Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 86: Vs Immortal Twin Ogres! #2

Chapter 86: Vs Immortal Twin Ogres! #2

[Wex Wex Exortttt!!!!]



[Dammit! failed again!]

I lamenting the failed spell that I try to reproduce my mind and my memory while dodging the mad punch of the Dark Ogre who still rushing at me in madness. 

Yes! I wanted to try combining the 3 elements I have now to invoke it into a new spell and avoid not make it exploded recklessly like before.

'Dang it! I thought I could reproduce the hero spell from the game I played before, but as expected, it's not easy I imagine... is there something wrong? or maybe the composition of the elements that not balanced enough?'

As I mulling over the reason for the failed spell inside my head, I controlled the lightning bolts(Sword Qi) to bombard the Dark Ogre body vigorously! Not only the Dark Ogre, I decided to stop hitting the small fries monster and used half of the Lightning bolt to bombard the Light Ogre with it!

Bzzztt!! bzztt!! bzzzt!!!

Bang Bang Bang!!!!

The light Ogre who realized that I was more dangerous than Sable, trying to slip out from Sable Blood Magic and intended to reunite with the Dark Ogre. He planned to besiege me together with the Dark Ogre, but since Sable always blocking his way with his huge body and Blood blades, he failed miserably and decided to defend it with his Mana Shield as he inhaled something like a white aura in the atmosphere vigorously.

When the Light ogre inhaled the white aura-like thingy from the atmosphere, I could see the visible wound of the Dark Ogre started to regenerate at a rapid speed! 

It's not the first time I saw this scene since it already happens multiple times during our battle!

Even though Sable always trying to disturb the Light Ogre to Inhaled the white thingy or Light element energy in the atmosphere, but that damn light ogre could still inhale it unfazedly because of the Mana Shield blocking and absorbing all the damage Sable did to him!

And this wasn't the end of it, when I tried to focus besieged the Light Ogre, this time, it's the Dark Ogre turn to inhaled the magic power in the atmosphere to replenish the Light ogre magic power in a fast speed and nulled the mana shield consumption!

'Ck! these two fuckin Ogres surely are cheats! should I prolong the battle until the sunset before finishing the two of them together? at least, as long as I can make one of their ability disable, I'm 100% sure I could kill these guys easily!


As long as I beat the Dark Ogre and made him paralyze later, the Light Ogre is easy to deal with! 

Sigh... it seems this is the best strategy for now. It'll be better If I control my stamina consumption to a minimum and wait until the day becomes darker to finish these two off!


For now, let's just trying these invoking elements stuff, maybe I can become a true Inv*oker mhahahah!!'

After considering all of these things inside my head, I started applying the strategy and fight with these two Ogres with save-stamina mode, altogether with Sable!


Bzzztt bzzzt!!!

Bang Bang Bang!!!

From time to time, I imbued my Sword Qi with the other attributes such as fire or ice to make some variation. since I decided to focus on battling with the Immortal Ogre, speed wasn't my priority in this situation.

'Ma... it's not like there are more Red Ogres left on the battlefield anyway.. since most of them already get slaughtered by others... come to think of it, gaining 18 levels isn't that bad of a deal'

The Earth continued to tremble as the ground started to cracking everywhere, the sound of the explosion sounded throughout the prairie and dyed the ground as well as the sky in a colorful explosion!

The dark cloudy sky who witnessing the battle seemingly enraged as it continuously spewing out thunder and lightning around the battlefield!

'Sigh... Basically, if it's in my common sense after the sun is already covered by the dark cloud, this Light Ogre healing ability should have affected a bit... But somehow, it's not the case at all! or maybe as long as there is a sun above the sky, the Light element in the atmosphere became richer or something? It seems I need to learn about this world common sense more...'

With a heavy heart, I continued to engage in stalemate battle with Immortal Ogres with Sable altogether!

During the battle, I still tried experimenting with the elements in the atmosphere to create a spell in my imagination, even it ends up to no avail.

All the failure mostly became a small explosion and some, by chance become a nuclear bomb size explosion!


cough cough*

'If it's a small explosion, it will not affect me at all, but this big one is very troublesome! I can feel my body became slightly numb after invoking it! dammit! where did I do wrong?




Don't tell me?!!! as expected!!! Maybe I need to create the small elemental orbs that surround me first to get the perfect measurement?! Yes!! it must be it!!!'

Realizing the possibilities of the method that I just thought of, I hurriedly control the natural Element in the atmosphere to lump it into a ball!

First, The lightning element! I controlled all the thunder that still raging around in the sky before lump it all together to became a sphere! the lightning element concentrated in a pinkish purple sphere-like orb before its started rotating around me

Bzzzt Bzzzt!

Second, This time I concentrated on controlling the dark cloud and lump it together roughly! the cloud started to become smaller and denser before changed its color from dark to icy blue within a short time! 

Not only that, the dark clouds above the sky continuously lumped together to become a sphere as it disappeared completely and made the bright blue sky became visible once again!

crcckkk crkk*

All of a sudden, the surrounding temperature started to drop sharply as the cold wind gusted into every direction. 

'The Ice Element Orb completed!'

