Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 100: The Century Oath's meeting

Chapter 100: The Century Oath's meeting

Deep inside the Arkham's Mountainous Area, inside a gigantic majestic cave, the Ancient Dragon's lair, a group of people from different races grouping and talking to each other as if they have some last long reunion.

Even though it was a cave, but the inside of this cave was unbelievably luxurious. The cave interior was decorated with mysterious carved gold and luxurious gem all around it, giving a touch of glamour and ancient at the same time.

With how enormous the cave was, it couldn't be imagined how many tons of gold were required and poured in order to layer this cave interior into this magnificent and luxurious appearance. Even if someone comparing this Ancient Dragon lair with an Empire Palace, they would surely say that this Dragon Lair was nonetheless losing to the grandeur of the Superpower Empire's Palace and even could exceed it in terms of its luxuriousness.

??? : Amu-ra!!! Let me go!!! This Bitch!!! I want to go to meet my husband!!!

Amu-ra : Zarathos!! Are you losing your mind?! Do you want to create chaos in the mortal world?!! Stay here! This is Gaia's Order!

Zarathos : Noooo!!! I just want to meet Jormunngar! Why I can't see him?! Let me go!!!

Amu-ra : It's not the time yet Sigh, I'll promise to bring him to you later. For now, just calm down first, okay?

Zarathos : Hmph! You better not lie to me! or else... Hmph!

Seeing the two peerless beautiful mature women quarreling in a heated banter, the people who chatting leisurely suddenly became deadly silent.

It couldn't be helped since the one who quarreling was a famous powerhouse mythical figures and the true apex of this world!

One of the women, she had a beautiful peerless enchanting face and gorgeous badahonkers mature body. Her hair was a wavy flaming orange color and had a hint of small sparking flame coming from it from time to time. Brightly golden enchanting eyes and sexy plump red lips decorated her peerlessly beautiful face as it made her beautiful face became incredulously bewitching.

A beautiful white silky thin satin enveloped her mature voluptuous body as a godly fire aura radiated from her seductive temperament wildly! 

Everyone who perceives her, surely would get the impression of the true "Hot" woman from her, be it's hot as a female creature or hot as the temperature. In an essence, she was the true embodiment of heat itself.

Yes! She was the famous Goddess of Fire who devastated the southern continent in heavy drought, covered it in sand and desert!


As for the other woman, she had a peerless elegant womanly face with a beauty mark on her nose. She had elegant long straight black hair that almost touched her ankles as it gave a sense of mysteriousness to everyone who looked at it.

As for her body, she had a slender voluptuous mature body that heavily radiated a mature elegant aura. With a gorgeous black sexy dress that enveloped her gorgeous body as well as the elegant jewelry that decorated it, her elegant bewitching appearance rising to a higher degree to that of devilish beauty which could bring fall to any country!

She was the legendary Ancient Dragon, Zarathos!

Her legend and myth were sung throughout the western continent as the creature that symbolizes calamity and destruction! 

Deify by some and dreaded by others, she herself was the embodiment of a godly monster that could make every High-ranked adventurer who just heard her name, tremble in fear.

Not known by many of them, the monster and calamity creature in the legend turned out to be having a humanize beautiful form of a peerless enchanting woman!

As these two powerhouses stopped quarreling and calming down, the people who held their breath in silence, started to exhale a heavy air in relieves. 

Seeing the two women passed in front of them, they hurriedly bowed their heads toward the two solemnly. A heavy and godly atmosphere enveloped them as the two leisurely walkings.

Zarathos who still in bad mood ignored them and continued walking in annoyance. As for Amu-ra, she just gave them a nod before continued following behind Zarathos to observe and make sure that she not leaving her nest.

Even though the people here could be considered a powerhouse in their respective continents, but they didn't dare to act high and mighty inside this place. They behaved like a mere commoner in front of these two personages who had their name ingrained into the canal of time and world history itself.

Yes, most of the people here are the powerhouse from a Hidden Aristrocats family and Ancient race, like a giant, Elf royalty, and Elder dwarf. Even among them, you could find the famous Grand-Duke [Fafnir Gowells] from the Arshlan dukedom. But in here, his status was considered not that great, he just silently blending with the other Grandmaster and Demigod powerhouses in a humble manner.

Since the Grand-duchess Alucard was absent in this meeting, he couldn't waste this opportunity to widen his connection with other hidden powerhouses for his Lycan Clan.

After shrugging off the powerhouses who bowing at them, Zarathos and Amu-ra heading toward Catherine, Li Gang, and Barbara's trio direction who still chatting leisurely not far from.

Given that Catherine and Li Gang were the two representatives from the Northern and Eastern continent, even Zarathos had to give them a face as their background was that great!

Catherine, the descendant of the Northern Demon-God Lilith, the new Immortal that ascended to godhood after marrying the Asgurd's God Odine, the ruler of the northern continent.

