It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 193: BAD SITUATION

Chapter 193: BAD SITUATION

Giana's hands were trembling and her heart was beating very fast like a crazed horse stomping against the dry ground. Giana's felt her head spin as her breathing became irregular when she read the article.

This is bad.


This is really, really d*mn bad!

How could this happen to her?

Even though it was a question that Giana was asking herself, in reality she knew what the answer to that was.

Of course, this happened to her. Why it should be questioned again when everything was already so clear.

Her foolish actions of her not being careful and to think the problems she was already facing were trivial matters and not thinking carefully about the consequences she might receive was the answer to that question.

This was what she would get if she continue to insist on ignoring the norms that she had so far embraced.

And at times, it wasn't just her who got into trouble, but also Dillon.

This was so unfair to Dillon. But, instead of thinking about what damage the man might receive, Giana had to think about herself first. How she could get out of this chaos.

This was not an easy thing and there was no instant way to solve it...

And this time, it would be even more difficult for Giana and Aidan to announce their divorce. Especially for Giana.

She could already imagine what kind of criticism would be directed at her if the news of the divorce broke out.

The problem would only get more complicated if they suspect that she had an extra marital affair with Dillon, which was certain what the general public would think.


Hailee stared at her phone with wide eyes and deep wrinkles between her eyebrows. She read a long article which had a very interesting title and was also hard for her to believe.

"Giana is having an affair with her personal assistant?" Hailee muttered as she read the article, while Ramon was changing clothes, getting ready to go to work.

It had been a few days since Hailee saw Ramon leaving for work, because she would still be asleep by the time he was leaving. But this morning, she forced herself to wake up and prepared breakfast for Ramon, because she felt like she had not done this in a long time.

Actually, it was not necessary for her to do that, but for some reason Hailee recently felt lazy to do anything and often felt tired and sleepy after every activity.

However, this morning Hailee felt more refreshed and energetic as usual. Hailee didn't really pay attention to this...

"I have seen Giana's personal assistant, but I didn't expect that they were together… isn't this photographed on the night she met you?" Hailee lifted her head from her cellphone screen and looked at Ramon, who didn't seem to pay much attention to what was in the news. "Yes, this was definitely after she met you." Hailee was very sure of this.

The news was indeed broke out very fast.

However, what was quite surprising was the fact that this kind of news could spread so quickly, in just a matter of hours, and your life would already be on the brink of collapse.

Just an article and everything you've protected so far, including reputation and good name, would just be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Hailee could imagine the impact Giana would receive after an article like this was released.

Ramon only glanced at Hailee, before he brought a tie to her and gave it to his wife.

When she saw the dark blue tie, Hailee couldn't help but grimace. Ramon seemed to have a tendency to feel happy when someone else was helping him with his tie.

Even though, during the past few days while Hailee was still asleep when Ramon was leaving, the man seemed fine tying his own tie.

However, Hailee would not complain about this, this was a small gesture that she found very cute from Ramon. If her husband needed her to do simple things for him, she would be more than willing to oblige.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Hailee said as she wrapped the tie around the collar of Ramon's shirt. "She can't possibly have an affair with her personal assistant, can she? Because that woman still loves you so much, even chasing you to the point of ignoring Margaretha Lamos's fashion show."

Ramon looked at Hailee with sharp eyes and said slowly. "What do you think about this?"

Hailee pursed her lips and frowned, but she began to imagine what had happened to Giana that night.

"I think Giana felt very depressed after hearing your unexpected rejection, because she thought it was impossible for you not to be interested in hearing the secrets she knew," Hailee said gravely, analyzing the situation.

"Then?" Ramon encouraged her to continue explaining the possibility. Although the expression on his face didn't show anything, there was a mysterious glow in his eyes from the way he looked at Hailee.

"And Giana went to a bar for drinks. She was drunk and her personal assistant came to pick her up, but unfortunately there were reporters who caught the incident and publicized this groundless news about them." Hailee then looked back into Ramon's eyes when she had finished putting on his tie. "I think it is like that."

A very faint smile appeared on the man's lips. "Then, why do you think these journalists do not write what you say, but prefer to write negative news about the possibility of an affair between the two of them?" Ramon asked again.

Hailee didn't understand why Ramon was asking things like this, but she answered them based on what she thought. "Because people are more likely to feel drawn to negative things and this kind of news will skyrocket faster and be more profitable when published."

"Clever," Ramon said softly as he kissed Hailee's nose. "I think your analytical skill is very good."

Meanwhile, Hailee didn't feel that she had any good analytical skill, because she only imagined and thought based on the characteristics Giana had and what she might do.

However, having good analytical skills or not, Hailee did not question it, because when she heard Ramon praise her, her heart felt light and a ridiculous smile crossed her lips.

Whatever it was, Hailee would always like it if Ramon praised her. She felt she had done the right thing.

"You have to keep this in mind," Ramon said again, pinching Hailee's cheek, making her stop grinning. "That's how the media works. Considering that negative news can attract the attention of many people, it will be the one that will be highlighted more."

Hailee nodded at Ramon's narrative.

"Therefore, you have to be able to sort out which news you deserve to believe or which news you should ignore," Ramon then added. "What's more, you have to be very careful in what attitude you show in public. They won't care what kind of explanation you give or whether what they read and see is true or not. Those people out there, will only believe what they want to believe."

In short, Ramon wanted Hailee to be less emotional and keep her emotions in check, especially in public. Losing her self-control for a moment would have a very bad impact on her reputation later and it would affect many aspects of her life.

Ramon wanted Hailee to be more mature attitude wise and in carrying herself, notably when the camera beam would continue to follow her wherever she went.

It's not that Ramon wouldn't protect Hailee, of course he would protect her, because this woman was his wife after all. But of course, there were some damages that he couldn't possibly repair.

Therefore, Hailee must know and learn this simplest thing.

And Ramon was quite satisfied with Hailee's answer, because it showed that she had a sufficient knowledge base in dealing with the possibility of getting into such a problem.

"I understand," Hailee answered with a smile.

"Whatever happens, or whatever kind of situation will arise, you have to ask and inform me first before concluding anything." Ramon lifted Hailee's chin for their gazes to meet. "Understand?"


Ramon was quite happy with Hailee being adaptable, but now he felt something was bothering him.


In fact, it was something else that was bothering him besides the problem that had just emerged regarding the secret his mother had.

What had happened in the four years that he had forgotten? And how did the accident happen?

Was it really just an accident?


Giana really didn't know what to do anymore at this time, even she didn't realize how she had showered, changed clothes and put on just enough make- up to get out of the apartment, to meet her parents.

Giana could already hear her father's anger filled insults before it even happened. However, this was what she had to face now.

As Giana's consciousness slowly returned, she heard a knock on the door. Her forehead creased, because if there were guests for Dillon, they would have pressed the intercom button before they could get to his door.

However, Giana no longer had the energy to think about this oddity, her feet automatically took a step toward the front door. After all, she was already intending to go out of this apartment.

Ignoring the wails of her cell phone, which she knew was from Dillon, who was trying to reach her, Giana opened the door and found Aidan, standing right in front of her with an expression that was completely unreadable.

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