Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 97: Anna and Anni

Chapter 97: Anna and Anni

[So, Let me hear out your "true" request. I don't believe you just offer yourself to me only based on gratitude and without any motive under it. I will decide it after you explain all of it to me...]

I sat on the wooden couch in Al manor's Outdoor Garden with the Twin. On the table, there's already refreshment as well as tea-set that the Manor's maids served to us before.

Before we have this situation to happen, Al and Eliz considerately leave me and the Twin alone to discuss our business privately. 

I thanking them by giving them a light kiss and caress their back for their understanding before they left us, here.

Back to the former situation. After hearing my inquiring question, Anna, the little sister started to open her mouth

[After discussing with my sister last night, I understand about our family circumstances right now... this time, I decide to support my sister in her life choice. Sister, do you want me to explain it to him or you want to do it yourself?]

Anna who was still speaking with me suddenly asked her older sister, Anni during the mid-sentence. Hearing her little sister inquiring question, Anni gripped her hand tightly before firming her heart. 

She gazed at me directly as she started pouring her heartfelt feeling albeit stuttering slightly

[S-sir Alex please l-let me be your subordinate! I promise to always be loyal to you!]

Hearing her pleading once again, I silently gazed at her beautiful frozen face and waiting for her next word patiently.

Anni who realize that she couldn't convince me with just her pleading, clenched her fist tightly before started speaking once again.

[Frankly speaking, Sir Alex, you're the only suitable person that I can find to serve. As you already know, the one behind the Monster horde attack is the Crown Prince of the Baltimore Empire]

[Umu, you already told me about that, I'm listening]

[That Crown Prince was the one who destroys our family too! Even though it's indirectly, I know that he was the one behind the destruction of our family!

I find this out later after working under him he was the one who plotting to destroy our family because of the political reason So, please sir Alex, let me be one of your subordinates!]

[In summary, you want to work under me and get your revenge on him after knowing that I have a grudge against him too, right after seeing my relationship with Al?

But first, I must tell you something, I don't have any plan to deal with that whatever crown prince in this short span of time, is that really okay with you?]

Hearing my words, The twin eyes suddenly lited up brightly! They looked at each other faces before they nodded at the same time in my direction.

Looking at the twin, I became startled and hurriedly asked about my worry!

[Wait the one who is being my subordinate, it's only just Anni right? Anna don't tell me you too]

Anna looked at me with an excited expression plastered on her face. Looking at my inquiring gaze, she started speaking her true thought at me

[Sir Alex, we're very sorry to tell our private circumstance upon you, but, as you are already heard from my sister, I want to get my revenge on that bastard too! He was the one who killed my family! Even though I'm not that close to them since I decided to be an adventurer and left my house, but they're still my family sob]

Anna's eyes started to redden as she trying to hold her tears from dropping. Anni, her Older sister, patted her back gently to ease her sadness. It couldn't be helped as she was just hearing this unfortunate news from her twin older sister not a long time ago. It's normal to be emotional in her situations...

But, this made me quite troubled and hesitant. I didn't know what her relationship with Gart was, but if by chance she was a Gart's woman, I cannot branding her with my magic brand since it's kind of inappropriate more importantly, I was very reluctant to enhance her strength if she was not my woman or person that I can fully trust

'There's a low chance that she already has a relationship with Gart, but recalling at how Gart gazing at her during that night's camp, I'm not that dense enough to not recognize Gart feeling to this Anna...'

I started feeling a slight headache after thinking about Anna complicated circumstance

'What should I do? If it's only Anni, I can accept her without worry after registering her as mine. If you guys called me a bastard, I'm sorry, even though she was really my type, I can't let my personal feelings mix with the business between us. Since she already consents by being my 'subordinate', I'm sure she understands it after seeing the Silver Wolf'

'But this Anna As expected, I don't want to betray my friend and it's the first time a have a friend like them, I can't make Gart disappointed by NTR ing his crush 


[Anna I'm really sorry, but I can't make you into my subordinate and enhance your strength. I can trust your sister since she already consents to register me as her master, but for your situation I know it'll make me look like a bastard to say this, but, I can't trust you fully, and since you seem really have a close relationship with Gart, I can't make you as my woman like Al and the others do



I think you can assist your sister by taking a different path from her when the time comes, please understand, this is for your own well being, you know~]

Anna was stunned after hearing my reasoning before clenching her fist tighter. I could see she's gritting her teeth in frustration before explaining her heartfelt feelings to me

[Sir Alex, I and Gart are just a friend, we don't have any romantic feeling between us, If it's mean I have to sleep with you and become your lover to gain more strength for you, I will sol->

[SHUT UP!!!]