Given that Odine was the one who assists the goddesses to create the Western and Northern continent Power system, his status among the Northern God could easily topple the others.

Not only that, his title as the Father of the Northern God, couldn't be disregard even for the goddess of creation, Gaia itself.

As for Li gang, his background as the youngest son of the Heavenly Immortal Li tian, as well as the most talented disciple of him, made even Zarathos and Amu-ra couldn't ignore him.

Even more, as the Heavenly Immortal Li tian was the founding father of the Cultivation System in the Eastern continent, his name in there was the same as God in the western and Northern Continent. Not only that, his power as the ruler of the eastern continent was already acknowledged by Gaia and Odine themselves. Just by these facts alone, Li gang status sky-rocketed and couldn't be ignored by them.

Zarathos : Barbara, where have you been all this time? Did you do some mischievous things again?

Barbara : Mom it-it's not! I-I just playing and sightseeing around the forest! If you don't believe me, you can ask Catherine!

Zarathos looking suspiciously at Barbara before turning her head at Catherine to confirm Barbara's statement. Catherine who seeing Zarathos asking her confirmation could only nod her head gently to cover the pitiful Loli mischieve that almost wipe out the Arkhaim's town.

She knew, if there's no Alex in there, that town already destroyed to the ground even with the help of the mysterious army from some hidden Gharam Royal's faction held. But since it's well and all, she decided to cover the Loli Barbara for this time.

Maybe Catherine would cover Barbara's mistake, But it didn't mean Li Gang would do it either. Li Gang who saw Barbara drenched in her cold sweat, sneering playfully as he planned to tell the truth of her mischieve behavior

Li Gang : Hmph! You even dare to li- AAArrrrgghhhh!!! Cece!! What are you doing?!!

Before he could finish his words, a slender feminine hand pinched his waist very strongly that even made him screeching in pain! 

Li Gang hurriedly tried to complain but after seeing Catherin gazing at him menacingly, he chose to keep his mouth shut in the end and not pursue Catherine's action further.

Zarathos who looking at their friendly interaction decided to shrug it off before reprimanding the naughty Loli Barbara

Zarathos : Barbara, go back to your room. Stop playing around in the forest and study with the Elder seriously! Look at Catherine and Li gang, they're so young but their power level already at the same level as you!

Barbara : But mom! My raw power is higher than this brat Li Gang!! And stop comparing me with them!

Zarathos : You dare to speak back to me?!! Do you want some beating? Even if your raw power greater than him, you still lose when you sparring with him before! Stop prattling your nonsense and go back to your room!

Looking at her mother's serious and menacing eyes, Barbara decided to hold her anger and running away in annoyance. Before she left, she turned her head at Li Gang and pouting her cheeks cutely as she gazed at him menacingly.

Li Gang who seeing her childish action made a smug face and sneering at her in return. Seeing how these two young-looking people interact, surely common people just thought these two younglings were just ordinary teenagers, the thought about them being an old monster would never cross their mind!

Zarathos who already confirming Barbara truly left and went back to her room decided to talk with Catherine and Li Gang casually. The topic of their conversation was just a casual and light one. She asked about their parents well being and the usual stuff to relaxes the two.

But, contrary to Zarathos's intention, Catherine and Li Gang who speaking with her couldn't focus and relaxes at all since the presence of Amu-ra behind her who always keeping an eye on Zarathos every action, made their heart unsettled and nervous for some reason. These two already know that Amu-ra was one of the goddesses in this Western Continent, so it couldn't be helped if they become nervous and unsettled as her presence was that great.


Clinhing klincing* The chimming bell sfx


Drap drap drap* Multiple Horse step sfx


Grurururu* Moving Carriage sfx

As Zarathos and the others still chatting casually, all of a sudden, the sound of the moving carriage took their attention and made the people inside the Cave became tensed and guarded. 

The appearance of a heavy white mist that suddenly enveloped the surrounding area in front of the Cave entrance at the same time as the carriage sound echoed, made these people rising their guards further.

Amu-ra, who always calmly observed Zarathos, suddenly changed her expression greatly! She abruptly closed her beautiful enchanting eyes for a while and seemingly checking something with her godly sense before opening it once again. 

For some reason, Her expression calmed once again after she confirming something within the mist as she spoke with a hint of a slight animosity in her tone

Amu-ra : Hmph! I thought that Bitch will come in person, it turned out to be one of the Southern Sea Pandekar Association members.

Zarathos, who heard Amu-ra informed that the one who came was someone from the Pandekar association, relieves her guard. but after hearing her annoyed voice, she couldn't be helped to ask her doubt

Zarathos : Amu-ra why did you still have some grudge with the Queen of the Southern sea, isn't that Adam already married to Ethania? I think both of you didn't have any reason to keep those meaningless grudge right?

Amu-ra : Zarathos, mind your own business! Even if the time passed in millennia, I will not forget that bitch, the Nyai Raro Kidul, Dewi Ratna's annoying face in my lifetime!

