Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 51: Group Announcement

Book 6: Chapter 51: Group Announcement

Natures Beauty, that worthless skill. Satou Kazuma found it in his list of learnable skills. It cost a whopping five skill points and was nothing more than a party trick. What a waste.

As for explosion magic, it was utterly feeble without heavy investment.

Ah! Well, you dont have to help me find skills with powerful offense. I am not lacking in powerful moves. Take the explosion magic, for example. I am only an adventurer and do not have that many skill points. Chen Heng saw Megumin was about to talk up explosion magic, so he quickly elaborated on his request.

What? Do you look down on explosion magic? Let me tell you this: explosion magic is extremely powerful! Explosion magic is the magic with the strongest offensive power in this world! Megumin did not want to hear what Chen Heng said. She was a devoted fan of explosion magic, a magical genius born for explosion magic.

I can pull a meteor from the sky and, if necessary, even the moon. Trust me. Ive got firepower covered. After pausing to choose his words, Chen Heng explained to Megumin in the simplest terms why he didnt want to learn explosion magic.

Megumin fell silent.

A thought suddenly occurred to Aqua, who quickly went over to Chen Heng. Then, Mister Chen Heng, can you pull down the moon on the Devil King?

Aqua could not be certain whether Chen Heng could pull the moon down, but just from his black hole alone, he could take down the Devil Kings castle.

Although the Devil Kings castle had the Devil Kings generals maintaining a barrier, there was only so much that barrier could take.

Once the Devil King died, Aqua would have finished her mission and could return to Heaven and continue being a goddess in peace.

This time, Chen Heng fell silent. Then he looked at Satou Kazuma.

Sorry for the trouble, Big Brother, Satou Kazuma said, apprehending the situation. He then hooked Aquas neck with his forearm and dragged her into a nearby alley.


Five minutes later

Big Brother, dont think about anything else. Learn the Life Drain skill first.


This time, Satou Kazuma used Aqua and Megumin as tools.

Aqua was the source, and Megumin received the mana and stamina.

Aqua, being a goddess, had high stamina and mana, so draining her would be no problem at all. Furthermore, this would help Megumin replenish mana.

This isthis is too much! To think you treated me like this After Satou Kazuma finished executing the skill, Aqua sat on the ground, weeping as if greatly wronged.

Ill pay for tonights dinner.

Sure, Im looking forward to it. The mention of dinner instantly lifted Aquas spirits. She stood up quickly, already plotting how to make Kazuma pay.

In the end, Chen Heng learned the following skills:

Steal (Higher Luck increases success rate)

Drain Touch: Absorb an enemys stamina and mana, transferring it to others or oneself.

Enemy Detection: Sense the approach of hostile entities (to detect foes even after exhausting his abilities).

Snipe (Enhanced when used with Chen Hengs Electromagnetic Star Sniper Rifle +5.)

Flee: Special evasion boost for fleeing (sometimes, its wise to be cautious).

Magic Item Crafting and Forging: Create various items (especially effective with smithing).

Chen Heng only had that many skill points at level 3. Even though he only learned some foundational skills, he had already spent all his skill points.

While other adventurers might scoff at his choices, Chen Heng considered these basic skills the most valuable.

Alright, it seems weve accomplished our goals. I should be on my way, Chen Heng said contentedly, eyeing the information on his Adventurer Card.

Chen Hengs trip had been fruitful. He had acquired Coronatite, learned some intriguing skills, and had his travel expenses covered by Satou Kazuma.

Satou Kazuma had also benefited plenty. He had resolved the crisis of the mobile fortress and brought a formidable ally, the One-Punch Bear, into the fold, as well as eliminated the awkward situation of having a Pok Ball with no available pet.

However, the most significant gain was starting a new trade. This was the most important, as this was sustainable.

In any case, based on Satou Kazumas understanding of the members, many had much to deal with in their worlds, so they might come more than once.

If these members chose to purchase the service to alter the flow of time compared to their world, so that not much time would pass in their world while they were here, it would be more expensive than visiting frequently (that service was quite pricey).

Big Brother, are you leaving? How about staying for dinner? Chen Heng had done Satou Kazuma a great favor, so Satou Kazuma wanted to extend his gratitude.

Theres no need for this. I still have something to handle back home. Chen Heng was in a rush to test his new skills.

Alright, Big Brother, farewell. Oh, by the way, dont forget that thing about the announcement. Satou Kazuma was still thinking about the announcement.

Ermhow about this? Ill post the announcement before I leave. That way, you wont worry.

You dont have to go through all that trouble, Big Brother. You can go back and take your time to think about it.

Theres no need. Keep your eyes on the Dimension Administrators Association. Im about to post the announcement.

At this moment, in the Dimension Administrators Associations interface.

Ding! Announcement!

Satou Kazuma (Kazuma the Brute) has opened his world for commercial use. Members can exchange 100 points with Satou Kazuma for the opportunity to enter Satou Kazumas world and access a comprehensive class system (travel expenses not covered).

Satou Kazumas world boasts a comprehensive class system with a wide variety of classes (some rare classes require certain qualifications). This can help newcomers quickly develop self-defense abilities in the early stages, when their abilities have not yet developed or if they possess auxiliary skills.

Additionally, Satou Kazuma offers power-leveling services to help newcomers get up to speed quickly.

However, entrants must sign a contract.

First, they are not allowed to engage in large-scale harmful activities in this world.

Second, they cannot cause significant changes to the people or events in this world.

(More to be determined)

Those who do not adhere to the rules will be sent back to their original world.

If interested, please contact Satou Kazuma (Kazuma the Brute).

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