Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 646 Some special friends

Chapter 646 Some special friends

[Eon's POV: ]

Our class teacher, Sir Jezebel's familiar was an origin beast, a (Blood vampire bat) that was a very rare species among the many origin beasts of this world. A creature that though was called a 'bat' was more of a bird in appearance than anything even close to a bat.

She was beautiful, she and an entire body that was made of blood and plasma, her appearance was graceful, and even among the real birds present in this garden right now, she was shining like the light of an eclipse. 

She was amazing, really, really eye-catching. 

There was something in her appearance that was attracting me towards her but, even though I wanted to go near her, there was also something that was telling me it was alright. That it was fine even if I didn't pay attention to such a creature. 

It was a strange feeling, but, I disregarded it, and still went up to her and observed her closely… which ended pretty normally actually.

'I thought there would be something since there was this strange feeling in my head but, seems like it was nothing.'

She was amazing though.

She resembled a bird, did not have a beak but her face was more attractive than a normal bird's. 

Her wings were so large that they covered more than a meter in radius, and, not just that, her unique beast-like strong legs were so muscular that the students from the knight department had all gathered under her and were observing her closely for more information… some of them were even asking her how she grew such strong legs, especially the female knights. My own sister Carla included.

'The funnier part in all this, was the creature they were asking these questions to, was answering their questions sincerely and Sir Jez was conveying her responses to them.'

The look of happiness and surprise they all had was priceless. Really priceless…

'But then again, this special bird bat was not the only amazing creature we were seeing right now.'

Lady Sam's familiar was also an attraction.

'A giant great horse taller than Carla's familiar horse, purely black in color with a unique mane, had a tail that looked weirdly strong, and, a body that seemed to be crafted by the divinities themselves.

This special creature was a unique crossbreed between a horse of the same kind as Carla's familiar and a special… everyone knows what Centaurs are, right? The half-horse and half-human people?

The kind that is very rare in this world?

Yeah, so, this great warhorse's father was from one of the few remaining tribes of that kind and her mother was, well, a complete horse… 

'It's natural, alright? They can do it. There are far more weird crossbreeds present in this world like half goblin, half dragoids. Yeah, a daughter of a Centaure being a horse is pretty acceptable in my opinion.'

In normal fantasies, crossbreeding among too much different kinds is naturally impossible but, since this world is pretty unique all in itself, possibilities of all possibilities exist in this world.

Anyway, she was the familiar of Lady Sam, the mother-like class teacher of Class <B>, the orc that was too loving to be scared of.

She is an amazing person who knows how to use her unique 'force' better than anyone of her kind. I like that aspect about her and also want to learn energy control from her if I can someday.

'I might just be able to use my Solnova better with her help.'

Anyway, that was Lady Sam and her great warhorse. Master Brok and his superior grade flame spirit were having a hell of fun with all the students around them since they were giving them a special 'flame' therapy where they were practically burning everyone alive, without hurting them, of course.

They were all having fun and since they were on fire they were playing a game of tag, which seriously looked much more fun than what it sounded like.

'Just imagine playing tag while being on green fire, lol. It was hella fun! If not for my curiosity about other creatures present here, I would have loved to join all of them for a game.'

Hehe, Chry was playing with them, and he was having fun.

'He looks happy… and Quin does as well. The two of them playing together with a smile and all… yup. They are pretty good together.'

They had my full support. 

That was the class teacher of class <C>, and he was an amazing person as well, on the other hand though, the class teacher of <D> class, the mean cat person who was too 'dangerous' that her own class students avoided her, was happily chilling with her own wyvern. An ice attribute wyvern no less.

It was a special kind and rare one as well but right now, aside from Princess Luna and a few others, there was no other student interested in her or her advice, or anything related to her in general. 

They preferred to keep away from her if possible and she loved it.

And, something similar could be said with the class teachers of class <E>, <F>, and <G>. The serious trio was more focused on their work and academics than the extracurricular or useless activities.

Even now, the three of them were taking a combined class to describe the traits of their own unique familiars, which were a (Liocrocopus): a mountain species of herbivores beasts that prefer to thoroughly lick their food before eating it, a (Katakan Poison twinhead): a double-headed aquatic snake species that was twelve meters in size with two heads, and a (Pepper piper), a normal looking small bird that was, in fact, a (Blue) ranked rare creature that, was very very rare in the current world.