As Amu-ra finished her words and venting her bitter feeling to Zarathos, the Mist started to disappear as the sound of moving carriage overheard once again. but this time, the carriage was taking off somewhere to leave.

All the powerhouses inside the cave could feel it, that the beautiful gorgeous carriage which was hidden inside the mist dropping a person before its left.

That person was a blind man who had his eyes covered with black clothes and had long black hair. For whatever reason, he had a small exotic monkey hanging his shoulder.

The blind man was wearing obsolete dark green martial artist style clothes as he walking slowly with a seemingly ordinary wooden stick in his hand. He approaching Zarathos and Amu-ra direction slowly as he taking his step in a leisurely manner. if you looking at him closely, the way he taking his step was just like a normal person who could see normally.

Upon arriving in front of Zarathos and Amu-ra, he hid the wooden stick into his sleep mysteriously before greeting Zarathos and Amu-ra with his two palms clasped together as he moving it closer toward his face. The two knew that this was the traditional Southern Continent greeting.

??? : Salam, I greet the two ancient-one~

After he finished greeting them, he moved his greeting toward Li Gang and Catherine direction

??? : Salam to the two descendants of the Ancient-one~

Amu-ra : Did the Queen of the Southern Sea send you here? Smelling at your aura, I knew you're one of the Famous Djinn contractors, the twelve Exalted Pandekar of the Southern Sea, and one of the Pandekar association members. Please state your name, the Exalted-one~

??? : The ancient-one just needs to call this humble one, Buta, this humble one attended the Century Oath's meeting with the order of the association leader, The Queen of the Southern Sea, Nyai Raro Kidul.

Small monkey : kiiii kiiii~

Zarathos who confirming the blind person's identity nodded her head in acknowledgment. Even though she cannot smell the true strength of the blind person in front of her like Amu-ra, but by looking at Catherine and Li-Gang who had a cold sweat on their forehead, she knew that this person had a decent strength to be called upper powerhouses of this world.

Furthermore, after hearing that he was one of the Twelve Exalted Pandekar, it's more convincing her as this blind person wasn't an ordinary person. Twelve Exalted pandekar, they're famous and well-known as a Djinn contractor. 

Even if they're born as mortals, they were a special race that had a unique body constitution. Even though their appearance looked like a human with brown skin, their potential as a race was vastly different from theirs. The harsh environment in the Southern Archipelago tempered them greatly and strengthen them to be on par with the demi-god in their peak.

Furthermore, by having a contract with the Djinn, the Origin Mysterious Dimensional creature who inhabited this world since the beginning, their power could be potentially on par with the god if they continued training their body and mind for millennia.

Some said these twelve Djinns itself was the one who affected these Pandekar who inhabited on the Southern Archipelago to have a terrifying potential. But the truth itself wasn't known, even by Gaia and the other God or mythical personage, as the Djinn was a creature that was born at the same time as this world itself. Gaia and the others often called these creatures the True Ancient

Zarathos : Since the representative of each continent already arrived, I think it's time to start the meeting. Amu-ra, what do you think?

Amu-ra : Considering this time we will discuss the Great War Ragnaroc, I think it'll be wise if we include all the Hidden Aristocrats as well as the Ancient race representative to join this meeting.

Zarathos nodded her head in silent agreement before walking in front of the people who already grouping together. They already heard that this time meeting was not the same as the last one. So their attitude became somewhat tense and made them observed the true powerhouse action all the time carefully.

Zarathos : Since thou already heard about the rumor of The Great War, thou surely comprehend the seriousness of this meeting.

I, the Ancient Dragon Zarathos, will formally start the Century Oath's meeting to officially started.

With the loud shout of Zarathos, The inside of the cave was suddenly covered by the black veil-like thing before cutting the space inside it from the part of the world space!

With this, the Century Oath's meeting officially started. As what was discussed inside it, only these powerhouses who attended the meeting would know.




The End of Vol. 1

Author note : After the end of Volume one there is some of interlude of the side character. if you guys want to skip it just skip the one with the (Interlude) in the chapter title. Some of the side stories (SS) chapter contain about the information and progress that will not written in the main stories progress. this side story is quite affected the main story information in vol. 2, so I suggest you guys not skip it to avoid some confusion and missinformation later. And, the R-18 or NSFW will mark as the usual. ( )

Thank you for the people who still support this first novel of mine, I really appreciate you guys. for the one who sends a Gifts, I don't know what to say... but I'm really thankful from deep inside my heart. sorry that I can write your name one by one here. but I just want you guys to know, that I really thankful. and of course for the reader too. thanks to support me for this day.

I hope you guys can have a smooth journey to whatever dream you guys chasing right now. If you guys feel tired and worn out, just hang in there and believe yourself more. at the end of the day, we just living in this world once. I hope you guys grit your teeth to whatever you're working on right now and stay strong! :D

May the fortune blessed you all~

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