Since I didn't have time to think about this stuff further, I hurriedly trying to make the last elemental orb. Fire attribute elemental orb!

I recalled the fight with Li Gang yesterday before started slamming the ground under me heavily!



The ground under me started to split as it continuously trembled in madness! 

Feeling an ominous chilling atmosphere suddenly surrounded the area below me, the Light Ogre who still busily fighting with Sable became agitated! 

He and the controlled Dark Ogre hurriedly trying to stop whatever I trying to do by charged in my direction in madness!

I who still have some concentration left hurriedly controlled my Sword Qi by imbued it with Ice attributes and controlled it to start bombarding The Immortal Twin Ogres as well as creating an ice walls to hinder their movement!

Sable who felt like he being ignored started dashing in the two Ogres' direction angrily as it started using its claw and tail, doing destruction wherever he wanted in the ground near the Twin Ogres's location!


Seeing Sable buying me time, without hesitation I concentrate once more time to control the fire element deep within the earth core directly!

From Deep inside the cracked ground, I could feel inferno-like heat hitting my body and made the surrounding dropping temperature to start raising incredibly! 

Before long, A deep red crimson fire started appearing from inside it and lumped together into a sphere! 

Within a moment, an incredibly hot crimson sphere formed and made the cold temperature to rise sharply! After a few seconds, the surrounding cold air started evaporating as it started covering the surrounding area with hot mist!

With the last elemental sphere formed, the other two spheres started resonating with it and pulling each other elemental energy force! It started rotating right behind my back synchronizingly as well as balancing the elemental energy around me!


As I felt the atmosphere started becoming more stabilized and calmed, suddenly a notification appear inside my head and making me very excited!


[You gained title : Trinity Invoker]

Trinity Invoker : The controller of three balanced Element spheres [Trinity Orbs] {Glacies (Ice) Tronitus (Thunder) Ignis (Fire)}.

you can change the [Trinity Orbs] in different combination elements formula and combined it elemental energy to cast a powerful magic spell that consumes your magic power! (You have to summon the [Trinity Orbs] first before casting the spell)

Looking at the title description, I became incredibly excited!

'Mwahahahahahah!!!! Finally! Finally, I successfully recreate that hero power from my memory!! Wait, these elements name is hard to pronounce so I will set it short into GTI from now on to make it easier!

G : Ice| T: Thunder| I: fire! It's come from the first letter of each Trinity Orbs Elements in the title description so...'

'Anyway, with these, I can make a formula and recreate the spell from the video game character I played before!! Mwahahahah!! maybe with the mana burn explosion spell I don't have to wait for the sun-set to finish these guys off!'

As I have these thoughts inside my head, I hurriedly trying to control the [Trinity Orbs] that still rotating in my back! with my mind, I could control and change the respective spheres into different elements and combining their natural energy into magic power to cast the combination spell that appeared inside my head after I combined the spheres' energies!

All ice [GGG] All fire [III] or All Thunder [TTT]. Not only the same Element, but I could also change it into a different Element combination, Ice Thunder Ice [GTG] Fire Ice Thunder [IGT] and etc.

This element combination would produce different spells for me to use! 

For example, when I combined the [TTT] as a formula, when I started to combine it as magic power, a spell name would appear inside my head!


The three Thunder Orbs rotating madly behind me as it started resonating with each other!

crackle crackle*

As it continued resonating, A floating pinkish small lighting storm started crackling in the area in front of me where The Immortal Twin Ogre struggling to fight with Sable!

Seeing the sudden phenomena, I felt the spell somewhat familiar as it's almost the same as the spell of a video game character I played before!

Recalling the spell effect, I sobered up and hurriedly command Sable to get out from the 100m area around the small crackling pinkish Thunderstorm telepathically!

Sable swiftly flapping his wing and fly out to escape from the seemingly small pinkish Thunderstorm which suddenly expanding its size bigger with an incredible speed!

crackle* crakle*

Bzzzzzt Bzzzt!!

within a moment, the small pinkish storm became huge and enveloped 100m area around the Immortal Twin Ogre! I could see the Light Ogre started to panic after seeing these pinkish storms wreaking havoc around them! 

Even though it's seemingly harmless as it just crackling around without damaging anything but the ominousness from the spell, made his heart restless!

Without further ado, The Twin Immortal Ogre started to escape from the pinkish storm area but after taking a two-step, the storm started to explode violently!




The pinkish shockwave started spreading in all directions as the ground under the explosion started to crack and tremble vigorously! 

The dust flying everywhere while the screeching painful and anger screams of the two Ogres reverberated throughout the surrounding area!

As the dust started to settle down, I could see the Two Ogre Body who was already covered with some burning wounds in here and there! 

Not only that! After I appraised them, I could see their MP reduced significantly in percentage!

As I still became excited from the spell after effect, all of a sudden, for some whatever reasons, the Pinkish Shockwave that spreading everywhere suddenly changed its direction toward my body, it's entered my body and seemingly being absorbed by it! I could feel the Pinkish Wave continuously recovering my MP intensely!

Feeling the magic power entered my body and regenerate my MP at a ridiculous speed, I shouted my real thought inside my head in full excitement!

'T-this is the fucking Inv***oker EM*P skilll!!!!!!'

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