They were some of the only species that had the 'space' elemental attribute so, they were all amazing creatures as well.

Well, they were professionals who liked being professional all the time, so, aside from a few who actually wanted to learn about their creature, no one was paying attention to them either.

This was a joint free class and it was meant to teach the students about the familiars and show their own bonded creatures so, if they were at least doing what they were meant to, they weren't entirely an asshole like some other teachers who were completely ignoring their own students.

Anyway, the three of them had always been like that and, most of the students had already accepted them for who or what they were.

But, class <H> was completely opposite in this aspect.

Their hot teacher… their attractive teacher and her attractive friends were stealing the hearts of yet another bunch of students at the moment... 

Well, she was an enchantress and a fairy at that and, since all her spiritual creature friends from the other realms were with her, the tree they were under hand became hubs for her worshippers and the fans of all those cute spirit beings.

She was like a goddess in this school, and, though it was all a facade and her reality was something completely different, it would be better if those things remained that way.

Her image was better till it remained positive, but the day she revealed her true self to these poor students, it wouldn't be a surprise if they all started fearing her.

'She was dangerous but, until she was happy and like this, and until this mask was on, she was a goddess for the students. And, it was better this way.'

I don't want her to have any reason to put off this mask of hers, ever, if possible.

But, since I knew she would be one of the people standing in our way when we will do some certain things on this island and in the outside world, I knew our confrontation was also inevitable.

If not all the students here, at least I and a few people around me will have to see her true side, and, though I had already told Rein about it, she still doubts my words to this day.

Like, this was one of the only things I had told her which she still doubted. And, her doubt was obvious.

What she was in reality and the other truths about her, were all not something that we all could possibly fathom. 

Like, she wasn't even a real person in the first place, but… let's not go too deep into this point.

She was a good class teacher for now, and the spiritual creatures she had invited here today were all very attractive to many of the students present in this garden.

So, leaving her side, class <J> and the class teacher of their class... though he was one of the most normal-looking people among the teachers, he was the most amazing one with the most achievements among the younger teachers.

He was a master of theory, he was a grandmaster of many scholarly subjects like Psychology and Philosophy as well.

He was, in truth though, like me.

He had a mind that could not forget and because of that, he was physically very weak. But still, his vast knowledge was something that nations would kill for.

In his mind, there were far more books, records, and stories present than I had ever read in this short life of mine.

And, he was a two-hundred-year-old elf. Young, certainly, for an elf like him, but, something far older compared to a normal human.

Even with my vast resources, I had only lived for a few years in this land.

I was still young, far younger than him, so, the difference in our knowledge was obviously too great.

But, that aside, he had a uniquely normal familiar.

A small white hamster actually. A simple (Orange) ranked light element (Blue Hill hamster) that wasn't actually that uncommon in this world.

It was pretty cute, Rein had been playing with it for quite a while now, but, it was the most normal creature present in this place right now.

But, that normalness made it the most special as well in a way, that's why even though the crowd around them was small, it was filled with the most house captains and captains, as well as people with unique talents.

Even Deleon the slime master was interested in this little hamster… though for an entirely different reason, he was certainly interested in her.

The Classteacher of class <K> was absent today, on leave for personal reasons actually, so, they weren't here, but, the class teacher of class <L> the tiger person, the most attractive one, along with his unique companion, was filling in for the classteacher of class <K> and, the students were having a blast with him.

They were learning, they were, enjoying, they were happy, and they were being manipulated very thoroughly, but, they were doing very good on their own as well.'

I could comment pretty lot on him, but, putting that aside, I was more interested in the friend of his rival.

"Sir Elkin? Is your friend here yet?"

"Ummm… she should have been here-, oh. Talk about the coincidence. There she is. Look. I know your sharp eyes will catch her even in the faraway sky."

I wanted to meet Uncle El's friend for a long time, the unique being that had helped him in his dark days, and also when he was almost lost in a dangerous place.

She was like a guardian to him… and, though it was only a suspicion until now, now that I was looking at this being, I have confirmed my suspicions.

'It's Miss Sarah.'

Mom's friend and the one that loved her unconditionally…

She was also Uncle El's secret friend.

Or, at least, her familiar that she was using right now, certainly was.

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