Without knowing, I already found myself standing up and shouting at her with a loud voice to stop her from finishing her words. Anna who heard my sudden loud shout with a hint of slight annoyance in it flinched her body slightly before gazing at me strongly without fear.

But I knew that she's just acting strong as I could saw her body lowly trembled when I observed her carefully.

After realizing that I scared her slightly, I took a deep breath before started calming myself from the sudden uncomfortable feeling inside my heart.

[Sigh I'm sorry]

I apologize to Anna in a weak voice as I started became absentminded slightly

'Power, power, and power I didn't know why but hearing that she will sell her body to just gaining power from me, it's somehow hit my nerves slightly deep inside I started to become slightly insecure after seeing her reaction'

'In the past, I try to not thinking about this too much since I force myself to rationalize that's how this world working. But hearing this thing, again and again, I slightly doubting myself and become slightly insecure...

did all my women really love me as a person? 

And It's not only them, but I also started doubting myself too for some reason'

'did I truly love them? or it's just me trying to fulfill my ego and raise my self-esteem by making them mine? This impure thought started appearing deep inside my heart and start haunting me'

'Isigh come to think of it, if I think about this deeper, it's slightly questionable when I can fall in love with Chali easily, to begin with. Maybe, at that time, my loneliness became unbearable and somehow affected my psychological condition to make me fall in love with someone at first sight it's quite nonsense if I think about it more, or maybe I became more thoughtful about anything after getting my INT stats enhanced?'

'Whatever it is, but even though it was the case, Chali was my first woman who struggled together with me the longest, I don't care if she was a widow, since I can feel that my feeling toward her is genuine I'm sure about it, and I know that she truly loves me deep inside her heart, I can see it through her eyes that her feeling for me is genuine'

'Maybe she has an ulterior motive to make me her man at first but from this world person perspective, isn't this quite common? It's just their survival instinct which being tempered with this harsh world continuously as it becomes stronger and somehow made them unconsciously have this thought to every action they make sigh stop thinking about these things and let's trying to trust my women more'

While I having this thought, I could feel a warm body suddenly embraced me softly. I sobered up and saw that Anni, who usually had a frosty expression, embraced my body toward her gently as her face started to redden like a tomato

[Master I in truth, I have some interest with you after I realize that you're the one who saves me from that hell and I believe all your women are not that scheming as what you think, I believe they h-have the same reason as mine when they decided to be your woman in the first place, love is a vague feeling, it can sprout anytime before you realize it the s-same thing happen to me, maybe you will n-not believe it and think that I will only be yours because of the revenge. I-I'll not deny that part, but if that is the only reason, I don't think I will plead to you that hard, as I could go to anyone who had the same strength as you anywhere else]

I hugged her gently in return when I heard her heartfelt feeling I didn't know why, all the negative thought slightly disappear when I feel her embrace. Looking at her reddened face, I decided to pat her back gently to signify to her that I already collected myself and cleared the dark thought inside my mind

[Thank you, Anni, I don't know how to respond to your feeling right now since my heart is still slightly in a mess and not ready yet, but let's take it slowly from now on, as long as your feeling is really genuine, I think, at the end of the day, I can truly accept your feelings]

Anni was disappointed slightly but calmed herself more after realizing that her action was too sudden. Maybe she realized that we just started knowing each other today and it's somehow quite illogical to suddenly confess her heartfelt feeling as I could see her face became redder once again.

I stared at her face amusingly before started to pat her head gently to ease her embarrassment

[S-sir Alex, I-I'm sorry if I b-being insensitive please forgive me!!]

Hearing a sudden feminine voice, I found Anna who apologies abruptly by deeply bowing her head at me that brought my attention back to her. 

Seeing her nervous appearance I started to ease my headache about how to deal with this woman and sighed tiredly

'Sigh what troublesome situation what should I do with this woman haah.'

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