Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 663 Rulers of Lakmer

Chapter 663 Rulers of Lakmer

[Eon's POV: ]

[ "The Suns of independent land, the liberators and voice of the people, the Royal family of Lakmer along with President Maverick Von Dining and his Lady, Carolina von Dining are entering!" ]

The announcement was made, the gates were opened, and a bright light of the mourning entered the gathering hall.

After that walked into the venue the royal family as well as the current head of the Lakmer house, a famous figure that was also the reason the principality was as prosperous as it was right now, Lord Justin Leon Lakmer, his lady and also one of the master architects of this continent, Lady Charlotte D. Samanir Lakmer.

Lord Justin walked in the very front with Lady Charlotte right beside him, and, on both sides of her were the two young hairs of the house, the famous twins that they cherished more than anything.

Behind them was the current president of Lakmer and one of the most famous figures in the political circles of the current times, a tall figure almost as tall as Emperor August with a brown beard, a bear-like strong build, wearing a professional suit and round glasses that made his sharp face look a little softer.

There was the same kind of flame in his eyes that one can find in the eyes of people like the emperor, the flames of power, authority, and ambition.

'He was famous not only because he was the former holder of the fifth seat of the triangle table and one of the few [King] ranked knights, but also because different from the other King ranked knights, he was someone that willingly engaged in the matters of politics of this world.'

There was a less famous incident that made his interest in world polity so great that he willingly left the neutral Triangle table and became the President of the Principality of Lakmer to not only support the relatively younger nation but to also easily middle in the matters that weren't addressed on the greater stages.

'I don't know what beef he and the emperor have, but, whatever it is, I at least know their relationship isn't negative.'

If anything, if emperor August, one of the most composed people I knew openly cursed someone before his wives, then it means he had a positive bittersweet kind of relationship with that person… which is rarer than a positive relationship with many of the nobles present here.

Anyway, President Maverick was someone I admired and I can say the same for his Lady.

'Lady Carolina is a normal person, on the outside that is. Those who do really know the truth that she is the one behind most of the policies that made Lakmer what it is since his appointment on this post in the past decade, or those close to them who know the one that taught President all he knows about the politics is, in fact, his wife, would never, ever consider her as 'normal'. Especially those in higher positions like mom or emperor.'

Mom has told me many stories about her and from her personal experience, she has even warned me the President's wife is one of the greatest enemies or allies I can have depending on my relationship with them.

So, what I was here for will require contentment of not only the President and Lord of Lakmer but hers as well. And, as Mom warned me, it will be more difficult than winning a serious negotiation against her.

But, well, we can think about that when we are talking about that issue.

"May the blessings of heavens be upon you, and may nature bless the great sun of the empire with the finest of freedoms."

"Hahaha, You and your unique greetings Justin. They are always so unique."

Lord Justin greeted Emperor August with a greeting unique to the Principality and the the emperor greeted him back in a relaxed manner, which certainly was something normal to them, but something certainly abnormal to the nobles present here.

According to them, the emperor was just looking down on the lord of this land and the host of this grand competition. 

It was present in their eyes how they wanted to badmouth him, but, they couldn't possibly do something that even the ruler of this very place couldn't.


"August. You look as good as the last time I saw you."

"And I see you have new 'marks of victory' on your body. He still insists on having those scars, right my lady?"

The air between him and the president was hot and heavy. 

The two of them looked at each other with obviously annoyed expressions and the way the mere president of a small place like this addressed the emperor of one of the strongest empires like he was his buddy in an official gathering like this was not something many of the nobles including the two of us were expecting.

[[ "He's kind of cool darling. Don't you think so?" ]]

His daring impressed Rein, well, it impressed me even more.

[[ "Not just daring, he's amazing as well. Just look at how he is dressed. And all the other things about him! He is practically better than me!" ]]

The emperor was wearing a royal purple suit along with all the decorations that made him look like the emperor of the great empire that he was, while on the other hand, the President was wearing a suit that was pretty normal looking but just as attractive as the clothing of the emperor with all the perfectly geometrical embroidery done on it. 

It was eye-catching, and it had a kind of depth that we couldn't produce with normal Mana clothing, they were attractive and eye-catching.

