Isekai’d Shoggoth

Chapter 52/3/4/5. Bridgit

Chapter 52/3/4/5. Bridgit

I have many wives. Out of them all, Bridgit is the easiest and hardest to romance. Easiest, because her aspirations are modest. She neither wants nor likes extravagance. Hardest, because her aspirations are modest - there are only so many low-key activities one can resort to before things start getting repetitive. However, some staples are just asking to be used. The staple number one - going out to dinner. The question is, where? Well, this is Bridgit. So, the tavern we visit comfortably straddles the barrier between commoners and nobles. Fancy enough for any noble to visit, affordable enough to enjoy a fair selection of commoners. The rules within are equally egalitarian - so long as you can pay for your meal, your social status is of no concern.

There are already several obvious couples out there, so I don't quite feel out of place. Bridgit, on the other hand, is still a bit uncomfortable. I'm guessing she is feeling the difference between "also me" and "just me". She doubletakes as I pull out the chair for her and looks on me imploringly before sighing quietly and taking the seat. I grab the chair opposite and flag for a wench to make an order. "Why so nervous, dear?" - I tease her - "No surprises here, honest. Just good old fashioned meal and music." The tavern is one of the few that has permanent in-house musicians, putting up pretty respectable fiddle quartet. The tunes are not exactly the most elaborate, but once again they're very traditional. Something Bridgit is very familiar with. The whole point of this outing is to put her into environs she knows what to expect of, because I can tell she's been rattled weary by all the unusual stuff I do.

"Yes, well... this is still the first time I'm actually getting courted like this, and well..." - yep, stammering Bridgit is adorable. She pouts lightly - "Mistress, why are you always doing this?"

"Because you're adorable?" - I tell her and she blushes. The fact wench heard it and is giving her a grin is just adding to it.

"What will it be, ladies?" - she inquires in an accent I'm unable to place - "A full meal, just a dessert, some drinks? Chef's special is tartiflette, if you're interested."

I look at Bridgit, who looks back and shrugs lightly. "Very well. Tartiflette it is. Bring us some ale to go with it." - I suggest. Wench beams.

"Ah, you've had it before?" - she quips - "A fine choice milady. It will be a few minutes, please."

I wait until she's gone before resuming my conversation with Bridgit - "The dinner's self-explanatory. I was thinking a stroll in the park, then some meandering in the People Square? Should be some kind of performance today, I think."

She nods slowly. "That's... very ordinary, mistress." - she quips then - "Are you certain you won't be bored?"

"Bored? When I have you all to myself?" - I tease her - "Don't sell yourself so short, dear."


Well, I stand corrected. We are being boring. Well, we are not bored ourselves, no. Having pleasant company to spend leisure time with is nice. But to the observers? Boring as fuck. That guy on the roof is definitely not feeling sanguine. Of course, he would have different opinions once he gets back to his fellows and they all collate their observations. Because that's when they'll find out they had observed several of me in the same time being in different places with different girls. Funky, that. I will also get rid of all of them at once. Maybe. I need to figure out something. I can always eat them, but I'm starting to feel more than a little monsterish about it. And getting into the habit of eating inconvenient people is not a habit I should nurture. Occasionally is fine, I suppose, but if my go-to method becomes "eat them", I'm going to gain a lot of weight. And probably will be eventually discovered. And I'm not even sure what gods would think on the issue. So far, I have avoided eating anyone who wasn't the kind of person they'd consider smiting, but... yeah, well. Let's be mindful of slippery slopes.

So then, what I can do about the guys? I mean, I might want to take a break from the whole murdery thing, it is honestly getting to me. Not in the sense of feeling regrets about it, but... I MIGHT end up being way too cavalier about murder being the best solution to everything if I keep on like this. Let's vary it a little. Maybe I should... I dunno. How many of those assassins are there anyways? Alamut is not big and their training is supposedly harsh, I honestly don't think they could send more than a few dozens after one target. I mean, they probably count several hundred in total, they're a serious organization, but not every one of them is trained for wetworks and... I'm probably overthinking this. Sod this, I have a quadruple date, I'll think on what to do with hashishins later. So far, I have eyes on all of them and can make them fail hilariously if they try something that might endanger my wives, that's enough.

For now, my attention is entirely on Bridgit. Who is cheering and clapping as the show wraps up. It was a pretty neat spectacle, all things considered. A sort of cross between theater and circus, they tell a story, but also do things like juggling and other assorted amusements weaved into performance. Pretty creative, actually.

