Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 92: Olimpia's Church

Chapter 92: Olimpia's Church

-Alex POV-



The next day, as a promise, I accompanied the Silver Wolf and Chali to go to the church to advance their job. I intended to bid my goodbye with Al in the manor entrance and then took the Silver Wolf member that already waiting in Al manor this morning toward the Olimpia's Church. As Chali already knew the way toward the Church, we just need her guide to getting into the Church without worry.

But before I take a step to exit the manor's gate, Al stopped me and started to give me an advice

[Alex, do you need to use my carriage? Since you're quite famous in this town right now, so I think it'll be better if you use a horse carriage to travel inside the town. shrug~ If you want to get surrounded by the crowd and spend more time in your travel, you can ignore me I guess~]

Hearing Al's remark, I started observed the place not far from Al manor. In there, I saw a lot of townfolks busily doing their daily activities. Considering the title I get yesterday, Arkhaim's Hero, I think Al's statement wasn't completely wrong. 

It should be better if I not showing my appearance in front of the public if I want to enjoy my travel with the ladies. As Al said, it'll be troublesome if the crowd started to become rowdy and delay our journey.

'Should I use the Illusive Barrier skill? but it's quite the killjoy... Since I intend to fulfill my promise to accompany them, it's quite awkward if we spending these free times walking silently and sneakily like a thief... as expected, should I use take Al's offer to borrow her carriage?




I can just buy a car and we ready to go! Anyway, since I already became the grandmaster, why should I hide my weird earth' possession? As long as I buy a pickup truck and made the Silver Wolf sit in the back cargo space, I sure people will know that it was me who's inside it!'

'But.... they can't drive the car yet... sigh, let's just buy a minibus for now and place some of the Silver Wolf members to guard it on top of it to signify that I was inside it... in the first place, it's not like the minibus can accommodate all of the Silver Wolf's member inside~'

'But still, it'll be better if I train some of them to drive later, not only driving, maybe I should buy some video about pilot flight course and sailing, let's think about these things later~'

After I mulling over the driving lesson as well as piloting and sailing inside my heart, I looked at Al to give her my answer for her kind intention

[Al, About your offer from before, I have my own carriage albeit it's kinda... weird and unusual. But, thanks for your kind intention, I think it'll be better if I'm not using your carriage as it's kinda inappropriate. You know, I'm not a noble so... anyway, thank you~]

I caressed her cheek before kissing her gently to thank her.

Seeing this scene, Eliz who stood silently behind Al, pouted her mouth cutely as if implying that she wanted to get a kiss from me too.

Seeing her somewhat playful behavior, I just smiled before caressing her cheek and kissing her like Al. 

As for the three battle maids, since I'm not decided on their relationship with me yet, I chose to just pat their shoulder gently.

After a while, I biding my goodbye to Al and the others in front of the manor gates as I browsing my Online Shopping skills to buy a minibus.

After Browsing for a few moments, I decided to buy M-B*enz sprinter 519CDI. Since there's still a lot of money left inside my e-wallet, I can directly buy it without topping up my e-money inside the skill.

Before long, all of a sudden, a white modern-looking luxurious minibus suddenly appear from the blackhole-like thing in front of my eyes. Seeing the iron, weird unusual carriage, Al and the others gasped in surprise! Not only them, even the guards in the entrance not far from us, intriguingly looking at the sudden appearance of the weird carriage they never saw in their life before!

To fill her curiosity, Al decided to ask about the minibus directly at me

[A-Alex, what the hell is it?! is this the weird carriage that you just talking about before?!]

[Hahaha, yes, this is.... right, it's a magic carriage from my hometown. don't worry, I will give you some of it later. Just send one of your maids to my mansion and learn how to drive this carriage first. After that, I will give you a luxurious one! But since I have to "make" it first, it will take some times before I can give it to you, Anyway, I'll see you later~]

I bade goodbyes with Al and the others for real before started ordering Chali, Silvi, and some of the members of the Silver Wolf to enter first. 

'If you guys wondering why Chali, Silvi, and the Silver Wolf members aren't surprised with the minibus, maybe, they're just already used to the weird tool that I possessed~ sigh, it's unfortunate that I can't see their cute shocking expression~'

Chali and Silvi started ordering some of the Silver Wolf members to enter since they're not enough space for them all, like I already planned before, I have to place the remaining Silver Wolf members to guard the minibus by sitting on top of the minibus, maybe it's look quite savage and barbaric, but with this, I could lessen the townfolks confusion and give the impression to them that the one inside the minibus was me.