'It was a masterpiece of a custom-made outfit that was made by the hands of at least a master craftsman. And not just that, the small jewelry he was wearing, his shoes, his perfectly tied hair, as well as his finely tuned beard was something that one couldn't possibly ignore.'

Emperor August's clothing: lavishly unfathomable. His clothing: Impeccable. 

The president looked even better than Lord Justin. So, just by standing before the emperor so fearlessly, he was challenging his authority, while displaying his own authority as the highest legitimate power of this land.

In the principality, he was above the emperor who was here only at their invitation to be a spectator of a competition hosted by their nation.

'This was all very political so the people's reactions were all obviously something all of them had already predicted.'

I don't know if they are doing this all just on a whim or if this is some kind of elaborate political play to show off the conflict of interest the 'Empire' and 'Principality' had. But whatever this was, this was pretty fun, lol.

"Yes, master August yes~. I have told him so many times he would look better without all his scares, but he doesn't listen to me at all! He is too stubborn about some things, one of them being these trophies he cherishes."

President was a King ranked knight and his main weapon was something unique, a mix of a heavy mace and a flail, so a heavy mace that can detach and he can swing around like a flail. 

It was a unique weapon with absurd offensive capabilities however, the weapon wasn't very useful when it came to defensive abilities.

On a battlefield filled with modern weapons, magic, energies, and whatnot, receiving scars was a normal thing for someone with lower defensive capabilities, however, the normal attacks did not apply to the near transcendents like the King-ranked knights.

If their bodies had received an injury or a scar, then it would undoubtedly be because of something as threatening as a King ranked or something similar.

President had many scars on his body and one on his face as well, on his left eye. However, thanks to his outfit, not many were visible at the moment to the normal eyes.

'It was different for sharper eyes like mine or Rein's or the emperor's though. We could see through those fine pieces of clothing and perceive those deep scars that, well, certainly weren't too attractive.'

But they were scars of honor and he kept them, he valued those experiences, which wasn't something new for people of his class.

Those scars were special, and his stubbornness to keep them even though there were ways to cure them available in the current world, showed his high morality.

"Right? He is just too Stubborn sometimes." The emperor looked at him with sharp eyes, telling him something, perhaps working him about something through their eye contact.

"Stubbornness is my Virtue, August, just like how your pride is your greatest Sin."

His voice was calm, however, hidden beneath that great calmness was a storm so great it was enough to create a tsunami in the middle of the ocean.

"Hmmm? Oh, would you look at the time~? Apologies Lord August. However, it looks like the announcements of the competition's preparations' beginning will be made now. 

The other guest would arrive now as well, so looks like we will have to sadly go greet them for now.

How about we continue this conversation when the competition starts in the other chambers? We will have a special couple joining us there as well."

She glanced at us, her eyes full of curiosity and excitement, and then bowed gracefully towards Emperor August and the empresses.

'It was obvious she deliberately cut the conversation off right when it seemed to be going the wrong way, however, from how they were making it all so obvious, I had no doubt this was also a part of some kind of greater political drama.'

She was the one who perhaps wanted it all to happen this way, and, if it was true… she was frightening.

"Ah, right. Other guests… alright then, Rick, Justin, ma' ladies, adorable kiddos. Let us see each other again shortly."

Emperor August glanced at us and gave us a light nod, and even though the meaning behind it was pretty simple, I nodded back with a fake little hesitation. 

Then the four of them took their leaves after head patting the cute twins that were trying to hide behind their mother.

They were adorable, and far more special than what met to one's normal eyes.

'And since they are almost the same age as Anna, perhaps, they will be good friends.'

I should tell her about them one of these days. Perhaps she will invite them back home for one of her tea parties?

She had creatures and friends to play with but, she also needed children her age around her, and, for now, she didn't have anyone she could play with freely… not that she felt alone or anything since she had so many friends back home already, but still, she also needed human friends her age.

'She will be able to learn just how special she is if she has some of them.'

Yes, let's tell her about them later.

'I should go see her before leaving for the academy as well. She will be happy, and sad. Certainly.'

Hmmm. Good. It's settled then.

"You two look much better together than I expected. It's a nice sight in a place filled with… so many 'people'."

President and the group finally turned towards us after the emperor and the party had left, and, the look of acceptance the president had, was much livelier than either of us were expecting…

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