The story itself, however, is pretty cliched. The dragon terrorizes the people, the hero gets his ass handed to him by the dragon, is nursed back to health by a pretty elf healer, gets a mighty sword from grumpy dwarves, has an epic showdown, slays the dragon, rescues princess, marries princess, the end. Honestly, some cliches are transcending the universal boundaries. Speaking of dragons... Sultanate supposedly has some. Another big stick they have in store. Thankfully, dragons are really stupid, so sending one after me wouldn't work out well. Dragon would just get bogged down hunting sheep in the southern Champagne, if Salaadin tried. But once I get to Thousand Isles, I'd need to be on guard for this. Probably should research optimal dragon-slaying methods prior to that. If push comes to shove, I can do a pretty good impression of railgun as is, but that's finicky and I'd need to find some iron, conjured stuff might vanish on approach...

I lean on Bridgit lightly, and whisper to her - "Let's go see what else is good? I think they're about to take a break for the evening." It's true, by the way, it's already close to sunset, and most businesses are packing up. Street lighting is not exactly a big thing yet. I mean, there are some lanterns on major streets, but people still view the sunset as the signal that it's time to head for the bed. Nobles, admittedly, have more of a nightlife, but due to specifics of society it takes forms of balls and soirees, not bar-hopping.

Bridgit sighs, and leans back, offering - "I'm actually thinking about turning in for the night. It was pretty fun, but I'm honestly about ready to rest my feet." She pauses, and blushes, as she adds quietly - "Though, I was thinking maybe we can..." She trails off and groans softly - "I mean... I understand Lily-Anne and Roxolane need more time to get really used to... things, but I'm missing the more... lewd things." By the end of her admission, she's a blushing stammering mess. Adorable.

"Mhm." - I murr - "That was the plan, dear. Don't think I didn't notice you and Moon Unit sneaking glances and gropes when you can. More to the point, I do owe you all some extra one-on-one time after all the busy running around I did in the last two months." She perks up and giggles shyly, as I guide her down the street. "So we're not going to the academy for tonight, dear. I've rented four rooms in four different inns." - I tell her, as I dangle the key in front of her - "Tonight, you're all mine."

She echoes softly - "All yours, mistress." For some reason, Bridgit gets excited when I act possessive towards her. More than other girls, I mean. All of them like me being somewhat possessive, but Bridgit really likes it when I tell her she's mine. Not sure what's up with that - simply her fetish or she finds it reassuring for other reasons. The inn I have selected to take Bridgit to is one used by rich merchants, and it is clearly obvious from their dcor. Quality and comfort, but little in the way of exotics. Sensible and practical luxury, that's where it's at for them. Not a bad attitude, really.


As I lock the door, Bridgit hugs me from behind, kissing my neck. Wow, bold. I chuckle at her and then turn around to give her a proper hug. "Sorry about taking so long about it." - I quip to her - "I really should have thought up something for you and Moon Unit sooner."

She sighs. "Mistress, did I ever tell you that you have the most pampered maid ever?" - she tells me - "Because it's true. I honestly don't think any of the noble ladies had ever considered apologizing to their maids for not taking time to... er.... skinship, yes. I mean, I'm supposed to be at your disposal for it whenever you want, not the other way."

"Yeah, but those ladies have maids, not wives." - I counter, as I slip my hands over her hips, and stroke them softly - "Bridgit... I understand the social mores are telling you something different, but to tarnation with them. You're not a maid that occasionally is used to slake my lusts. You are a wife, who deserves equal consideration in every matter. Including, yes, the matters of lust. I love you and value you and I desire to make you happy as much as you are making ME happy. Hint-hint, it's a lot."

She bites her lip, her own hands finding their way into my shirt, sliding over the skin slowly. "I know, mistress. I know. You spare no expense nor effort in making sure of that." - she offers - "As I said, the most pampered maid ever." She shrieks and giggles as I lift her bodily in response, holding her in my arms as I step towards the bed, depositing her on it carefully.

"And that's exactly how I like it." - I tell her with a smile as I crouch down and pull her boots off, making her squirm and blush harder. Her breath hitches as I press on, my hands sliding over her ankles and onto her hips again, this time under the skirt. And then, I kiss her properly, pushing her on the bed in the same time, sucking on her tongue as the kiss grows passionate. She grabs my shoulders, pulling me closer, moaning as I slooooowly divest her of the underwear while keeping the kiss going. By the time I have to break to let her breathe, she's well and truly aroused and lunges for me without hesitation, pulling on my shirt. I'm.... more than a little loathe to get my hands out from under her skirt, but consent to the necessity, if I am to get naked for her. The moment the shirt's off, I go right back for it, taking my sweet time caressing her thighs and rear, while she assaults my breasts with a flurry of kisses and licks.

A few moments later, as she pulls back to get some air in, I take the opportunity to slip her skirt off entirely. "Mistress...." - she whines softly, embarrassed at my very obvious "appreciating the view" pause.

"Looks like it's time to eat a maid." - I tease her, as I lean in. Whatever comments she had on my sense of humor are smothered by her sweet moans shortly after.

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