[I'm sorry guys, but I want you to guard the carriage by sitting on the top, maybe it's not as comfortable as sitting inside the carriage but don't worry, you will switch your position later with the member who sitting right now when we go back here~ for now, please bear with it for a while, okay?]

[Master, You don't have to think too much about it. it's just sitting outside the carriage, it's not something that will bother use too much]

[Thank you for your understanding~]

After giving my gratitude for their consent, I entered the minibus and sat in the driver's seat.

After entering, I saw Chali and Silvi already sat in the frontest seat of the minibus as they greet me with a smiling face. I gave them a gentle smile in return and continued observing the interior of the minibus as I sat in the driver's seat. 

The inside was quite luxurious and fancy. Considering its price, it's normal to have a comfortable and high-quality design as it should be.

'anyway, it's not like I will use this minibus forever, and since I planned to redesign the energy consumption into magic power later when doing some reverse engineering to the car, this minibus should do it for temporary use, anyway, the Silver Wolf can't drive vehicles yet, to begin with~'

As I continued Observed the Interior by using the mirror, I saw the Silver Wolf member curiously checking here and there, maybe if Chali and Silvi weren't here, they would do it more blatantly in a rowdy manner.

I smiled after looking at their cute curious appearance before started to drive the minibus.


With the sound of the machine smoothly echoing in the surrounding, the minibus started moving in the paved road. 

When I checking the rearview mirror of the minibus, I could saw Al and the others appearance who still standing in front of the gate, shockingly looking in our direction in wonder.

Seeing them, I just lightly smile in amusement before started driving the car. With Chali's guide along the way, I continued driving the car toward the Church direction as I enjoyed the cheerful and warm atmosphere inside the minibus.

For some reason, The Silver Wolf became really excited after seeing this iron carriage could truly moving without being pulled by magic beasts or horses. 

Not only that, the comfortable seat, as well as the air conditioner inside the minibus and the smooth low shaking that very different while riding the usual horse carriages, made our journey became more comfortable as well as made the ladies became more cheerful throughout the journey!

Along the way to the Church, I could see some of the townsfolk became frightened and shocked after seeing this iron carriage which could move without a horse. They started pointing at the minibus and chattering their curiosity to the people near them. but it's not long before their curiosity changed into a festive mood when they seeing the Silver Wolf member sitting on top of the minibus!

They realized that the one inside the carriage was me and started cheering in a festive atmosphere whenever our minibus passed by them throughout the street of Arkhaim town

[It's Arkhaim's Hero!! as expected, it must be a magic carriage!!]

[Where did Sir Alex get this thing? is this a carriage from the other continent?]

[Maybe, but it's sure very magical! and the roaring iron coming from it startled me slightly, I wonder what kind of beast that was inside it for a second]

[Sir Alex!! I love you!!!]

[Immortal Dragon!! come to my shop if you have some free time! I'll give you a discount!!]

Giggle* giggle*

[It's magic cwarriage! Swir Alex!! let me in!! I want to ride it too!! giggle* giggle]

Not only some adults, even some of the children who saw the minibus trying to chase it before being reprimanded by their parents. 

With the continuous people's cheerful greeting on the side of the road, I driving the minibus slowly and enjoy the town boisterous atmosphere leisurely.

It didn't take a long time before we arrived at the Church vicinity. when I drive and approached its vicinity, I could feel the boisterous atmosphere in the street, suddenly changed into solemness and silence slowly. Seeing this somewhat quiet vicinity, I decided to reduce the speed more and driving the minibus slower.

I could see some priest wearing a white cloak as well as some knights wearing white full-body armor roaming around the church's vicinity. maybe because they see the Silver Wolf member above the minibus they decided to not stop us and let us enter the Church vicinity peacefully.

But, Seeing how they treated us like these, somehow made me more confused and unsettled for some reason.

'Did my name is already big enough to even make this big organization to let me act unbridledly like this? it's not possible... maybe I'll know something about the reason when I visiting the Church for real'

I continued driving slowly as I observed the surrounding from inside the minibus. After a while, I saw a white spacious building like a small-cathedral which was fully designed in a gothic style, not far from us. 

After confirming that it was truly Olimpia's Church from Chali, I decided to park the minibus nearby.

After parking our minibus, the Silver Wolf member slowly exited from the minibus in an orderly manner with Silvi leading them.

I decided to catch up with them with Chali after confirming that all the ladies already exited and getting down from the minibus.

Upon exiting, I placed the Minibus inside my inventory skill before heading toward the Church altogether with the others

'Sigh... If it's not for Chali and the others, I really didn't want to visit this goddess organization. Whatever... Olimpia's Church, let's see if my guts feeling is true or not~' 

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