelve years since she had set foot in the Tordoff mansion, Martha was an important figure to her as well. She was the one who was always there for her and helped her from the very beginning while Hailee was still trying to adapt to Ramon.

Lis could only sit languidly, with Lexus beside her, who was whispering soothing words to his mother, while Candice was at home, taking care of their child and the baby Hailee had just given birth to.

Things looked pretty messy this morning when they found out that something unusual had happened to Martha. They rushed her to the hospital and didn't have time to think about anything else.

The entire Tordoff family felt devastated and lost because of Martha's passing, she was someone they could always rely on.

Meanwhile outside, slowly, rain began to fall on the earth and everything became a little hazy due to the fog.

Gradually, too, the drizzle continued to fall heavily, like the Tordoffs' tears streaming down their faces.

They were so grateful that Martha had come into their lives, even though the new members of the Tordoffs didn't know her for long.


Every detail that followed was like a blur, where the next day, Martha's body was buried and they said their last goodbye with a prayer.

And even though Martha didn't get to say anything to them, they knew that she loved this family very much.

That night, Alina did not want to sleep alone and asked to be accompanied by her father and mother.

Hailee and Ramon didn't mind, they ended up sleeping together with Alina who kept crying for quite a while. The little girl had a hard time falling asleep.

Meanwhile their baby was in the crib and was fast asleep.

The little baby boy named Jayden Tordoff did not get to know Martha and would not be able to remember the figure of the woman and Hailee regretted it.

In fact, when Hailee gave birth to Jayden a few months ago, Martha looked very healthy and so excited to be able to take care of their second baby as well.

Yes, Martha loved her children and Candice's too. She looked much more like an understanding grandmother than Lis, although Lis was also very caring toward her grandchildren, but Lis was still busy with several meetings that she had with her friends, even though she was not very active in the office.

"I miss her..." Alina said in her sleep, she was delirious and sobbed a little.

Alina was indeed close to Martha, it could even be said that she spent more time with Martha than she spent with her father, therefore it was very understandable the sense of loss that Alina was experiencing now.

And what was more, this was the first loss she had ever experienced.

Seeing that, Ramon then pulled Alina's small body and hugged her and lulled, humming a soft song.

On the other hand, hearing her husband hum like that, Hailee looked quite surprised. She then turned and looked at Ramon, but the man didn't seem to pay much attention to it and was more focused on their sleeping daughter.

Looks like the song that Ramon hummed to Alina was quite effective.

It was only after a while that Ramon realized that Hailee was looking at him quite intensely.

Immediately, he stopped humming and looked at his wife.

"What is it?" Ramon asked in confusion. Hailee was no longer crying, but that didn't mean her eyes weren't red and the sadness had disappeared from her facial expression, but there was another feeling that could be seen there.

It was a mix of confusion with a bit of surprise.

"Nothing." Hailee shook her head slowly.

Of course Ramon would not believe that. Hailee's eyes flashed something else.

"Tell me, what's wrong?" Ramon insisted, talking in a low voice, not wanting to wake Alina up.

"I didn't know you could sing," Hailee said, smiling a little. It was the first smile that appeared in the last few days.

"I was just humming." But, as soon as Ramon saw Hailee's eyes, he quickly added on. "I don't sing and don't ever ask me to do that."

Well, actually that sounded much more like a threat than a warning, and at that, Hailee grinned.

Maybe Hailee couldn't ask Ramon to do that, but it was certain that Alina could find a way to get Ramon to do it.

Because after all, their little daughter would always be Ramon's weakness.


Read my new story: UNTAMED: THE ALPHA

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