Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 144 Stealing Vandal’s vault literally

Chapter 144 Stealing Vandal’s vault literally

What was the easiest way to steal the entire vault? I could possibly open up a portal underneath it and explode the concrete surrounding it destroying its connection to the building. I could bulldoze the outside with light constructs and lift it on a platform. I could do many things but… I was feeling like just ripping it out of the ground and jumping right through the mansion on top destroying everything in the way.

As I ripped my feet dug into the ground and I had to strengthen my footing with several other powers so I wouldn’t just sink through the concrete. As I jumped ripping the giant vault weighing hundreds of tons at the minimum I couldn’t help but laugh as I destroyed Vandal Savage’s home. I bounced away needing to constantly strengthen the ground otherwise I’d sink into it like mud.

It was good to cut loose every once in a while and this wasn’t even my upper limit anymore. I could probably lift half a mountain and I was getting into ludicrous reality breaking limits of strength. I could swim through the soil like it was water but that would be an incredibly slow way, instead just bullet diving and forcing myself to fly through the ground would be much faster.

I was being very careful not to jostle the precious cargo inside. Needing to telekinetically lift them I finally decide to make a gigantic portal underneath me as I jump through to a safe area. Landing I rip into the secondary adamantium as the girls scream inside at the sudden sound of metal tearing. Oh, since I depowered the vault they were being shaken around in the pitch black.

As sunlight poured into the vault because I ripped the door off even Harley was pissed at me. “Hubby… You know I’m fucking pregnant right!? What the hell are you doing!” For the first time, I was scared. “Uhh, I forgot. Teehee.” I knuckle my head as I stick out my tongue only pissing her off more. “You mother fucker I’ll butt fuck you in your sleep if I hear you put any of your baby mommas in danger. Capish?” 

I could only agree with her. That was really stupid and I only did it on a whim instead of thinking everything through. I was a genius but that didn’t mean I wasn’t omnipotent. I had grown complacent to the point of endangering my family and that couldn’t happen again. As much as I had strengthened Harley there was no doubt that shaking her like a bug in a metal jar would not be good for the babies.

“I’m… Sorry. I completely forgot. I’ll take you to get Italian later to make up for it.” She just moved to me and hugged me. “Seriously, if you pull anything like this again… Don’t okay?” She was being serious for the first time… Ever since I met her. She didn’t even say the last part as a threat but out of fear, fear that she wouldn’t be able to do anything to me if I did snap. Maybe even more fearful I would get someone killed from negligence. It wasn’t a good look as a prospective husband.

I learned my lesson though. I just kept hugging her as I tried to bring it back to jokes. “God, your tits are getting so big now that your belly's growing.” She broke our hug as she sighed and started to become more of her happy-go-lucky self again. “Yea Poison Ivy loves sucking on them. Maybe we’ll both leave you and go be lesbians in San Francisco after I have your babies. We’ll raise them alone and send you Christmas postcards of how happy we are without you.”

I walked back over and grabbed her by her ass as I whispered. “But who will mess up my fridges if you leave?” She laughed that unadulterated laugh letting you know it wasn’t fake. It was nasally and not attractive at all which made it all the more attractive to me. We had grown closer over our time together and now I viewed her as one of my most important people. I kissed her before everyone else who was shaken up and they finally spoke. “What the actual fuck Harley! You didn’t tell us you were married to a billionaire. Why the fuck did we bother robbing Vandal Savage’s poor ass when we could have just snuck into your house.”

Selena taunted as much as she was flustered it was part of her personality. What I did was showing to be a bigger mistake than I thought it would be as the usual attracted sensations I would get from women came off none of them. People want to be with a strong man but there is a thin line between attraction and fear. I was just too strong.

It wouldn’t take long to remove that fear because I had my secret weapon. Harley jumped up wrapping her arms around me and settled her head beside mine. “Come on Cats. We both know you only rob bad guys. My hubby here got even me going straight. I haven’t… Killed anyone… No, I definitely killed some of the penguin's men… Umm… Oh! He made me stop stealing from friends!” 

“Aww, thanks for the help making them feel safe around me. I’d just like to apologize again. When you get this powerful it feels weird not stretching it every once in a while.” We celebrated as they finally got what they wanted and I guess me telling them I destroyed his mansion by ripping the vault out went a long way toward making up for almost killing them all.

We drank at the successful heist and Harley really pushed Catwoman towards me. I sighed as I only felt mild curiosity coming from her. Thank fuck Batman and the rest of the league returned during my vacation. That was an entirely different story I needed to get from someone but the bare bones, there was a giant galactic war as several factions fought over Darkseids now mostly unprotected planets. 

Mongul and his war planet, Tamaranians, Skrull, Kree, Thanos army, and a few dozen other smaller factions all fought over the now leaderless quarter of the universe. Darkseid’s daughter tried her best to fight but she wasn’t nearly as strong as her father and was losing several planets a day as she was also not the warmonger her father was.

Harley kept pushing Selena on me but I just asked if she needed to pee before asking if she’d like to get stronger. After she peed I injected her and tossed her towards Bruce who was in the middle of writing at his desk. I just sighed as I spoke. “Listen. I get that you think you don’t deserve to be happy but Selena does. Can you at least pretend for her? Also, she’s into being tied up and is an adrenaline junky if that helps at all.” 


Bruce’s Point of View

I was filling out the information on what exactly happened during our galactic trip as it was still fresh in my mind. I needed the break as well. The mission was awful… So many things went wrong, when the higher-ups want war it’s the little people who suffer. As I get about halfway done a portal suddenly opens up and in walks Danny.

I was going to scold him for drugging my son but from what I understood he’d have been crippled if he didn’t remove his chi core and the drugs made up for the sudden loss of power. I also didn’t because I noticed who he was holding in his hands. He says something before tossing her at me and it leaves me more curious on what exactly I missed out on.

Selena finally woke up and smiled at me. She pulled me in with a strength I didn’t know she had and whispered. “Mmm. What a nice dream.” I sighed as I started to take off my suit jacket since I knew she wasn’t going to let me go. She whispered something in my ear that made me freeze on the spot. “I’m jealous of that assassin bitch.” She grabbed at my zipper with more force than I was comfortable with and undid it in one go. “Give me a baby to make it up to me.”


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